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Walking In the Supernatural through Obedience

Walking In The Supernatural Through Obedience

-Pst. Gavin Aleogho

We've been saved and called to walk with God. We’ve been saved not to run our life, independently of God. Rather, our call into the faith is a commitment to walk closely with God through the Person of the Holy Spirit. We are expected to cooperate with the Holy Spirit.


The distance you will go with God is dependent on how much you cooperate with God in obedience. Your depth in God is determined by your obedience. Show me a man who is obedient to God and I will show you a man who knows God.


In the same vein, your obedience to God is what determines the help of God that you receive. As a matter of fact, if you want to see the hand of God in your life, you must be ready to fully obey Him.


Prayer is good; it is also an act of obedience to the written instruction of God. However, if we must see the physical manifestation of what we’ve prayed for, then we must be willing and ready to work with God in obedience; doing and following the instruction that He gives to us after prayer. For obedience is what breeds miracles.


The first miracle of our Lord Jesus was recorded in John chapter 2:1-11. If you’ve studied that miracle of Jesus in Cana of Galilee, you will agree with me that the miracle came as a result of total obedience to the instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Even though Jesus was at the wedding and He knew that they needed wine, He never performed the miracle. His mother, Mary told the Lord about the situation, but yet a miracle was not performed.  What am I driving at? Even though the Lord may know about our situation, is not a guarantee that we will receive the help of God for the problem.


Like Mary, we may have asked the Lord in prayer to intervene in the situation, but yet, despite the many prayers, we never got a miracle. Don’t you think we might be missing something?


The mother of our Lord didn’t just speak (pray) to Jesus about the lack of wine. She went further to instruct the servants at the feast to be ready to obey all that Jesus would instruct them to do. Their prompt obedience to Jesus was what gave birth to the miracle of turning water into wine.


After you have made known your request to God, you must be ready (like the servants at the wedding in Cana) to obey the instructions that the Lord will give to you. Obeying such instruction is the key to experiencing the supernatural.


Such instructions could be:

 “Give a call to Mr. James about the matter”

“Be still”

“Pray and fast more about the issue”

“Step out to a particular location”

“Go close to this person”

“Give that money or property as seed”

“Stop that business and start this particular one”

“Take this particular food”

“Stop eating this particular food”

“Stop going to this particular place”

“Make that proposal”


There was a time when I was sick of a particular ailment. I prayed about the situation for a while. Afterwards, I perceive the Lord will want me to take a particular herb. I did that and that was how I got my healing; just by obeying the instruction of the Holy Spirit that was given to me after prayer.


We are not serving a blind or deaf God. Our God is the living God who knows and sees everything. He loves us and He is willing to intervene in our lives.  However, in most cases, He needs our cooperation for the birthing of the miracle that we desire.


Before the Red Sea parted for the Israelites, Moses had to lift up his rod and stretch out his hands over the sea in obedience to God’s instruction.


Father Abraham is remembered today as the great Patriarch of our faith. Thanks to the fact that He obeyed God by leaving his father’s house to follow God to an unknown destination.


All the victories of King David are connected to his obedience to God on when to and when not to attack his enemies.


Discover what God wants you to do and make up your mind to do it, and you will be in for a miracle. Sometimes, you might not receive an instant miracle, but be rest assured that in the long run, it will lead to your glorification.


This post first appeared on Gavin Aleogho's World, please read the originial post: here

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Walking In the Supernatural through Obedience
