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Best things one can do in Beruwala, Sri Lanka – Attractions of a Coastal Town

Best Things One Can Do In Beruwala, Sri Lanka – Attractions Of A Coastal Town

The city-name Beruwala is taken from Sinhala for the place the sail has lowered. It is the first Muslim settlement of Sri Lanka and an emerging tourist destination with many Sri Lanka beach resorts the likes of The Eden Resort & Spa offering accommodation and other recreational activities for tourists from near and far.

Walk along Moragalla Beach

With a lovely, clean stretch of sand, Moragalla Beach is perfect for an evening stroll with your loved ones amid the golden haze at sunset.

Visit Lunuganga

Home of renowned architect Geoffrey Bawa, Lunuganga Estate, can be accessed within two hours from Bandaranaike International Airport. It has been the experimental laboratory of Bawa until his demise in 2003.

Take a Boat Ride to Barberyn Island

Located approximately half a mile off the coast from Beruwala Beach, the Barberyn Island is a paradise of its own with thick tropical foliage, swaying palm trees that contrast with the bright blue sea. The beautiful Barberyn lighthouse contributes to the picture-postcard appearance of the island.

Explore ‘Pathe’ Gem Market

A popular street in Beruwala China Fort, ‘Pathe’ Gem Market, is where merchants from all over Sri Lanka gather to trade their gems. Even international buyers are welcomed here where they can buy exquisite stones such as sapphires, emeralds, and Burmese rubies.

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Best things one can do in Beruwala, Sri Lanka – Attractions of a Coastal Town
