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What Is the China ICP License and How to Get One


An ICP license, or Internet Content Provider license, is a permit issued by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) that allows China-based websites to legally operate within the country. Acquiring this license is crucial for businesses with websites based in China, especially for e-commerce sites that aim to conduct transactions in this rapidly expanding digital market. This legal requirement ensures that these sites comply with Chinese telecommunications regulations and maintain a level of quality and security according to the country’s standards.

The process of obtaining an ICP license typically involves submitting an application with the necessary documentation, such as a valid Chinese business license, hosting service information, and other pertinent details. This process may also require understanding the differences between ICP Filing (a basic registration for informational websites) and more complex licenses, such as commercial ICP Licenses for e-commerce sites with online payment integration. Failure to comply with the requirement for an ICP license may result in the website being blocked or facing other penalties under Chinese law.

Key points

  • An ICP license is essential for China-based websites to legally operate, particularly e-commerce platforms.
  • Obtaining an ICP license involves submitting required documentation and complying with Chinese telecommunications regulations.
  • There are different types of ICP licenses based on the website’s functionality, such as basic registration or commercial licenses for e-commerce sites.

Understanding the ICP License

The ICP License is a state-issued registration that enables businesses, individuals, and organizations to legally host a website on a server in mainland China. Issued by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), the ICP License is crucial for any online platform, such as websites, blogs, forums, or e-commerce platforms, planning to publish content accessible within China.

There are two types of ICP certification, depending on the kind of business or service you plan to offer. The ICP Filing (or ICP Bei An) is required for content providers who intend to offer general information on their websites, while the ICP License (or ICP Zheng) is mandatory for e-commerce sites and platforms that require online payment integration.

Acquiring the ICP License involves a multi-step process, including registering a domain name in China and purchasing hosting from a mainland China provider. The website should also meet other business requirements set forth by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), such as having a business license in China.

Once you have acquired the ICP License or ICP Filing, your website can legally operate in mainland China and will be subject to regulation by the appropriate authorities. This often leads to improved website performance, better search engine rankings, and a more seamless online experience for users in China.

In summary, obtaining an ICP License is essential for any company or individual planning to host a website on a server in mainland China. This regulatory requirement ensures both compliance with Chinese law and a more optimal user experience for website visitors in the country.

Types of ICP Licenses

Non-commercial ICP License

A non-commercial ICP license, also known as ICP Filing or ICP registration, is a permit issued by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) for non-commercial websites operating in China. This license is typically required for informational or personal websites that don’t engage in commercial activities, such as e-commerce or online advertising. Non-commercial ICP licenses allow the website owners to host their websites on servers within mainland China and legally operate under Chinese regulations1.

To obtain a non-commercial ICP license, applicants must provide necessary documentation, including personal or company information, a valid domain name registered in China, and a physical hosting location in the country. The application process varies depending on the hosting provider and provincial regulations2.

Commercial ICP License

A commercial ICP license, also known as Telecommunication License or E-Commerce ICP, is required for businesses that operate commercial websites in China, including e-commerce sites and online advertising3. This license allows companies to legally operate their websites and conduct online business activities, such as selling products or services and accepting payments from customers, within the Chinese market.

The commercial ICP license is more challenging to obtain compared to the non-commercial license, as it involves a more rigorous application process and additional requirements, such as having a registered Chinese business entity4. The applicant must also provide a detailed business plan, financial projections, and details about the hosting and domain name registration.

Once issued, the commercial ICP license enables businesses to take full advantage of the vast Chinese online market, with the necessary legal protection and compliance with local regulations.


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The Role of Hosting in ICP Licensing

When it comes to operating a website in China, hosting plays a crucial role, especially in relation to obtaining an ICP license. The ICP license, issued by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), is a registration number and permit that is required for any China-based website to legally operate in the country source.

One of the essential reasons for obtaining an ICP license is the ability to host a website on a mainland Chinese server. Hosting a website on a Chinese server ensures improved speed and performance for users accessing the site within China. Additionally, hosting providers based in mainland China require the site owner to have a valid ICP license before offering their services source.

