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Clogged Drains and Drain Snaking… What You Should Know


Clogged drains can be an incredible nuisance when it come to living your life according to your typical every day schedule.

It is the kind of thing that we don’t notice until there is an issue serious enough to disrupt our days, and then the issue goes from “no issue” to “incredibly frustrating issue” almost immediately. Sometimes it can be difficult to determine from where the issue originates and why your usual drain cleaning methods aren’t working.

When you find yourself in this position, you might consider asking a a professional for help with a clogged drain.

What is clogged drain snaking?

To understand why it’s sometimes necessary to use a drain snake, you must first understand what, exactly, a drain snake is. When you encounter a drain that is particularly difficult to clear, it is possible that the clog is located deeply within the pipes or is tightly packed.

If this is the case, then you need something flexible that will help you penetrate pipe and break through the clog in order to clear it. A drain snake, which is a flexible and thing auger used to help clear clogs in pipes, is perfect for this job.

It can navigate into the tight spaces and quickly help dislodge almost any clog related issue it encounters.

When should I contact professionals about drain snaking?

Before you decide that drain snaking is the way to go, you should spend some time trying to clear the clog yourself…

…or, at the very least, you should be prepared for the plumbers to try to clear the pipe without snaking it first. That means using a plunge, for example, to try and clear the block and determine where in the drain the clog is located.

If the plunger fails, you could always try liquid drain cleans to see if the pipe can be resolved, however the use of this kind of product can be a bit dangerous and touch and go – if you aren’t familiar with them, make sure that you take the time to read the instructions and ensure that you understand how to use the product without damaging your pipes.

If all of your usual methods fail, then it is time to contact a professional for help in clearing your drain. This is important because you don’t want to let the clog just sit in the pipe for too long, Doing so can spell disaster for the health and well being of the pipes, and may result in costly bills.

A professional who has plenty of experience can help snake your drain quickly and easily, and get you back on your feet and your routine back on track – don’t hesitate to call Aquatech Waterproofing for help: 416-300-2191

This post first appeared on Toronto's Best Home And Basement Waterproofing | Aquatech Waterproofing, please read the originial post: here

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Clogged Drains and Drain Snaking… What You Should Know
