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Wellness Trips To Help Beat Addiction

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

We are all too aware of the struggles you’re facing when battling to beat addiction. No matter the types of addiction you’re currently suffering, whether it be drug addiction, alcohol, or even gambling, the negative consequences of addiction-related behaviours can rapidly spiral out of control.

Although you may be in suffering currently, you first need to realise that seeking help to resolve your issues is the best thing you can do.

There are many professionals you can choose from to help you resolve your addiction problems, however, if you’re keen to venture further afield to conquer your demons, then a rehabilitation retreat may be the perfect option for you.

In this article, we’re going to cover the best countries around the globe that offer awesome luxury rehabilitation centers (see it here) to help you get back on the road to recovery.

Popular Rehab Destinations

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

When it comes to choosing a luxury rehab resort, you’ll most definitely be spoilt for choice. Many countries across the globe offer an amazing array of different luxury rehabilitation centres, all with different aspects that enable you to successfully recover from your addictive behaviours.

The U.S.

The U.S. is undoubtedly one of the best places to travel if you’re looking for a luxury addiction rehabilitation centre. If you are privileged enough to already reside in this beautiful country, then this will make your decision when choosing a destination even earlier. The standards of practice in terms of psychiatric help in America are easily some of the best in the world, with recovery rates consistently improving in spite of the rise in addiction-related disorders.

Some of the best luxury rehabs for people suffering from alcohol and drug-related addiction are based in states such as California, Texas, Arizona, Florida, and New Jersey.

The U.K.

The United Kingdom is also very well known for its high recovery rates from addiction-related diseases. With some of the best psychiatric practitioners in the world, it was recorded that over 121,000 people successfully completed their addiction recovery plan between 2017-2018.

Not only are the success rates of recovery exceedingly high for sufferers of addiction in the U.K., but the country also hosts a great deal of awesome luxury rehab centres across the nation.

Rural regions such as Surrey, coastal areas including Southampton, and even in the highlands of Scotland, all boast amazing long-term luxury rehabilitation centres that can effectively facilitate your recovery. You can be sure that the best practitioners will be on hand to get you on that all-important road to recovery.


Switzerland is famed for its unique approach to treating addiction. It’s safe to say that the country is one of the best places if you’re looking for a luxury drug addiction rehab retreat.

Both the bigger cities and rural areas have a range of beautiful luxury rehabilitation centres to choose from, situated with the awe-inspiring scenery the country has to offer. All of the retreats available in this country will provide you with the necessary resources to help you rebuild your inner confidence and overcome your addiction problems.

Facilities Offered By Luxury Rehabs

Photo by Jesse Schoff on Unsplash

Whatever your choice of the luxury rehab you’d like to attend, all of them will offer a huge range of facilities, all of which are specifically designed to help you at all stages of recovery.

As well as having the top practitioners and addiction specialists on hand to guide you through the rehabilitation process, many high-end rehab centres offer facilities such as swimming pools, spas where patients can receive massage and acupuncture treatments, saunas, and have access to gyms. All of these facilities are used to induce a state of calm and relaxation amongst the guests, which is the ideal state for anyone looking to overcome a prolonged addiction problem.

The combination of therapy sessions conducted by expertly trained professionals and a serene environment created through the implementation of luxury facilities will help to significantly increase the success of your recovery.

As well as having a wide variety of facilities, many centres offer extracurricular activities such as hikes and beach trips, mindfulness training, yoga, and even equine therapy where patients can interact with horses as part of their recovery protocol.

The Pros & Cons Of Wellness Trips

One of the main pros associated with deciding to participate in a luxury rehabilitation program is the aforementioned facilities on offer. Not only will you have access to awesome teams of specialist practitioners, but the rehab’s facilities will also help you to attain a higher level of mental clarity outside of therapy sessions – something which would be more difficult to attain if you were just seeking help from an independent professional psychiatric clinic.

Another benefit associated with luxury rehabilitation centres is the patient-to-practitioner ratio. High-end rehab centres tend to have a much better ratio of psychiatrists to patients, which helps to provide patients with much more consistent and focussed recovery sessions. It could be argued that an improved ratio of practitioners to patients will correlate with a significant increase in recovery times for patients, as the rehab’s psychiatrists will have the freedom to spend much more time conducting in-depth therapy sessions with clients.

Luxury rehabs will also aim to allow clients who are recovering from addiction to come together, offering an internal support group. This strategy can also help to dramatically improve the success rates with regards to recovery, as patients will be able to hold each other accountable for their progress, as well as the rehab’s practitioners, during each stage of their recovery.

The one main downfall associated with luxury rehabilitation resorts is the inevitable costs of treatment. There’s no brushing over this point, as the starting price from many luxury rehab centres can be thousands of dollars for just a few days – this will obviously be multiplied for clients who wish to participate in month-long addiction recovery protocols. However, although the costs of treatment in luxury rehab clinics may be substantial, it should be perceived as an investment in your future, and in your life. The costs can be off-putting, but rewards you’ll receive from a successful treatment plan will be unmatched with any other method of addiction treatment.

Time Well Spent

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

We wholeheartedly believe that if you have the budget available, opting for treatment in a luxury rehab would be the best option available to you if you want to successfully reach that all-important state of sobriety within quick succession.

Before deciding on the rehabilitation retreat that’s right for you, book an initial consultation with the practice’s team who will be able to give you a complete run through of the services and facilities they offer their patients. This will also help to create a rapport with your potential practitioners, giving you a feel of what treatment would be like prior to signing up for a full term.

We sincerely hope this post has given you some ideas on what it would be like to seek help for your addiction problems through a luxury retreat. If you have any questions about how addiction therapy could potentially help you, then leave us a comment below or send us a private message.

We’ll look forward to speaking with you!

About the Author

John Adkins is a professional writer and volunteer who deals with issues of mental health, addiction, and life in recovery. Also, he works with a foundation that helps drug addicts, so he has a clear insight into their problems. John is currently a writer for Addiction Resource.

The post Wellness Trips To Help Beat Addiction appeared first on Travel Experta - Specializing in Family Travel.

This post first appeared on Family Travel Expert For International TravelTra, please read the originial post: here

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Wellness Trips To Help Beat Addiction


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