During the application process for an ICP license, it’s necessary to obtain a Bei An service number. This unique ID will bind the server IP, domain name, and ICP application filing together, acting as the glue for the entire process source. Without this number, an applicant may face difficulties in obtaining approval from the MIIT.

Choosing a reliable hosting provider is vital for businesses with e-commerce sites in China. As part of the ICP licensing process, applicants must provide information about their chosen hosting provider, including details about their hosting location and bandwidth capacity, to ensure compliance with Chinese laws and regulations.

In summary, hosting plays a significant role in ICP licensing for websites operating in China. It is crucial for site owners to choose a hosting provider based in mainland China and obtain a valid ICP license to legally operate their website and provide optimal user experience within the country.

The Application Process

For Foreign Companies

Foreign companies that wish to apply for an ICP license must first establish a joint venture or partnership with a local Chinese company. A local entity is required to apply for an ICP license on behalf of the foreign company, as the Chinese authorities grant ICP licenses to domestic companies only.

To begin the application process, the foreign company will need to provide several documents, such as its business license, and submit an ICP registration form. The local partner must also submit their business license and other relevant documents. The joint venture must have a registered domain in China and purchase hosting from a Chinese provider, such as Aliyun.

Once the required documents are assembled, the joint venture can submit the ICP application form, along with the domain certificate, to the appropriate provincial-level Communication Administration Bureau (CAB). After the application is approved, they will receive an ICP (Internet Content Provider) certification.

For Individuals

Individuals can also apply for an ICP license, also known as a Bei’an permit. However, foreign individuals must first provide their personal ID and proof of residence in China. They must then register a domain in China and purchase hosting from a Chinese provider before starting their ICP application.

After obtaining the required documentation, the individual must complete the ICP application form, and submit it together with their personal ID, domain certificate, and proof of residence to the provincial-level CAB. The application process can be complex and time-consuming, taking a few months or longer.

Once approved, the individual will receive an ICP certification, which is mandatory for operating a website within China. Obtaining an ICP license is essential to ensure that the website is accessible and legal within the country.

Financial Aspect of ICP Licensing

Obtaining an ICP license in China involves several financial aspects and requirements. The cost of the ICP license is an important factor that businesses should consider. While the actual license application is free, there can still be some indirect expenses involved like documentation and translation costs, as well as possible agency fees for assisting with the application.

Each application for an ICP license requires a valid business license, which has its own costs associated with obtaining and maintaining it. A company must be registered in China and have the necessary legal documents and certificates, including a VAT certificate, to successfully apply for an ICP license. These documents may also require translation into Chinese, leading to additional expenses.

Moreover, implementing an ICP license often requires meeting certain technical requirements and infrastructure investments. This can include setting up hosting and servers in China to effectively operate within the country’s regulations, thus generating additional costs for the business.

The revenue generated by obtaining an ICP license can vary depending on the nature and scale of the business. Websites with an ICP license can legally operate and generate revenue within mainland China. This can lead to increased profitability over time, enabling a business to expand its reach and customer base.

The registered capital requirement for businesses applying for an ICP license may differ depending on their specific industry, location, and business scope. In general, companies in China need to meet certain registered capital thresholds to ensure they can operate within the regulations and remain financially stable. This amount may vary, but it is important for businesses to have the necessary capital to comply with these requirements.

In conclusion, the ICP license involves various financial aspects, including costs, certificates, business licenses, VATs, revenue, and registered capital. Businesses seeking to acquire an ICP license should carefully consider these factors and ensure they are prepared for the associated expenses and requirements.

ICP Compliance and the Great Firewall

In order to operate a website in mainland China, businesses must obtain an ICP license, which is a legal permit issued by the Chinese government. This involves a registration process with the Aliyun ICP Management System, which oversees the issuance of ICP licenses. There are two main types of ICP licenses: one for informational websites and another for e-commerce or other commercial websites.

Chinese laws and regulations associated with the ICP license are focused on maintaining control over the content available on the internet within the country. The Great Firewall of China is the primary tool used by the government to regulate online content and is responsible for blocking certain websites and services that do not comply with these regulations. Obtaining an ICP license is a key step in ensuring compliance, as it allows websites to be accessible from within mainland China. Businesses that fail to obtain an ICP license risk being blocked by the Great Firewall, limiting their access to the vast Chinese online market.

