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Digital Elevation Models DEM are data files that include the elevation of the terrain over a specific area, generally at a fixed grid distance over the surface of the earth. The distance con… Read More
Data collected on paper is difficult to maintain, retrieve, analyze and interpret. many valuable documents could be lost or they may take too long to analyze and find the specific section ne… Read More
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) known widely as drones or Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) are vehicles which do not have a pilot inside to control it manually. These are controlled by onboard… Read More
Photogrammetry by definition means measurement from photographs. Here photographs being taken from an aerial platform like an air craft. These photos taken as stereo images need lots of proc… Read More
The modern era witnessed a change from paper maps to digital maps. As geo spatial technology evolved to the present day status, more and more paper maps have turned into digital maps. The… Read More

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Geographical Information System (GIS)
