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Stay Connected: A Complete Guide to Conference Event Apps

Conference event apps are a must for any conference in today’s world. Adding conference event apps to your next event will create accessibility with content, notifications, feedback, and everything else you will need to communicate with your attendees. A great app will also allow you to track your ROI and monetize sponsors.

Conference event apps are no longer a nice addition to your event, they are expected. Times have changed and paper guides are a thing of the past. What does everyone always have on them nowadays? If you answered a cell phone then you are correct.  According to Pewresearch, “About three-quarters of U.S. adults (77%) say they own a smartphone, up from 35% in 2011, making the smartphone one of the most quickly adopted consumer technologies in recent history.We see that percentage skyrocket when looking at millennials. 97% of millennials own a smartphone leverage this to your benefit by creating a conference event app. Allowing your audience to deepen their engagement using the technology they have on them brings nothing but positive reactions from your audience.

But how do you incorporate a conference event app? What are the best apps on the market? Well, I am answering those questions and more for you today. All twelve of the conference events apps that I will share with you today solve problems that most attendees and event planners run into while attending and creating events. Plus, they’re easy to use for both you and your attendees.  Let’s jump in.

Create Your Own Event App

Let’s begin with the option of taking your event to the next level by creating your own event app. Only spectacular outcomes can come from taking the time to select unique features that will cater to your event and allow for nearly complete personalization.

Where to Begin

Creating your own event app should begin with you researching event app developers that will best suit your business.  Ask your network and other professionals that have created conference event apps to see what has worked and what hasn’t been received well. The next step would be to brainstorm what the purpose is for your event. What results are you expecting to analyze from your event? Are there any changes you want to make based on the outcome of past events? Who is your target audience and will you include live streaming? How can you leverage your app to include sponsors? Once you understand your needs you have the foundation set. Then it’s time to find a developer that allows you to make an event app to call your own.

What Comes With Creating Your Own Event App?

To start, there are many different levels to creating your own event app. It really depends on what your purpose is for the event and what you want out of it. With creating your own conference event app you can simply use the app for your benefit, to track attendees and receive feedback, or you can include tools, interactive maps, guided tours and much more, that will benefit the attendees and their experience. Most basic level event apps include a session list, an interactive map, and a directory of exhibits. On top of those basics, the most common tools to include would be a speaker list with bios, geo-alerts, guided tours, brochures, and media resources.

It’s important to note you can create your event app two ways, a full customer event app that you create with a developer or a white label (template based) event app. There are pros and cons to both so before deciding which is right for your event lets define them below.

Custom Designed Conference Event Apps

These are fully customized event apps that you create with a developer. You get a say in the design, interface and so much more. This sounds amazing, right? It is, but it comes with an often hefty price tag. If budget is a concern for your conference event app this route may not be your best bet. It also takes a lot of time and effort to develop, so if you are looking for a quick fix we suggest alternatives.

Templated White Label Event Apps

White label event apps are template based apps you can purchase for your event. You can add your own custom branding and content but they are not very customizable or unique. They are used by several companies and are easily accessible, more affordable, and tend to have fewer bugs and glitches.

*Did you know that there is no expiration date when you create an event app?

When you invest in creating your own event app, it will result in you producing even better events in the future because of the analytical feedback the app tracks for you. Event apps do not disappear so you can go back and change event layouts, access polling responses, and overall adjust your event and the app to keep the attendees coming back year after year. You can also use the apps to stay connected to your audience and market to them for the next event. Need more info? Check out watch our episode of #EventIcons on how to engage attendees with audio tours and more here! 

Tech Companies – To Create Your Own Event App

All three of these event technology companies have a variety of levels and tools that will assist you and your attendees and they all have a range of companies that stand behind each product. Most of all, they will allow customization for your next conference.


Creates engaging apps and has been used by thousands of companies: Bank of America, Sprint, and Intel just to name a few. CrowdCompass has a variety of features to keep your attendees engaged and informed. Their app includes tools that measure attendee engagement in real time,  are set to build revenue and highlight sponsors, and most importantly, tools that keep your attendees informed during the event. Overall, CrowdCompass has a variety of options to customize the tools so that the app suits your event and your brand.


Established in Germany, this event technology company serves clients around the world. LineUPR creates affordable apps for a wide range of events. The basic event with 50 or fewer attendees is FREE, which comes with a profile, schedule, speakers, and location. LineUPR has set steps to achieve the app you are looking for by providing a variety of templates to choose from. You can customize the brand of your app to have multiple contributors who can add locations, speakers, schedules, posts, and surveys.


