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Black Forest Cake With Chocolate Zest Recipe


My daughter’s favourite cake that I always make for her birthday. This is a slightly changed version since it is made in portions and not in a pie.


  • 1 rectangular cake sponge
  • 350 g preserved cherries, I used the ones I have frozen in syrup
  • 2 large sheets of gelatin
  • 400 g whipped cream (milk cream) with 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons shavings of dark chocolate
  • mint leaves, optional


  • Chop the gelatin leaves and dip in cold water to soften. Drain and put in a bowl, pour 2 or 3 tablespoons of water and dissolve.
  • Strain the gelatin when it is cold and mix carefully with the whipped cream.
  • Strain the cherries and store the syrup for use in any other recipe such as salads or sauces.
  • Cut the cake into rectangles of 7 cm by 14 cm and open them in half with great care.
  • Spread one of the sides of each sponge cake with the cream and smooth with a pastry spatula.
  • Distribute cherries on each piece of cake with a pastry pin.
  • Cover with more cream.
  • Cover with another rectangle of sponge and go over the edges so that the cream is even.
  • Cover the surface with cream, I do it with a spoon because I like it to be a little rustic, but it can be done with the manga. Garnish with cherries and sprinkle with grated chocolate and mint sprigs.

If you need this instantly at your doorstep at any times you can also order it online through online cake delivery in Dehradun. will help you with this black forest recipe also any times.

The post Black Forest Cake With Chocolate Zest Recipe appeared first on Drooling Foodies.

This post first appeared on Indian Recipes, please read the originial post: here

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Black Forest Cake With Chocolate Zest Recipe
