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Admincontrol VDR: Review

Admincontrol VDR: Review

What is Admincontrol?

Admincontrol is a virtual data room (VDR) software that is used to share sensitive information and documents — featuring easy sharing tools, security, and total control over one’s sensitive documents, this VDR makes collaboration and sharing a key feature as opposed to simply offering a solution for document and file storage.

This VDR gives companies and businesses the means to swiftly and securely store and share information for transactions, due diligence, the raising of capital, during restructuring, for stock exchange listings, mergers & acquisitions, and a ton of other financial, legal, and business-related functions.

Intended Users

One of the positive aspects of Admincontrol is that it was created to support any business size — not just the small ones. Whether you are an SMB (small-medium business) or a large enterprise, this VDR is extremely useful in a variety of industry solutions, including but not limited to:

  • M&A (buy and sell sides)
  • Post Merger
  • Hedge Funds
  • Private Equity
  • Restructuring
  • Fundraising
  • IPO & Exits
  • Board Reporting
  • Clinical Studies
  • Debt Financing
  • Distressed Real Estate
  • Due Diligence

…and a host of other business, financial, legal, real estate, and technology-driven uses.


  • Cloud (Online, SaaS, Web)
  • Mobile

Mobile Platforms

  • iOS (iPad)


One of the main functions that Admincontrol was created for was the secure sharing, storing, and access control for Due Diligence and other business-critical projects. While this VDR has a number of functions across industries, the security of storing and sharing information and files with others is something Admincontrol wanted to address above all else for the due diligence process.

Custom designed in order to support due diligence and streamline processes, this VDR allows you to share confidential and sensitive documentation and perform Q&A rounds in a user-friendly, secure, and intuitive environment.

You can also use this data room for M&A transactions, stock exchange listings, capital injections, restructurings, real estate opportunities, financial transactions, procurements, and outsourcing among many other uses.

Due Diligence

One of the core critical aspects of restructuring activities, company divestments, and the evaluation of new strategic business partnerships is due diligence. A company must prepare themselves to disclose everything from bonus agreements, customer contacts, patent certificates, and more. Due diligence is crucial for the final valuation of a company and sales processes are often initiated on short notice in addition to day-to-day operations / activities.

Completing a the process of due diligence is demanding on a business and so Admincontrol designed their VDR to facilitate that type of work to make it as easy as possible. They also add clear recommendations on how you should proceed in the due diligence process in order to achieve the best outcome possible.


Question and Answer sessions. This advanced Q&A module has options for delegating, exporting, and subscribing to questions and answers.


This option allows you to download the entire data room once the process has been completed.

Process Overview

Complete process overview, control of users, and real-time reports.

Annotations and Comments

You get the same possibilities with the VDR as on paper: write notes, sign, and make comments on your documents.


All documents and files are stored in a digital archive with search functionality.

Reporting and Searching

Complete overview, reporting, and log on all usage and users.

Common Login

For participation in different types of projects.


State-of-the-art security mechanisms are used.

iPad App

Documents are always available to you via your iPad application.

Drag and Drop

Easy organization of documents and content.

24/7 Support

You can have local assistance and support 24/7/365 days a year.

Security and Privacy

Any great VDR must offer a secure and private platform for the most sensitive of business, financial, and company information. Admincontrol focuses on security on all levels, from product development, daily operations, decommissioning of IT equipment, and more.

  • Customer data available only to registered users with the proper access privileges
  • Users without the correct privileges have no access to the data
  • If devices with offline data from the VDR are lost or stolen, you can easily delete information using the remote wipe feature
  • All employees at Admincontrol are security cleared

Admincontrol regularly orders an independent auditor’s report (ISAE 3402) regarding the control environment at Admincontrol including: potential security issues. This process and audit is performed by certified IT auditors.

Security Monitoring and Testing

All user activities are logged in the application log with: time, date, IP address, username, and information regarding whether the login was successful.

