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On Achieving Success


This content from: Small Business Marketing Blog - Strategies That Increase Sales

How to measure success?

One of my marketing mentors recently spoke about how he measures success. I found what he said represented a powerful mindset, so I thought I’d share it with you today.

It’s common to think of success as some sort of finish line out in the future. We think “I’ll be successful when” we achieve some goal. That goal may be achieving a level of income, buying your dream house, have a certain number of employees, etc.

Dean Jackson learned (sorry, I don’t remember who he learned it from) a change in mindset. Rather than thinking of success as something in the future, he focuses on success in the present.

He does this by changing this thought –

“I’ll know I am successful when…”

to this one

“I know I’m being successful when…”

Can you see how this small change in wording is huge change in mindset?

Dean then has a list of about 10 things that he uses to define when he is being successful. I won’t list all 10 since they are specific to Dean’s definition of success, but here are a few examples:

I know I’m being successful when:

  • I’m working on projects I’m excited about
  • I can work anywhere (geographically) that I want
  • I’m surrounded by positive, happy people

You get the idea.

Again, the list above is specific to Dean. Make a list of your own using your criteria for success.

I hope you find this shift in mindset as powerful and helpful as I do.

Now let me ask you – How do you know when you are being successful?

Drop me a note – I’d love to know.

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This post first appeared on Small Business Marketing Blog - Strategies That In, please read the originial post: here

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On Achieving Success
