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Unforgettable Things to Do in Sri Lanka

Unforgettable Things To Do In Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has it all, from gorgeous beaches to lush green mountains. In order to get a grasp of what Sri Lanka really is, you need to visit most corners of the island.

From Kandy to Ella | Image by Cédric Z via flickr

The beautiful tea plantations

Tea is one of the main exports of Sri Lanka, and your trip to the island is thoroughly incomplete without having a warm cup of freshly brewed tea overlooking the tea plantations in the central highlands. Nuwaraeliya is the most popular town located in the hills, with Ella following closely behind. Don’t forget to tour a tea factory to understand how the tea industry works, from scratch!

National Parks

Sri Lanka is home to many national parks and the wildlife within these parks is truly unmatched. Yala National Park is a common favourite, and you’re likely to spot a leopard or two here, along with monkeys, crocodiles, elephants, water buffaloes and much more.

The stunning beaches

As Sri Lanka is an island nation, it’s gifted with the most breathtaking coastlines. During your stay at Amagi beach or any one of the other Marawila hotels, you can spend hours on the beach! Other common beach towns are Hiriketiya, Weligama, Beruwala, Galle, Trincomalee and Arugam Bay.

The vast history

The cultural triangle of Sri Lanka, which consists of cities Anuradhapura, Dambulla, and Polonnaruwa is a must-visit to learn all about Sri Lankan history. With ancient ruins and many other historic sites, it will take you way back in time. You can get from one city to another via bus or taxi.

This post first appeared on The Luxury Travel Channel, please read the originial post: here

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Unforgettable Things to Do in Sri Lanka
