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Singapore Bottle Tree Park


It was a sunny day…..good weather great mood….hubby is celebrating my birthday with a visit to this park that we have never been to…..the Bottle Tree Park. Singapore is a cosmopolitan city. But, we have a rural side too. It always excites us to be able to escape city life even for just a day!!

Bottle Tree Park & Village was established in 2004 by a group of nature enthusiast. The park is so named for the 6 Bottle Trees that grew on its ground.

If you are getting puzzled on this ‘bottle’ tree thingy… on….

After driving along a quiet lovely road,

we finally came to the first park; the Bottle Tree Village.

Here is how a Bottle tree looks

Well, we are not going to dwell too much on the bio of the bottle tree (if you are a plant enthusiast, just googled for more info). In a nutshell, the Bottle tree (or Brachychiton Rupestris) is a native of Queensland, Australia renowned for its unique swollen trunk. It is a hardy plant that can withstand temperature from - 10 to 50 Degree Celsius. And, it cost the owners of Bottle Tree Park S$100,000 to bring 6 of these trees into Singapore.

This is the smaller of the 2 parks, with just a tiny pond and a seafood restaurant.

But the lack of facilities also makes it a nice place to escape the hustle of city life and enjoy seafood by the sea with your family and friends. A good hideaway.

From here, we took another short drive to the larger park, the Bottle Tree Park.

It has a garden grown with Bottle trees (of course) and some other sculptures. Nice place to sit around to read, picnic or simply laze around.

Enough of lazing around, you have the choice of going for a fish spa (soaking your legs in a hot bath tub filled with tiny fishes that will eat off those dead skin cells on our tired legs) or try your hand at prawn fishing!

Pond next to the prawn farm....for viewing.....not fishing

After all the activities, time for food. While the choice is not unlimited, there is a good mix of seafood, Japanese cuisine, barbeque food and a beer garden.

So, kick back and relax!

This post first appeared on Carefree And Off-the-beaten Tracks Travels Around The World, please read the originial post: here

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Singapore Bottle Tree Park
