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Our Top Summer Team Building Activities

Our Top Summer Team Building Activities

Isn’t it time you got out the office and had some team building fun?

We all know that a happy, motivated work force increases efficiency and production, so it only makes sense to take advantage of the sunshine and book your staff a team building day!  Here are our top corporate team building picks for the summer…

Watersports Team Building

Is there anything better than taking a dip in the water on a scorching hot day? The Brighton watersports centre offers a whole selection of exhilarating activities that are suitable for everyone in your group (even the ones that don’t want to get wet!). Choose from wakeboarding, windsurfing lessons, team raft building, kayaking and paddle boarding, and laser dinghy sailing. The team at Adventure Connections recently took to the water, you can check out the fun we had here!

Champion Chariots

Magnificent wooden chariots, fantastic designs and sensational costumes make Champion Chariots a truly unique team building event. Separate yourselves into teams, put your DIY skills to the test and then decorate your chariot in the most imaginative way possible. To complement your classic racing machine, each member of the team must be dressed in a fitting (ridiculous) gladiator costume to add to the spirit of the games! Champion Chariots is fantastic for encouraging communication, team work and creativity in a fun and memorable way.  We dare you not to be entertained!

It’s a Knockout

Hilarious and unforgettable fun. It’s a Knockout prides itself on being one of the silliest team building experiences around. It’s stupidly competitive, involves delegating roles, working and competing as a unit and making the boss look an utter fool! Check out our very own It’s a Knockout afternoon in our blog.

It’s a Mini Adventure

Get ready for our awe-inspiring team building event based on the classic film, The Italian Job. Your objective is to follow a trail of clues (in Mini Coopers!) and complete a range of enthralling challenges which will reward successful teams with information and equipment to aid your mission. Shady characters, top secret brief cases and crackable safes – we’re telling you, it’s a real adventure!

Big Boat Sailing

If you want to go big, hire a big boat. A really big boat! Experience raw power on America’s Cup Class sailing yacht.  Accelerate your employees development on a day out with a difference. Your team will exceed all expectations crewing this yacht which provides a high performance and natural environment for an unforgettable team building experience. Sailing requires participation and communication from all on board, everyone needs to pull together. The result? Learning new skills without even realising. Participants will leave with a real sense of achievement.

Volleyball (and a beach BBQ)

I doubt anyone in your office can say they’re a volleyball professional which means everyone will be on the same level pegging on the court. Get your socks off and sink those bare feet in to that warm, soft sand. You really can’t go wrong with a game of volleyball in the sun with your friends. If you’re lucky enough to visit courts with a beach, set up a little BBQ and make a real afternoon of it!

Need a hand organising a team building event that’s cut above the rest? Want to show your employees just how much you appreciate the hard work they put in? Perhaps you just need a day out of the office for a little bit of fun? Whatever your reason, talk to us, we can help!

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Our Top Summer Team Building Activities
