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Ecommerce Product Photography Guidelines to Multiply Conversions and Sales


Any product when photographed just looks incredible. But when it comes to e-commerce product photography, snapping deftly not only portrays it mind-blowing but also drives conversions and scales up sales. The description of a product isn’t sufficient to catch the attention of buyers as it doesn’t provide a holistic idea of a product. A visitor is likely to pique interest if a product photo is displayed along with its description. An exquisite product photo besides enticing the buyers will also prompt him to take action.

When contrasted with a brick-and-mortar store, an e-commerce store creates a completely different type of customer experience. In a physical store, customers have the luxury to visit the store physically and have tactile experience before deciding to snap up a product. But a virtual store, however, doesn’t offer that vibe of touching a product which necessitates any alternative way for the clients to form an opinion about a product. This is where product photography comes into play as it lets visitors spot different facets of a product including formation, shape, design, and grandeur.

But a common pitfall that shows up in many of the e-commerce stores is deploying shoddy product photos. Due to this blunder, they not only fail to enthrall shoppers but also their investment pan out as tremendous loss. If you are an e-commerce store owner, you have to highly focus on the product images that you leverage for your business. Don’t forget that product photos are the only way that allows customers to pick up what they are actually receiving. So, don’t compromise on using first-rate product photography for your online store.

How important is Product Photography in Ecommerce?

In online business, product photography carries a lot of weight. Ecommerce product photography is not just about taking a picture of a product and posting them in the marketplace or online store.  It requires an organized plan to shoot the products that you intend to sell. Right from choosing the camera, lens, and props to picking the location, views, and angles, all require in-depth reflection. Even the skill and experience of the product photographer are also pivotal; how he maneuvers the camera, how he alters his position and other stuff.

Selling virtually is different from selling in brick and mortar stores as their shoppers can touch, feel, and get a 360-degree view of any product they wish to snap up. In online, In fact, 93% of consumers said that images are essential in their purchasing decisions. That’s not the only reason they’re so important though.

Impact of Photo Editing in E-commerce Product Photography:

Product photography or any type of photography is a human handiwork. However much an e-commerce product photographer is well-versed and circumspect in his work, he is bound to err, more or less due to technical or non-technical issues. That doesn’t mean that his work should go in vain. On top of that, e-commerce product photography requires some extra bit of spice to beguile customers as it doesn’t provide the tactile sensation.

This is where product photo editing comes into play. If the product imagery comes out shoddy due to issues pertaining to exposure, color, blurriness, or anything else, the images can be retouched with various image retouching techniques. When it comes to adding an extra bit of appeal in product photography, different types of shadows can be added below the products, 360° views can be generated, or various other modifications can be applied depending on the requirements of each product. However, it’s very pivotal that e-commerce product photography retouching to be performed by professional and deft photo enhancers.

We have assembled some handy tips on deploying product photography for your virtual store. As per our analysis, these are some of the best practices that you can utilize in your business even though your products can be unique. So, gear up to boost your product photography knowledge for your e-commerce store!

Make Use of Peachy Product Images:

E-commerce brands shouldn’t cheap out when it comes to leveraging product images. Top-notch images in online stores are so pivotal that without them, customers don’t get compelled toward the stores. So, you shouldn’t compromise on the quality of product images and deploy enthralling product photos for your online store. Hire a professional shutterbug, either an in the house or a freelancer and get cracking product photography. If you have a knack in product photography, you can do the job yourself taking advantage of essential photography gear.

Put forth a Consistent Product Line:

Consistency in product photography is key to succeeding in the e-commerce business. In order to display your products, you have to choose a default photo angle that you will use to display all your products in the product catalog. Customers fancy when they see identical angles in all the product photos as they can contrast products easily and smoothly. On top of that, maintaining consistency in product photos reflect in-depth understanding and professionalism of a particular online store owner as well.

Showcase Multiple Views:

Even though you should choose a default product photo angle to display products, don’t hold back to exhibit multiple views of your products. As you know, in a physical store, customers have the comfort to touch a product, feel it, turn it around, and view multiple aspects of the product. This enables them to make a confident purchasing decision. Unlike brick-and-mortar stores, you don’t have the luxury to touch, feel, and turn it around your preferred products in click-and-mortar stores. This makes it necessary that you enable customers to view product photos from different angles. This will also answer many of their questions besides boosting their confidence to buy products.

Don’t Hesitate to Show Products in Use:

Having an e-commerce photography studio provides an extra edge. What can be more confidence-booster for customers to buy other than viewing products in use? Shoppers before snapping up products visualize products on how they will suit them or enrich their lives. So, why shouldn’t you fulfill their desire? This will also scale up your sales. No matter whatever products you sell, you should display them to create emotional attachments in clients with your products. There are many online stores which are showcasing products giving a real-life vibe to their clients. Think about IKEA which promotes their furniture showing in use in a fully furnished room and attracts plenty of shoppers to their websites. Furniture is showcased in the middle of the store with armchairs, sofas, and beds side-by-side creating a real atmosphere.

