A high-level employee posts inappropriately on their personal social media.

Estée Lauder firing a senior executive for an offensive Instagram post and the Food Network disavowing a host after controversial tweets are just two examples of a mounting list of incidents that underscore the increasing risk corporations face in having high-profile or executive team members out in the digital arena. Given their higher visibility, stories of their slip-ups are far more likely to generate attention. And if an incident goes public, it can affect brand perception across critical audiences including global clients, members of the board and other governing parties. Meanwhile, a critical all-too-often overlooked liability is LinkedIn: Every action a high-level employee takes, whether posting about their personal life or simply engaging with a post is inextricably tied to and representative of their employer’s brand.

An employee and a customer start following each other on Instagram.

You attend a conference to meet up with a client. Afterward, your client posts a photo from dinner and asks to tag you. You share your Instagram handle and start following each other on the app. It’s not like you need to ask your boss, after all it’s your own personal, private social media account, right?

For employers, the implications that come with this new and common workplace dynamic are enormous. Consider that with a few simple taps on their phone, whoever is representing the brand at a client level now has direct, personal exposure to the most valuable people for the business. Brands put tremendous resources into creating consistency in their brand voice and external messaging. Yet now they have hundreds or thousands of employees—who may not yet have read company brand guidelines—directly interfacing with the public and clients, unchecked.

An employee’s past private social media activities suddenly resurface.

The U.S. government’s Special Operations unit made headlines last year when it reassigned its new head of diversity and inclusion for putting divisive content on his personal social media—then reinstated him just a few months later. Richard Torres-Estrada had shared polarizing content on his Facebook profile, such as a post comparing Donald Trump to Hitler. Upon being alerted, Special Operations investigated the matter and concluded that since the postings had been made prior to Torres-Estrada stepping into the new role, he could remain in it. This example underscores the complex new challenges that even the biggest government organizations need to figure out to best avoid undesirable fallouts.

Across every single organization out there right now lurk countless such business land mines. As younger generations of digital natives enter the workplace, the threat only rises exponentially. Savvy leaders can proactively get ahead of the problem by having conversations internally on the topic, determining the unique risks of the organization and developing a social media policy—or updating existing ones. The good news is that having any type of foundation or groundwork in place can help smooth the path for future technology.