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Siberian Pelmeni Recipe

Siberian Pelmeni Recipe
Siberian pelmeni recipe.This delicious recipe belongs to Russian cuisine. Very simple and easy to prepare.
Makes 4 servings

1 pound (480 g) pasta dough for dumplings
3/4 pound (360 g) beef chuck,ground
1/2 yellow onion,peeled and chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
4 cups (1 L) beef stock
1 egg white
sour cream

Cooking Method:
  1. Roll out the dough until is paper-thin.
  2. Cut into 2-3 inch circles.
  3. In a medium mixing bowl,combine ground beef chopped yellow onions.Mix well.Season with salt and black pepper.Moisten with 1-2 tablespoons beef stock.
  4. Place 1 teaspoon of beef filling in the center of each circle.Moisten the edges with the egg white and fold over to form a crescent shape.
  5. Bring remaining beef stock to a rolling boil and drop in the pelmeni.
  6. Cook for about 15 minutes.
  7. Serve with sour cream.

This post first appeared on The Best Recipes, please read the originial post: here

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Siberian Pelmeni Recipe