The ICP certification process involves submitting various documents, including proof of a local presence in China, identification information, and details about the website’s purpose and content. It is important for both foreign and local businesses to navigate this process carefully, as any errors or discrepancies in the application might lead to delays or a denial of the license. Furthermore, businesses must continue to abide by Chinese laws and regulations after obtaining their license, ensuring that their website’s content remains compliant with the guidelines set by the Chinese government.

It is also essential to collaborate with a network and internet service provider (ISP) who owns an ICP license for China to ensure a smooth and successful website operation. Doing so improves the site’s performance and accessibility within the country, allowing businesses to take advantage of the vast digital opportunities behind the Great Firewall of China.

ICP and Website Performance

An ICP license plays a crucial role in the website performance, especially for businesses targeting customers in mainland China. Acquiring an ICP license is crucial as it legally permits businesses to host their website on a local server in China, providing significant benefits in site speed and overall performance.

Websites that are hosted on a mainland Chinese server typically see a boost in site speed, thanks to reduced latency. The proximity of the server to Chinese users ensures that the data transfer occurs at a faster rate, providing them with almost instantaneous access to the website’s content.

One way to further improve website performance and speed is by using a Content Delivery Network (CDN). A CDN is a network of servers located in various geographical locations to ensure quick and efficient delivery of web content to the end-users. A CDN can help in distributing the website’s content more efficiently to Chinese users, reducing the load on the primary server and enabling faster load times.

Businesses that have acquired an ICP license often opt for cloud service providers like Aliyun, also known as Alibaba Cloud, for their hosting needs. Aliyun is the largest cloud service provider in China and offers services such as website hosting, ICP License application support, CDN, and security solutions to ensure optimal website performance.

In conclusion, having an ICP License is not only a legal requirement for hosting a website in China, but it also directly impacts a website’s performance. Leveraging local servers, CDNs, and reliable cloud service providers such as Aliyun can significantly improve site speed and performance, ultimately leading to enhanced user experience and better business outcomes.

Online Sales and Payment Regulations

In China, the ICP (Internet Content Provider) license is an essential permit for businesses that want to host their websites on a mainland Chinese server, especially for e-commerce activity. For companies whose primary goal is online sales, the ICP commercial license is the ideal choice. This permit is intended for making online sales, advertising, and conducting business activities that involve payments through platforms like Alipay.

To integrate online payment systems seamlessly, having an ICP license is crucial. This ensures that the e-commerce websites operate in accordance with the legal requirements set by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). Whether the business has a Chinese-owned business license or operates as a joint-venture, acquiring an ICP commercial license is essential for hosting e-commerce functionality on their platform.

Several popular payment methods are used in China’s online market, with Alipay being one of the most prominent ones. To utilize these payment services/providers on e-commerce websites, obtaining an ICP license is necessary to comply with China’s online payment regulations.

In summary, complying with online sales and payment regulations in China requires an e-commerce website to obtain an ICP commercial license. This enables businesses to legally host their websites on Chinese servers, integrate popular payment methods like Alipay and provide e-commerce functionality to their customers, ensuring smooth operations and adherence to Chinese laws.

The Role of ICP in Chinese Market Access

The ICP license is a vital component for businesses looking to establish a web presence in the Chinese market. This state-issued registration enables companies, both international and local, to legally host a website on servers within mainland China. Obtaining an ICP license is especially crucial for eCommerce businesses wanting to operate in the region.

Advertising in this lucrative market is significantly different from the West. Global giants like Google have limited presence, and local search engines such as Baidu dominate the industry. To run Baidu PPCcampaigns, it is essential for businesses to adhere to Chinese regulations by obtaining an ICP license. This compliance helps in reaching the massive audience that relies on such platforms.

International businesses face unique challenges when entering the Chinese market, as the digital landscape is highly regulated. To host a website in China, they must first acquire an ICP license. By doing so, they can solidify their position and effectively compete with domestic businesses that already have the necessary state-issued registration.

In conclusion, procuring an ICP license is a crucial step in accessing the Chinese market and providing advertising opportunities through its dominant search engines. This process helps service providers and businesses to overcome initial challenges in establishing a robust online presence in China.