This includes: opening, deleting, changing, and creating of new documents, tasks, and meetings.

All user activity on the web server and operating system is logged. Admincontrol has dedicated firewalls and traffic logs in and out from servers.

All traffic is monitored in real time and detects and blocks threats (IDS/IPS solution) — all warnings from the detection system are analyzed by security experts in a Security Operation Center 24/7/365.companies. Application and infrastructure analysis regarding the portals are performed. This uncovers any potential vulnerabilities that can be used in hacker attacks.

On a regular basis, Admincontrol orders in-depth security analyses be performed by external, third party IT security

Systems Development

Admincontrol makes use of OWASP security guidelines, which are a standard for performing application-level security verifications. Security is continuously evaluating production systems and servers.

Microsoft .NET technology is also used for developing secure internet applications.

Access Control

Admincontrol VDR gives each user a unique username and password that must be entered every time they log in to the virtual data room. This password is not stored in the database as clear text.

  • Auto-generated code on the user’s mobile phone (SMS two-factor solution) is sent out each time a user logs on
  • Admincontrol issues a session cookie to record encrypted authentication information for the duration of a specific session
  • The session cookie doesn’t include password or username of user — only an encoded session ID
  • When customers are granted access to portal, all information (username and password included) are encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology
  • The 256 Bit SSL encryption protects documents and other information when transported between your computer and the server
  • User Privileges: role-based and give rights to relevant folder level
  • All information is linked to folders, including information about decisions and meetings
  • In order to be included in a given role, a customer’s user admin must assign rights to relevant users

Document Security

Documents and files can only be accessed through the Admincontrol VDR applications. All PDF files are read in a browser that doesn’t leave any readable traces of your document on the client machine. The reader’s “cache” is deleted when the document is closed.

The customer’s admin can control printing rights to each document and select whether the files/documents should be available for download or only to be read in the secure PDF reader.

Data Center Security

The Admincontrol data centers are operated through “Best-of-Breed” policy (best practices model) that only uses hardware, software, and middleware from leading manufacturers. The rooms are further protected with the following security measures:

  • Monitoring system (moisture and fire sensors
  • Temperature control
  • Raised floor
  • UPS with diesel generator backup
  • Fire extinguishing equipment
  • Security — all access to buildings and rooms are logged
  • All access to rooms are video monitored
  • Only authorized personnel have access to physical equipment that runs portals

Technical Features:

Document Security

  • 256 Bit SSL Encryption
  • Data Backup
  • Virus Scanning
  • Dynamic Watermarks

Access Security

  • Permission Groups
  • Two-Factor Authentications
  • Set User Permissions

Audit Report

  • Audit Logs
  • Document Version Control
  • Notifications

User Interface

  • Branded Website
  • Scroll-Through Viewer
  • Bulk Uploads
  • Drag and Drop Files
  • Full Text Search
  • Q&A Section


  • iPad (iOS) Application
  • Mobile Device Interface
  • Multi-Language Support
  • No Client Software Required

Additional Benefits

  • Data Room is built around streamlined process and is intuitive and user-friendly for all parties
  • Interactions and shared documents are secured outside of the enterprise
  • Structure and control of all data and sensitive documents
  • Support and access is available to you 24/7/265
  • Dedicated client manager assistance during startup and throughout process

Plans / Pricing

For pricing options, you must contact Admincontrol directly as to create a customized VDR that is perfect for your business or company.

Contact Link:

Free Demo

For a free demo, head to the website and click on the hash marks on the front, right-hand side of the screen and click on “Request Demo.” Link:

All you need to request a demo is your name, a phone number, an email address, company name, county of residence, and the product you are choosing to demo.

Contact Information

Admincontrol VDR is a multi-language software that offers physical locations around the globe as well as support via phone and email from a range of countries as well.

Take a look at the Contact page to find the right email, phone number, or physical location near you:

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Admincontrol VDR: Review
