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She Caught Her Fiancé Cheating On Her Again, And He Said It’s Because He Misses How Their Relationship Was In The Beginning

She Caught Her Fiancé Cheating On Her Again, And He Said It’s Because He Misses How Their Relationship Was In The Beginning

This 25-year-old woman is engaged to her 28-year-old fiancé, and they have been together for 8 years now.

Back when they began dating, they had a great connection off the bat, and their relationship moved really quickly.

They met at work, so they knew one another quite well prior to entering a relationship. As their romantic relationship progressed, they ended up getting better jobs at different places.

As soon as her boyfriend got his new job, he started cheating on her with one of his coworkers, and this was an affair that was carried out in person.

Her boyfriend told her he was working late, but in actuality, he was hooking up with his coworker while making her feel crazy for questioning his late nights.

“I wasn’t perfect I was a kid trying to figure out how to be an adult, but I never betrayed his trust,” she explained.

“I finally let my gut feeling go and began to trust him, then I got a message on Facebook from the girl. She explained everything, and when I questioned him, he would tell me small truths but not full truths. We lived together at this point, and for a bit, he went and stayed with his mom.”

“I really loved him, and he told me he’d never do it again. My guard was up, and I set boundaries for us if this would ever work out. It was a long, long road, but as time went on, we got into a healthy space with open communication.”

She thought the cheating was far behind them, but unfortunately, she just caught her fiancé cheating on her yet again.

Photo 82190116 © Golyak – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Yesterday evening, she was sitting down with her fiancé watching TV and eating dinner, and she noticed a girl sent her a message on social media. This girl wasn’t someone she knew, yet this girl was asking her if her fiancé was her boyfriend. She said that yes, she was in a relationship with him, and this girl mentioned he’s been lying to her.

This girl proceeded to send her a ton of screenshots proving she was talking to her fiancé without her knowing. This girl lives in Brazil, meanwhile, she and her fiancé live in America, so her fiancé has not been able to cheat with this girl in person, but it’s been happening online.

Over the last 5 or 6 months, her boyfriend has been talking to this girl a lot and even exchanging steamy photos and messages with her.

She asked her boyfriend who this girl was, and he said he didn’t know before getting up off the couch and going to another room. She knew he was lying to her, and she confronted him with the screenshots.

“He says he only did it because he misses how things were at the beginning of our relationship and how we used to talk,” she said.

“Essentially, he likes “the chase.” For personal life context- we agreed I could quit my full-time job completely so I can focus on building my career and life I want by going to school and figuring out things mentally for myself. I had a very rough childhood and was never able to address it. My mom, who is disabled, lives with us. He takes care of all the bills. I have no idea what to do. I don’t know where to start.”

“The most confusing part for me isn’t finding a new job and becoming reliant on myself again. The part I don’t understand is I still love him so much I don’t want to leave. I don’t want him to leave. I’m so hurt and betrayed, but somehow I feel like being away from him would hurt more. Is this crazy? Or is it normal? How am I supposed to move on from this?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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She Caught Her Fiancé Cheating On Her Again, And He Said It’s Because He Misses How Their Relationship Was In The Beginning