ICP and Web Services

An ICP license, or Internet Content Provider license, is an essential requirement for businesses and individuals looking to host a website on a server within mainland China. This permit is issued by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) at the provincial level and ensures the legality of web services and applications in the country source.

For website builders and web applications with informational purposes, having an ICP license helps ensure that their content is accessible and available to users in China. It is particularly vital for eCommerce sites and businesses that want to expand their operations into the Chinese market source.

Obtaining an ICP license can be a lengthy process, and it is enforced by service providers in China. Foreign businesses looking to host their websites within the country need to be aware of the requirements source. Web developers and designers should also account for the need for an ICP license when building web applications and websites intended for the Chinese market.

In conclusion, an ICP license plays a crucial role in ensuring that web services, web applications, and website information are legally compliant with Chinese regulations. It allows businesses to expand their reach into the rapidly growing Chinese market, and offers developers and designers confidence and clarity when building web applications tailored to the specific needs of this vast audience.

The ICP Management System

The ICP Management System plays a vital role in the process of obtaining an ICP license for hosting a website on a mainland Chinese server. As a crucial part of China’s internet infrastructure, this system ensures that websites comply with regulations and maintain a safe online environment.

One of the primary tasks of the ICP Management System is handling the application process for those seeking ICP licenses. Applicants need to provide accurate information about their business, domain name, and hosting provider. This helps the authorities verify the authenticity of the application and determine the appropriate type of license. There are two main forms of ICP licenses: ICP Commercial Licenses, which allow businesses to operate an e-commerce site in China, and non-commercial ICP Filings for informational websites.

To initiate an ICP license application, the applicant must first select a hosting provider that offers support for obtaining an ICP license, such as Alibaba Cloud. Partnering with a reliable provider streamlines the process and ensures that the website complies with Chinese regulations.

Once the hosting provider is selected, applicants need to create an account on the ICP Management System and complete the registration form. This involves providing detailed information about the website owner, the nature of the website, and other materials like a scanned copy of the owner’s ID for verification purposes.

After submitting the registration form, the authorities review the application. This process may take several weeks, during which applicants may need to respond to requests for additional information or make necessary adjustments to their application. Once approved, the applicant receives an ICP license number that must be displayed on their website as proof of regulatory compliance.

In summary, the ICP Management System is an essential part of hosting a website on a mainland Chinese server. Complying with its regulations and ensuring a smooth application process is crucial for successfully obtaining an ICP license and maintaining a legal online presence in China.

The Impact of ICP on Digital Business

The digital business landscape in China is a lucrative market, but it also comes with unique challenges. One such challenge is the requirement to obtain an ICP License for websites operating within China. An ICP License (Internet Content Provider License) is granted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT) and ensures compliance with national security regulations.

Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE)

Wholly foreign-owned enterprises, or WFOEs, often face difficulties regarding ICP licenses. Generally, ICP licenses are issued to foreign businesses only when they are part of a joint venture with a Chinese business that holds at least 51% ownership of the entity. Therefore, WFOEs need to consider partnering with local Chinese businesses to be eligible for an ICP license.

B25 Information Services

B25 Information Services revolve around the provision of various online data solutions. For such services, obtaining an ICP license is crucial as the license permits unfettered access to China’s online market. With a valid ICP License, B25 information services can smoothly operate while ensuring compliance with Chinese regulations.

Impact on Internet in China

ICP licensing plays a significant role in shaping the internet landscape in China. The license’s primary purpose is to regulate online content and maintain national security. It also impacts network speeds and website functionality, as sites with an ICP license can be hosted within China, providing faster and more reliable connection speeds. As a result, obtaining an ICP license is essential for foreign businesses looking to tap into the Chinese digital market and offer high-quality online services.

Role of WFOEs in Digital Business

WFOEs have the potential to play a significant role in China’s digital market by bringing unique products, services, and knowledge from abroad. However, as foreign-owned enterprises, they must navigate the complex regulatory environment, including acquiring an ICP license through joint ventures. This alliance with local partners can boost the overall digital business ecosystem in China, promoting technology transfer, expanding the economy, and offering competitive services to meet the increasing demands of Chinese consumers.

