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World IBD Day

World IBD Day

Later this month it will be World IBD Day, take a look below to see what our feature charity, Crohn’s & Colitis UK have planned.

World IBD Day takes place on the 19th May every year. It’s a way to unite and raise awareness of Crohn’s and Colitis. Right now an estimated 500,000 people are living with a lifelong disease people haven’t heard of. It is painful, debilitating and widely misunderstood.  And there is no known cure. Because of the stigma and misunderstanding surrounding these diseases, thousands of people are suffering in silence.

Last year Crohn’s & Colitis UK held a virtual coffee morning and encouraged their community to talk more about Crohn’s and Colitis. For some it may be a struggle to find the words to talk about their condition so the Crohn’s & Colitis UK’s It Takes Guts campaign helps provide the tools to make it easier to talk about.

Keep an eye on their website to find out their plans for this year’s World IBD Day.

Donate today and help those affected by Crohn’s and Colitis.

The post World IBD Day appeared first on Give A Car.

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World IBD Day