Take Advantage of Props:

Take advantage of props

Shooting products in front of a white background is simple and smooth but when you have a context in your product photoshoot, it makes more sense. It provides customers better perception of products. When it comes to props, it can be anything that touches, holds, or even stays closer to the subject and adds to the story and dimension of the image. Say, for example, you want to shoot a laptop and surely shooting the laptop without placing any other object beside it will portray the shot unflatteringly. But if you keep a pen, flower vase, or a cell phone beside it, the shot will appear to be enchanting and add a story to the shot. Viewers will be lured to the products as well. A flashback to 2008, Steve Jobs launched Macbook Air unwinding the red string of a manila envelope and pulling it out from it. The envelope implied the thin size of the laptop.

Make use of a Variety of Product Photography Equipment

Make use of a variety of product photography equipment

The number of product photography gadgets is many. Some like camera, lens, lights, etc. are essential while some others like a tripod, light meter, diffuser, reflector, etc. are optional. But even these additional tools help out in executing classic product photography. So, don’t miss out on the opportunity. Additionally, take advantage of e-commerce product photography studio to capture products exquisitely. There is no alternative to innovation these days for e-commerce product photography due to the rising competition. So, why not take make use of 360° equipment?  The versatility of 360-degree equipment makes it suitable for photographing almost any product in an e-commerce photography studio.

Enable the Buyers a way to zoom in any part of the product:

When you are selling products online, you must add an image zoom-in feature otherwise you will lag behind than your competitors in terms of sale. Customers while buying online always mouse over to blow up their preferred products to spot the details. If they fail to zoom in a particular product, they get displeased with the e-commerce store and don’t revisit the site. But only adding a zoom-in feature is not sufficient as you have to also make sure that the image quality doesn’t get affected after zoomed in. Hence, you have to be meticulous while working on the zoom-in feature. To ensure a better zoom-in feature, also do analysis on the e-commerce platform that you intend to take service from.

Hire a Professional Shutterbug or Agency:

Hire a professional shutterbug or agency

If you want to nail your e-commerce business, you have no way to compromise on quality. Customers are very particular when it comes to product quality. They make every attempt to pick up whether they are trying to buy quality products. Product photos help them a lot to fathom whether they are making the right decision while buying online. So, why shouldn’t you go for a professional photographer or agency? When your goal is to satisfy customers with your products, the budget shouldn’t be an issue for you. In the current era, photographers and photography agencies are low-hanging fruit. So, take assistance from a deft and seasoned product photographer or photography agency that can do the job magnificently for you.

Why not Leverage Social Media Content?

Social media, nowadays, is a handy tool for e-commerce businesses to flourish. Billions of people across the globe are making use of various social media platforms. Many are earning thousands of bucks utilizing these social media platforms. Why should you miss the opportunity of deploying it for your online business? When you have a good reach to your customers, you will surely have many customers sharing your product photography in their timelines and also on various pages. If you have a paid brand ambassador of your company, he can also promote your product photography in his social media pages. Just take the opportunity and publish these product images in your business. No doubt, you will get a massive boost in your business.

Product Image Optimization is Key:

Don’t be negligent about your product image optimization. There is a strong link between your page loading and image loading. Both of them have to support each other to yield a fruitful outcome. Surely, your photographer isn’t well-versed with the requirements of the site performance. He may not know what should be image size and dimension that are ideal to be used in the site. So, you have to bridge the gap in such a way so that both your photographer and web developer collaborate with each other and ensure optimized images for your e-commerce website. If the site slows down, you are bound to lose key customers.

How to be successful at product and e-commerce photography?

Hone your product photography skills and notch up experience. Don’t just limit yourself and try to expand your range. Discover yourself thinking outside the box and apply the innovative ways of e-commerce product photography in your works. Success will chase you thereafter!

How to find e-commerce photography clients?

Once you have considerable experience under your belt with polished skill, prepare a portfolio, and publish it on various platforms online and offline. Don’t forget to incorporate your entire e-commerce photography masterpiece including recent works in your portfolio. Remember, clients will approach you if you can offer something that others can’t. You don’t have to run after clients, rather, clients will find you.

We are surrounded by visuals and they exist at every nook and corner. There is no way you can overlook the gravity of visuals when photography is so prevalent among the masses. When it comes to online presence, they exist in a plethora. More than words, online users prefer posting, sharing, and communicating messages through visuals.

If you wish to fascinate your online store visitors and multiply sales, you have to emphasize highly on classic and creative product photography. Try to portray your products as detailed as possible through imagery. If you can showcase your e-commerce product photography holistically and exquisitely, you will beat your competitors. That’s a guarantee!

The post Ecommerce Product Photography Guidelines to Multiply Conversions and Sales appeared first on Color Experts International.

This post first appeared on How 2d Flat Designs Improve Brand Communication, please read the originial post: here

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Ecommerce Product Photography Guidelines to Multiply Conversions and Sales