Hosting Services in China

For businesses planning to expand their online presence in China, a crucial step is obtaining an ICP license. This registration enables websites to be hosted on servers within mainland China and legally operate in the country, which is particularly essential for e-commerce platforms.

One of the most prominent hosting providers in China is Alibaba Cloud, offering a range of products and services tailored to customers’ needs. Their solutions vary from cloud computing, data storage, and content delivery networks (CDNs), to security and monitoring services.

When it comes to getting your website hosted in China, the process begins with applying for an ICP Filing (also known as “Bei An” in Chinese). This is the first level of certification required for all websites regardless of their commercial or non-commercial nature. Obtaining an ICP Filing from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) ensures your website will be accessible within mainland China and can only be used for informational purposes, not generating revenue.

In the case of Alibaba Cloud, users can acquire a “Bei An service number” through their Aliyun user account. This unique ID ties together the server IP, domain name, and ICP application, making it an essential component for hosting services in mainland China.

It’s essential to keep in mind China’s strict regulations and compliance requirements when choosing a hosting service. Partnering with a reliable provider like Alibaba Cloud can help navigate the complex landscape of hosting services in China, ultimately ensuring a more stable and accessible online presence within the Chinese market.

Telecommunications Laws and Regulations

The telecommunication industry is subject to a variety of laws and regulations globally. In the People’s Republic of China, the Telecommunications Regulations play a significant role in overseeing this sector. These regulations were established to create a systematic framework for administering telecommunications services, ensuring fair competition, and promoting the healthy development of the industry.

One essential aspect of telecommunications regulations in China is the ICP license. ICP, which stands for Internet Content Provider, is required for any business that operates a website within China’s borders. The ICP license is issued by the relevant telecommunications authorities, and businesses must obtain it before providing any services online. An ICP license has a term of five years and can be renewed 90 days prior to its expiration.

ICP licenses can be categorized into two types: ICP Commercial License (ICP Zheng) and ICP Filing (ICP Bei’An). An ICP Zheng is necessary for businesses that provide value-added online services, such as e-commerce, online gaming, or providing information for a fee. The ICP Bei’An, on the other hand, is required for non-commercial websites, such as blogs or company websites that do not offer paid services.

In addition to the ICP license, telecommunications companies in China must also abide by other regulatory requirements. For instance, businesses must comply with specific technical standards, internet security protocols, and data protection rules. As a result, these regulations play an essential role in maintaining public order and ensuring proper internet practices within the country.

In conclusion, telecommunications laws and regulations, such as the Telecommunications Regulations of the People’s Republic of China and the ICP license, create a structured and secure environment for the industry. These legal frameworks serve to guide businesses operating within the sector, ensuring a competitive and fair market while protecting consumers and fostering a safe online environment.

Website Registration and the Role of Domain Name

When starting an online presence, whether it’s for a personal website or an e-commerce business, domain name registration is the first step. A domain name serves as the unique address for a website on the internet. It is an essential component of a website’s identity and helps users easily locate and access the site.

Registering a domain name is a straightforward process, usually involving choosing a suitable domain registrar and checking for the availability of desired domain names. Once a domain name is chosen and registered with the registrar, it is important to take note of the renewal requirements, as domain names are typically registered on an annual basis.

In the context of China-based websites, an ICP (Internet Content Provider) license plays a crucial role in the operation of a website. An ICP license is a permit issued by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) that allows China-based websites to legally operate in the country. Websites targeting the Chinese market and hosted on servers in mainland China are required to obtain this license.

The ICP license is directly connected to the domain name. Where and how the ICP license applies depends on how the domain is managed. There are generally three service providers related to the ICP license registration: the DNS (Domain Name System/Service/Server) provider, the web hosting provider, and the registrar. These providers play different roles in the domain’s management and operation.

For personal websites, it is still essential to obtain an ICP license if the website is hosted on a server in mainland China. This ensures that the personal website adheres to Chinese regulations and remains accessible to users in China.

In summary, domain name registration is a critical step for any website, personal or commercial. The chosen domain name should reflect the website’s purpose and identity. Registering a domain name with a registrar is necessary for the website to be accessible on the internet. For websites operating in mainland China, it is essential to obtain an ICP license, which is linked to the domain name and is necessary for legal operation within the country.

