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10 Tips To Get The Most Out of ClinchPad


We hope you’re having a productive time using ClinchPad and we’re eternally thankful to all of you for your kind suggestions & comments in the past few months. Over the last six months, we have pushed out several new features, improved the UI and made changes to speed up the site performance. ClinchPad is now more powerful than ever and you can increase your productivity drastically by following these tips

1. Access notes, todos and files from the Pipeline View

Wish you could access your todos, notes & files directly from the pipeline? You betcha!

Instead of clicking on the lead card and navigating to their respective tabs, you can view, edit and delete notes, todos and files right from the Pipeline View itself by just clicking on the ‘x notes’, ‘x of y todos’ or ‘x files’ text on the lead cards. This will open up a popup window. This also works when you’re in List View.

2. Advanced Lead Creator

In case you want to enter multiple leads in succession, you can now create a lead along with additional information such as contacts, notes, todos etc without having to leave the Pipeline View. Clicking on the ‘+’ icon next to ‘Add Lead’ will open up a popup window.

3. Form Integration

Online forms are one of the most often used source for capturing leads. You probably have a Contact Us form on your website where you regularly get queries regarding your product/service. However, you then need to re-enter or copy and paste this data into ClinchPad to start tracking these leads.

You can now use our nifty form integrators to directly convert the data captured by your forms into leads in ClinchPad. We announced integrations with three of the most popular online form managers a few months back - Wufoo, Jotform, Formstack.

4. Set Default Todos

You can set default todos for each stage of your Pipeline. This feature allows you to set a list of todos which are automatically created whenever a lead is moved into the stage. This can be helpful in reducing repetition in creating the same todos for each lead that is moved into the stage and also assist in creating checklists for each stage.

5. Bulk operations in List View

I’m not sure if you noticed but our List View just got a makeover a few months back. With the redesigned List View you can perform certain bulk actions on your leads. Select the leads by ticking on the check box and then click on Actions button near the top left corner of the table.

Using this option, you can carry out the following actions on multiple leads at once - assignment & unassignment, merge, delete, change their stage & change their pipeline.

6. Creating filters to sort leads

“I’ve got too many leads in my pipeline!”

Searching for a way to manage them?

Why not create a filter for leads based on their products, sources, contacts, zones or assignees? For example, you would like to see all the leads from Washington DC which are interested in your product ACME.Just create a filter to match all conditions with Product as ACME and Zone as Washington DC. It’s THAT easy! :)

Filters are user account specific and both Admin and User level accounts can create and manage their own filters.

7. View leads assigned to a particular user

You can view the leads assigned to a particular user by clicking on the users profile picture on the bottom right corner of the pipeline. Clicking on the user profile picture will only show the leads assigned to the selected user.

8. Summary Emails

This is a feature particularly handy for managers & administrators who would like a crisp summary report to see what all activity happened the previous day, week or month. You can choose to set up email summaries for an individual team member and set it to be emailed to you every day, week or month.

There are three types of summary reports that can be generated

  1. All the activities of a person with the ability to exclude certain activities.

  2. A snapshot of the person’s pipeline

  3. A list of all the todos assigned to a person which have missed their due date

Once set up, you should receive summaries in your mailbox that look like this

9. Set Goals & Track Goal Progress for Each Team Member

You can create weekly, monthly or yearly goals for the total revenue or the number of leads closed by the users. The goals can only be set by Admin accounts but the progress of the goal can be viewed by both the Admin & the User accounts associated with this goal.

10. Tagging Leads

You can now tag your lead cards in ClinchPad. Each pipeline contains five tags represented in different colors which can be edited and applied to leads. The tags can be used to associate desired information to the lead which will help you to classify the lead.

This provides an easy way to see important information about a lead at a glance. For example, If you’d like to know which leads are high priority leads or big customer leads from the pipeline in one view, you can attach respective tags to the leads. Oh and did we mention that you can filter your leads by Tags?

To get started, set up your tags and then add them. You can also set filters for tags. 

This post first appeared on The ClinchPad, please read the originial post: here

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10 Tips To Get The Most Out of ClinchPad
