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Have You Recently Moved In With Your Partner? Here’s How To Avoid Falling Victim To “Roommate Syndrome” And Losing The Spark In Your Relationship

Have You Recently Moved In With Your Partner? Here’s How To Avoid Falling Victim To “Roommate Syndrome” And Losing The Spark In Your Relationship

Have you ever lived with your boyfriend or girlfriend and slowly began to feel like you lived together as roommates instead of romantic partners?

If so, you’re certainly not alone, as it happens to many couples. While first moving in with someone can be exciting and sweet, it tends to drastically change the dynamic of a relationship, and sometimes, it causes the spark to fade away.

Over time, it’s not uncommon to feel like your partner is more like your roommate, and you begin to have the same issues with them as you did with any former roomies.

This experience is known as “roommate syndrome,” and it tends to kick in once the honeymoon phase of moving in together fades away. You’ve gotten used to sharing a space, your place is all set up and decorated, and now you have to base much of your routines off each other, and unfortunately, it doesn’t always go smoothly.

However, there are ways to avoid roommate syndrome with your partner and keep up the spark in your relationship, even if it feels like it’s beginning to fade.

First, you’ll want to make sure you and your partner are constantly communicating your wants, needs, and feelings. One of the easiest ways to fall into a toxic living situation with your partner is not talking about how you feel enough.

If something feels off, sit down with your partner and express how you feel about your relationship’s current stage and give them a chance to speak their mind as well. Chances are, they’re feeling the same way and will want to make a change.

Another way to avoid roommate syndrome is to switch up your daily routine. Going through the same motions day and night with your partner and spending less time together is a surefire way to kill off any romantic vibes.

Switch up your routine with big or small actions like deciding to make dinner together a night or two a week, work out together instead of alone occasionally, or choose a designated date night. Taking more opportunities to spend quality time together and remembering why you love each other’s company will put the spark back in things.

Photo 136295720 – © Monkey Business Images – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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You should also be getting out of the house more often if you want to avoid roommate syndrome.

We so often associate our roommates with people we mostly see at home and spend a lot of time doing mundane things with our roommates, like staring at the TV together.

Sit down with your partner and plan some fun outings and day trips. Go to a museum one weekend, go to a new restaurant during the week, or go on a quick road trip to see something new. All of these activities involve a little extra effort and will make you feel as if you’re in the exciting early dating stage with your partner again.

If your partner starts doing things around the house that annoy you, like forgetting to do the dishes or clean up after themselves, don’t be too quick to get annoyed and have an outburst. Take a deep breath before wanting to curse out your partner for falling behind on their household duties.

While it may be incredibly frustrating, calmly communicate your issues with them instead of picking a fight. Keep in mind why you wanted to live together before going on the attack.
Finally, don’t forget to take time for yourself. One of the biggest adjustments to make after moving in with a partner is the less alone time you have.

You’ll be less likely to resent your partner and suffer from roommate syndrome if you prioritize self-care by finding some alone time out of the house and continuing to nurture yourself.

Take each issue day by day, and remember to speak up if you have to. You got this!

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Have You Recently Moved In With Your Partner? Here’s How To Avoid Falling Victim To “Roommate Syndrome” And Losing The Spark In Your Relationship
