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How call centres can improve customer experiences

How Call Centres Can Improve Customer Experiences

Here’s how an outsourced call centre can take your customer experience from average to awesome and foster ongoing loyalty to your business.

Outsourced call centres enable your business to provide 24/7 support with minimal hold times

Studies have shown that customers who have a complaint handled in less than ten minutes are more likely to make further purchases – timing matters! Outsourcing to a 24/7 contact centre means your customers would still be able to access at least basic contact functions at all times if you are using an outsourced call centre. Third-party call centres are also properly equipped to handle high call volumes, so your customers will be attended to quickly even during peak periods.

Outsourced contact centres can be multilingual

If you are offering your services or products in multiple countries, you may encounter a language barrier when communicating with some customers. Using a multilingual call centre means your customers will be able to communicate in their first language and feel properly understood. This means you are better informed in addressing their concerns, and can offer the best service possible.

Outsourced contact centres use multiple platforms for communication

Younger demographics tend to prefer communicating via live chat or forms rather than phone call. An outsourced contact centre can handle both calls and chat forums; your customers will have a better experience if they are able to get help via their preferred channel.

At Corporate Connect, we deliver quality customer service experiences using communication processes and tools that make your customer feel valued. With us, callers will associate your brand with professionalism, reliability and value. Contact the Corporate Connect team to find out how we can streamline and improve your contact centre functions.

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How call centres can improve customer experiences
