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Living And Aging Gracefully With Essential Oils Blog

Using essential oils for supporting a young healthy chemical free lifestyle. Aging gracefully naturally with Young Living Essential Oils
Using Stress Away During Crazy Times
There are always stressful days but lately it seems like we are living in crazy times. The stress level seems to be cranked up. Too many demands on our physical, mental and emotional selves… Read More
Lemon Vitality Shortbread Cookies
This shortbread recipe is one of my favorites. I love it with essential oil flavors or just plain vanilla. Sometimes I dip half of each cookie in chocolate. I have included the chocolate coa… Read More
Chocolate Mint Fudge Squares
I don’t know about you but, with all the stress going on with covid 19 quarantine, I have been struggling with emotional eating. I have been trying to keep healthier options around for… Read More
Granola bars are a quick, on the go food but usually the ones you buy are full of sugar and things that are not so healthy. This recipe is a healthier option. One thing I like about granola… Read More
Keto Cinnamon Butter Cookies
These days I have been sticking pretty seriously to a Keto diet because of serious health issues. My tastes generally run toward the crunchy salty, but there are some days you just need some… Read More
There are a couple reasons why you may want to set up friends lists on Facebook. One is the obvious reason, you want to send a message to a certain group of people. Another good reason is so… Read More
I often hear new distributors say they are afraid they will make a mistake or they are afraid they will say something wrong when talking to prospects. Many experience fear of failure so they… Read More
Here is a great paragraph from a past issue of the Jim Rohn newsletter: "I picked up a magazine not long ago in New York that had a full-page ad in it for a hotel chain. The first line of… Read More
I can’t express how important it is to get into a business mindset. I have seen it far too often. Network marketers often get started with their business because they see it as a quick… Read More

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Living and Aging Gracefully With Essential Oils
