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Searching – Part Three

Searching – Part Three

Personal Log – Grace Robinson – 13th April 2027

Rick has been having strange dreams. 

He says that the megalodon holds a dark secret. He told me all about it when I took him his dinner last night. He hadn’t eaten his lunch, and I suspected his dinner would go untouched too, but I thought I’d take it to him anyway. 

He was quiet when I got there, staring up at the ceiling without a word, and he stayed that way as I placed the tray down beside him with a smile. As I went to leave, he gripped my hand in his own, hard, and urgent. His nails dug into my palms and I winced, turning back to him, and his tear filled eyes as he begged me to stay. 

I wasn’t sure what to do. Rick seems nice, but we haven’t ever really talked much. I don’t really know him, beyond knowing that he ranks much higher than a lowly kitchen girl, so I was a little unsure of what help I could be, but I thought I should try. 

He told me about the dreams. He could barely breathe as he spoke, as if he’d been bottling it all up until he found the right person. It all came out at once. He had gotten lost, starting to struggle as the water clouded before him. The ocean around him seemed to sink into darkness, and when he looked around, the rest of the group were gone. He got turned around and confused, and then… teeth. Lots and lots of teeth! Bigger than he’d ever seen, in front of him like a blood stained brick wall. 

He swam back, shaking as his eyes fell upon a sight that he’d never forget. He could barely believe it, and he didn’t want to believe it, but his eyes insisted that it must be so. 

The megalodon. 

A gargantuan grey spectre that seemed larger with every second. Big, beady black eyes surveyed him, as he dashed away, swimming as fast as he could, but always looking back, his heart pounding as the dark eyes watched him. 

He says that he saw it for real, when he was out in the water the other day, and that since he’d seen it, he had dreamed of it as he fell in and out of restless sleep. He was chased through the dark waves by the huge eyes and titanic teeth of the beast, surrounded by hurried whispers.

He said that the megalodon wanted to be followed, but that he was afraid. 

Followed to where? I can’t tell you, because he clammed up after that. He says that he saw it in the distance, when he was dreaming, but it was simply too terrible. 

I didn’t know what to make of his stories, to be honest. The sensors that have been placed around the lab can pick stuff up that is miles away, and nobody else saw it. He seemed to really believe it, though. I could see in his tired, teary eyes that something scared the shit out of him. 

I think that this is all a bit above my paygrade, so I talked to Doctor Judy about it, to see what she thought. She said the weirdest thing, actually. She started whispering about a cave… I don’t know what she means. From the sounds of it, the big guy is far too big to fit inside a cave, so I don’t know where that came from. 

She didn’t even look excited that he (or she) had possibly been sighted. She furrowed her brow and bit her lip, shooing me out of her office, without another word, and that was it. 

I don’t really have too much time to think about all this, because I’ve got a massive pile of washing up to do, and Liv has been called away by Doctor Judy on urgent business, so I’d better get on with it. 

Weird, though, right? 

This post first appeared on Jennifer Juan – Las Aventuras De La Princesa Rom, please read the originial post: here

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Searching – Part Three