Is an affordable event technology company that creates user-friendly apps in a snap. Companies such as Google, Verison, Valspar, and Uncubed have used Yapp to create their unique event apps. Yapp is like many other event technology companies with what it provides. Yapp allows you to track data, import content, showcase speakers, link social media outlets and gives you feedback from your attendees.  

The Benefits of Conference Event Apps

A More Personalized Experience

Conference event apps can solve the common problems that many attendees run into at large events. According to another important fact to consider is that “More than half of smartphone owners say they get news alerts on their phones” which is largely due to notifications from apps downloaded on their smart device, so why wouldn’t you include apps at your events? Event apps give the attendee a personalized experience by allowing the attendee to take notes and mark which sessions and exhibits they want to see. It also provides quick and easy access to maps, important information, and frequently asked questions.

Track Users

Event apps give you the ability to track the users to see what they like and dislike so you can continually improve your event products and cater to the needs of your attendees. Most event apps track attendees by GPS, badges, or the most frequently used low-energy Bluetooth device.  

Provides Instant Feedback

Conference event apps provide instant analytic feedback. Most conference event apps track which booths the attendees favored, how long they listened to the audio tours at each exhibit, and overall what topics or things interest them the most.  You can also set up polling to get the specific feedback you want from your attendees. The feedback you receive using an event app is better than the unstable outcome of paper questionnaires; it’s scientific feedback, rather than you manually calculating each response.

Push Notifications

Including event apps at your next conference gives you the ability to send push notifications if the schedule changes or in case of an emergency. With push notifications can set geo alerts to alert your attendees of important reminders based on their location. You can also implement AR ability so that attendees can try out new products. Your contributors can publish audio tours to impress the attendees by filling them with information at each exhibit and e-brochures that the attendee can view before, during, and after the event. Last but not least, you can upload media resources that answer frequently asked questions and link directly to the vendors and speakers at your event. While no one likes to talk about emergencies, an event app can play a crucial part in your emergency plan should disaster strike allowing you to immediately notify and direct attendees to safety.

Boost Revenue

Conference event apps make navigating the event easier on multiple levels. Event apps are especially beneficial for allowing your attendees to purchase items easily right from their smart device and for you to showcase unique event items right at their fingertips.

Monetize Sponsors

It’s important to take time to recognize the sponsors that helped you put on the event. You can do this by adding a section of your event app that is dedicated to your sponsors. By taking time to thank them, you are giving your sponsors a unique platform and driving leads with just a click of a button. Make sure you take time to talk to your app developer on how to create ads that highlight your sponsors and allows your sponsors to track data and leads from the event.

Instantly Connected

Paper brochures, maps, and schedules are difficult to keep track of and hard to map out. I remember losing brochures and having to sit down and figure out the event layout, circling which booths I wanted to see. Conference event apps give your attendees access to important information instantly. From checking breakout session schedules to purchasing products, to finding the exact booth they want to see, it’s all in at their fingertips. Millennials are used to instant gratification and quick communication. Event apps benefit your company by staying connected to what your attendees want which is less paper and easy access. Because more and more events are going paperless, it gives event planners the opportunity to add audio tours, media resources and step-by-step directions on how to get around by using interactive maps. With those additions, you can add leverage to your event for a better overall event experience.


The obvious benefit of going paperless is that it saves you money! But, going paperless also helps the environment and creates the ability for you to have a more sustainable event. According to “the typical conference waste attendee produces 1.89 KG of waste per day, 1.16 KG of that will go directly to a landfill. When you calculate that number for 1000 attendees over 3 days you get 5670 KG of waste, the equivalent of 4 compact cars.”

How to Choose the Right Event App

Google search would be the first step in choosing the right event app so that you can see the ratings of different technology event companies and learn what most are offering. It’s also important to ask other businesses what they have used and if they saw benefits from adding certain apps to their events. Networking with other professionals is important in order to see what worked and what didn’t work. Make sure to ask questions to find which app will work best for your event, whether that be creating one of your own or using the ones below.

Our Favorite Conference Event Apps and Resources

Below are 9 event apps designed to get you through the entire event process. From the planning to the actual event and beyond we have you covered.

