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She Wants To Make Her Husband Get Rid Of Their Dog Because It Was His Idea To Even Get The Pup, Yet She’s Been Stuck Doing Everything To Care For It

She Wants To Make Her Husband Get Rid Of Their Dog Because It Was His Idea To Even Get The Pup, Yet She’s Been Stuck Doing Everything To Care For It

Not long ago, this 28-year-old woman and her husband, 27, purchased a home together.

While they were moving into their house, she clearly expressed to her husband that she didn’t want to have a big dog.

In the past, she has had negative experiences with big dogs, so she has always been nervous around big dogs.

Understandably, she doesn’t want to feel uncomfortable and nervous in their home at all times with a big dog around.

Besides this circumstance, she doesn’t go out of her way to avoid large dogs elsewhere. She doesn’t mind petting and playing with big dogs that she’s familiar with. The boundary she wanted to maintain was not owning a big dog.

Her husband said that he wanted a dog someday, and she suggested a compromise of him buying a smaller dog. That way, he could have his furry companion while she would still be able to remain comfortable.

“Fast forward, and he adopted a cat for me. I just wanted to go look so I could cuddle them, and I didn’t intend to come home with one, but there was one I just loved, and he suggested we bring him home. The shelter told us this cat was not fond of dogs, which, at the time, wasn’t a problem because no dog was in the plan,” she said.

But several months later, her husband told her that he wanted to go buy a dog. In his view, since he’d adopted a cat from the shelter for her, she couldn’t reject the idea of him getting a dog.

During this conversation, he persuaded her to work with her cat so that he would be comfortable and safe around a dog.

Photo 263500963 © Federico Moreno – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

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She reminded her husband that she didn’t want him to buy a large dog. Since they have both a cat and a small child, she would be constantly on edge if the dog he chose was big.

Then, she asked her husband to remember to ask the animal shelter to show him dogs that are good around cats.

“He went to the shelter by himself because our son doesn’t like loud noises, and shelters are very noisy, and he comes home with a 40-pound lab/pointer mix. This dog is a cute menace. He eats our stuff and has practically torn our door down anytime we try to put him in the yard (which I am aware is most likely separation anxiety, and I have worked on that and don’t force him to be out there alone unless it’s necessary),” she explained.

Even worse, the dog attacks her cat so aggressively that she has had to pry the cat out of the dog’s mouth.

More than once, she was terrified that the dog had killed the cat.

When her husband adopted the dog, he assured her that he would take care of the dog and train him.

However, when her husband is home after work, he doesn’t hang out with the dog at all.

Her husband doesn’t take the dog for walks, clean up after the dog uses the bathroom, or train him out of aggressive behaviors.

Unfortunately, taking care of the dog has been a job that’s fallen completely on her.

“The dog has an allergy we’ve been trying to figure out, so there have been lots of medication and vet visits, and I’ve done it all. He’s not a bad dog. I like him, but the amount of frustration and stress he brings me, and responsibility that wasn’t supposed to be mine, with all the nervousness, on top of the responsibility of staying home to raise our son, is driving me insane,” she shared.

For more than a year, she has been doing her best to work through this overwhelming situation. She has attempted to find ways to cope with the anxiety and frustration she constantly feels, but nothing has improved.

Now, she’s debating on asking her husband to find another home for the dog, but she doesn’t want to be a jerk and cause resentment within their marriage if he follows through with her request.

While the dog has lived in their home, he has never been neglected. She makes sure all his needs are met, plays with him, is affectionate and loving towards him, and attempts to train him.

She believes that he has the right to live the best life possible.

Despite the fact that she’s uncomfortable and anxious around him, she is the one who’s doing the work to keep the dog happy, loved, and cared for, while her husband pays no attention to the dog.

Her frustration centers around her husband, who chose to adopt the dog, not doing any of the work that should have been his responsibility.

Currently, she is overworked because she already has to care for their son and pay attention to their cat so that he is safe from the dog. She feels like she is being spread too thin and doesn’t have the time or energy to focus completely on the dog and his training.

What would you do if you were in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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She Wants To Make Her Husband Get Rid Of Their Dog Because It Was His Idea To Even Get The Pup, Yet She’s Been Stuck Doing Everything To Care For It