ICP in the Digital Advertising

The ICP (Internet Content Provider) license is a crucial aspect of digital advertising in China, as it allows companies to host their websites on mainland Chinese servers. This permit is issued at the province-level by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and is essential for foreign companies wanting to expand their online presence in the Chinese market source.

ICP permits are especially important for digital advertising, as the regulations state that websites with commercial activities like online advertising need to obtain a commercial ICP license. Essentially, any website that derives direct income from displaying online advertisements, texts, images, audio, video, or apps falls under this category source.

In the realm of online advertising in China, platforms such as Baidu PPC (Pay-Per-Click) play a significant role. Baidu PPC is a widely popular advertising programme that permits users to display their advertisements on Baidu search results pages. By having an ICP license, foreign companies can ensure the legality of their ad campaigns in the Chinese market, thereby reaching a broader audience and boosting their sales source.

A commercial ICP license is a vital aspect of digital advertising in China. It ensures a company’s online presence and ad campaigns are compliant with Chinese regulations, minimizing the risk of being shut down or penalized. To fully capitalize on the Chinese digital advertising sphere, obtaining an ICP license should be a priority for any foreign company looking to expand its reach in this market.

Case Study: How Chinafy and Alibaba Cloud Facilitate ICP

Chinafy and Alibaba Cloud are two key players in facilitating the process of obtaining Internet Content Provider (ICP) licenses for businesses aiming to operate websites in mainland China. They provide essential services and solutions to help companies navigate through the complex and time-consuming ICP application process.

Chinafy, as a cross-border web performance platform, specializes in ensuring websites load fast, fully, and securely in China without requiring an ICP or building a new site from scratch. For businesses that opt for hosting in China, the company offers additional go-to-market solutions such as ICP filing services, Baidu paid advertising, translation, and localization.

Alibaba Cloud complements Chinafy’s services by providing hosting infrastructure and a comprehensive ICP Filing Application Overview for users. If a website is hosted on an instance located in Mainland China, an ICP filing is mandatory based on the regulations of the local authorities. Alibaba Cloud’s platform guides users through the necessary steps, ensuring businesses are compliant with all relevant ICP requirements.

When working with Alibaba Cloud to apply for an ICP license, businesses need to follow the regulations set by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). This process entails acquiring an ICP filing for non-commercial web services or an ICP license for commercial web services.

In summary, Chinafy and Alibaba Cloud collaborate to provide a seamless experience for businesses looking to operate their websites in China. While Chinafy focuses on optimizing the website’s performance in the region without the need for an ICP, Alibaba Cloud ensures that the website is hosted and compliant with ICP regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

To obtain an ICP license in China, you need to follow a series of steps including preparing necessary documents, submitting an application to the relevant authorities, and passing the official review process. It's essential to be accurate with the information you provide and abide by China's regulations. 

ICP registration requires several documents and information, depending on whether the applicant is an individual or a company. Generally, you will need a valid Chinese phone number, valid identification (ID) for individuals, or a business license for companies. Additionally, a server or hosting provider located in mainland China is required.

Having an ICP license allows your website to be legally hosted on a server in mainland China, making it accessible to users within the country. This permits faster loading times and better user experience for your audience, as it avoids potential issues with cross-border data transmission. Chinafy provides more information on the impact of ICP licensing to websites operating in China.

Yes, an ICP license is a legal requirement for any website that intends to host its content on a server located within mainland China. The type of license needed depends on whether the website's content is for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Some exceptions exist for certain individuals or businesses, so it's essential to research your specific case before proceeding.

ICP filing, or "Bei'an" in Chinese, is a registration process for non-commercial internet information services. It is required for websites providing information only, without generating revenue. On the other hand, ICP licensing is required for websites that offer commercial services or sell products. This distinction is important to consider when applying for the correct permit, as Alibaba Cloud explains.

The time taken to obtain an ICP license can vary depending on the complexity of the application and the authorities' workload. In general, the process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months. It's important to be patient, diligent, and responsive to any correspondence during the process for successful and timely approval of your ICP license.

This post first appeared on RemotePad, please read the originial post: here

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What Is the China ICP License and How to Get One
