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The Wingmen Journal Blog

Writings on the web, business and life where we share what we're learning and doing.
Cloud service providers such as Amazon often prevent email sending by default on their EC2 instances to stop spammers. This can be a nuisance when you want to send legit email. You can reque… Read More
This post is a note-to-self type of post full of Vim tips & tricks. You'll also find a bunch of useful plugins listed in this post. This is the place where I try to write and explaing th… Read More
Are you fascinated by the idea of building mobile / web applications in a better way? Setting the focus on key business functions, preventing overspending, minimizing overhead, maximizing ef… Read More
Startup Resources List
A grand list of resources and tools related to web/app development, business and startups. App builders Too lazy to learn how to code or too cheap to pay for someone to do it for you? There… Read More
Tech Startup Resources List
A grand list of resources and tools related to web/app development, business and startups. Business Business related resource for building your next startup or improving your current one. Sa… Read More
This post is a note-to-self type of list of resources related to web dev / app dev / business and startups. Ember plugins / resources A bunch of the best resources and plugins we are using f… Read More
This is a post in our series about outsourcing a digital Minimum Viable Product to test the viability of your idea with real customers. This could be a good read if you're looking to build a… Read More
This is a post in our series about outsourcing a digital Minimum Viable Product to test the viability of your idea with real customers. This could be a good read if you're looking to build a… Read More
Recently we have been asked to sign NDAs quite a bit. As a result, we had a long discussion about NDAs and here are our views on them. The problem is that most NDAs are overkill and don't a… Read More
Setting up your mac is always a painful thing to do. It takes quite a few things to get your mac to a working state. Here's a note-to-self kind of list of what needs to be done with some nic… Read More
Setting up your mac is always a painful thing to do. It takes quite a few steps to get to a happy place. Here's a note-to-self kind of list of what needs to be done, with some bonus tips spr… Read More
The web has been around for a good while. Still many little things are more often wrong than right. We should do better. Here's a list of little, easily fixable things that greatly affect t… Read More
This is our top three lessons learned from web consulting & building digital products in 2015. TLDR: Consulting: Small client projects require comparatively more effort than larger on… Read More
Here's a categorized list of our favourite agency and product websites we've saved for inspiration. Agency sites Looking at agency sites is especially interesting because that's where the… Read More
Temple is a simple web app to motivate you to build healthy habits during the working day. You can find it at We're using Temple to keep our work days at the office produ… Read More
A year ago we wrote a short note on one of our side projects: Refindr. To recap, Refindr is basically a web based map application similar to Craigslist lost and found. Users can leave heart… Read More
More often than one would like, you need to make changes to a live web site. This can be due to working on a small budget or with legacy systems, where there's no separate development enviro… Read More
More often than one would like, you need to make changes to a live web site. This can be due to working with a small budget or legacy systems, when there's no separate development environmen… Read More
We often talk about new interesting web app ideas. One integral part of coming up with a name for a new projet is to find a suitable and free domain name. We use tools like Domainr to make t… Read More
Foreword: Everything you see at Why working from home is both awesome and horrible, at the Oatmeal is true. Summer's almost over While planning for the upcoming fall, I came to realize t… Read More
I worked from Dubai for three weeks and got to check out a couple of the more popular coworking spaces aimed at freelancers and mobile workers. Here's my thoughts on them. MAKE Business h… Read More
Night's been good. Then butterflies in your stomach as you see that someone for the first time. You exchange sparkling looks, a few words, you dance, you touch, you talk and you fall deep in… Read More
Nice, you're here! Welcome to our journal where we share what we do and learn along the way. Wait, Wingmen what? Wingmen is a small web design and development agency based in Helsinki, Fin… Read More

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The Wingmen Journal
