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What We Learned From Our First Year as a ClimateSmart Business

What We Learned From Our First Year As A ClimateSmart Business

We’re excited to be entering our second year of being a certified ClimateSmart business. With Canada’s 1.2+ million small- and medium-sized businesses having direct control over roughly 200 million tonnes of carbon pollution – the same amount produced each year by every car, truck, train, plane, and ship in the country – we were motivated to do better and control what we could to decrease our impact. Having recently renewed our certification for 2018, I thought I would share some of our learnings and findings now that we have year over year data to sift through, as opposed to last year when we established our baseline.

Read more on What We Learned From Our First Year as a ClimateSmart Business…

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What We Learned From Our First Year as a ClimateSmart Business