Apps for Organizing Your Event

Organize your event by having all of your contributors and ideas all in one place. Using an event app allows you to be paperless and avoid the ever dreadful pile of ideas that are stacked on your desk. Everyone can instantly update making everyone’s information and ideas accessible to all involved in planning. You can schedule meetings and take notes all within the app.  


Plan, market, and campaign using the Asana event app. This app allows you set a timeline and watch as contributors meet set deadlines for your event. Asasa is a perfect app for event planning because it helps to organize and keep track of the progress throughout every stage of your event.


It’s no secret we love the team at Bizzabo but with good reason! This event software has been People’s Choice for the last three years. Bizzabo has everything you need all in one place for your event. From registration to networking to sharing content. It starts with customizing your brand to appeal to your attendees. Next, the Bizzabo event cloud is easily accessible for registration and emailing your attendees. Once your event begins, Bizzabo gives your attendees everything they need right at their fingertips to keep them constantly connected. Ultimately, Bizzabo provides you with feedback and results to better your event.


This app is a tool that helps you organize your ideas and notes so that you have everything you need for your event all in one place. Evernote is not an app to use for the event, but rather before the event. Evernote is used to suggest scheduling ideas, speakers’ agendas, and to brainstorm the layout of the event. Overall, Evernote is for those who need that extra layer to stay organized.

Apps to Enhance Audience Engagement

Event planners always work hard to find ways to keep the attendees engaged and including event apps enhance engagement and create long-lasting customers. Click here to find more ways to maintain audience engagement.


Is an event app that will meet all of your needs and will satisfy your attendees. It is customizable and provides instant updates to keep your attendees in the know. Two of the fantastic things about this app is that it can hold different apps inside of the app which allows you to connect to social media and share content.  The second fantastic thing is that Eventscribe is multilingual, which is very important. Having an app that can be multilingual gives you a larger customer base and will attract more attendees. It also has a newsfeed, messaging, push notifications, and will run ads for your sponsors. Eventscribe has everything you need to keep your attendees engaged, connected, and happy.


This event app has a variety of ways to share your content while also tracking feedback. You can incorporate slides, post questions, add polls, and include Q&As to keep the attendees engaged throughout your event. Glisser gives attendees the ability to share event ideas through social media apps, which means attendees have the capability to share and save ideas with people who are not at the event. All in all, Glisser makes the event content easily shareable and saves you time on promoting your event.

This event app gives the presenter freedom to switch between different apps, like Prezi and Keynote, for their slide presentations. is very simple to access for attendees. Attendees are asked to enter an event code which then takes them to a news feed for the event. The presenter is also able to post questions for live audience polling and incorporate live video streaming. Using increases audience engagement and keeps attendees connected during your event.

Apps to Share Content

Live-streaming is necessary at many events and expected at most because it allows you to share your content everywhere. If the conference event apps you’ve picked for your event do not have live-streaming capabilities, then here are a few that will allow you to share your content in real time. Always talk to your AV company when live-streaming they will know the best platform for you to use for the exact needs of your event. 


Is a live streaming app that allows you to select your privacy level to meet the standards of your event. Crowdcast has the analytic capability with live polling and Q & A sessions and is connected to a wide range of business app to share content.


Periscope is a live streaming app that was created by Twitter to connect viewers. It is probably the most frequently used app for live streaming because it’s free. It’s important to remember that when using something for free, expect possible glitches and lower quality. Periscope would be a great app to use if you are wanting to live stream your event but have a lower budget to stick to.


Ustream is managed by IBM cloud which allows you to connect with people across the globe for live streaming or on-demand viewing. A bonus for using Ustream is that there are APIs available to customize the streaming. The viewing is secure and can be restricted to only those you want by having your attendees register for the viewing. You can also have your viewers subscribe or pay before viewing.

The Results of Using Conference Event Apps

Including conference event apps at your next event is the way to go if you want your attendees coming back year after year. Keep your attendees connected by creating instant accessibility with content, notifications, updates. Give your attendees the ability to personalize their experience and stay engaged throughout your entire event. For you, including event apps will give you the ability to stay in constant contact with your attendees, it’ll boost revenue, increase ROI,  and not to mention it’s green and sustainable. What else are you waiting for? Which event apps do you plan on using at your next event? Comment below and let us know!

This post first appeared on Event Trend: Unique Outdoor Venues, please read the originial post: here

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Stay Connected: A Complete Guide to Conference Event Apps


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