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Breakthrough Method Developed to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance as Reduction of Antibiotic Use Alone Proves Ineffective


Researchers Discover New Molecules that Enhance Antibiotic Efficacy, Offering Hope in Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance

Study Reveals Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance Genes, Urges Innovative Approaches to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial resistance continues to be a pressing global health concern, with millions of people succumbing to drug-resistant infections each year. In the face of this growing crisis, researchers at the University of Oklahoma have made a groundbreaking discovery that could offer a solution to this complex problem. By identifying molecules that inhibit bacterial efflux pumps, the team has found a way to enhance the effectiveness of antibiotics, potentially negating the threat of antibiotic resistance.

Bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics by developing efflux pumps, mechanisms that remove medication from their cells before it can eliminate the bacteria. This evasive tactic renders many antibiotics ineffective and poses a significant challenge to medical practitioners worldwide. However, the team at the University of Oklahoma has uncovered a new class of molecules that can inhibit these efflux pumps, allowing antibiotics to fulfill their intended purpose of eliminating harmful bacteria.

The inhibitors target the region between a bacteria cell’s inner and outer membranes, effectively increasing the antibacterial activity of antibiotics. This discovery not only sheds light on the intricate mechanisms that bacteria employ to resist medication but also provides a potential avenue for the development of new therapeutic treatments for antibiotic-resistant infections. By understanding how these efflux pumps can be inhibited, researchers can propose innovative strategies to combat the growing antibiotic resistance crisis.

While reducing the use of antibiotics may seem like a logical approach to curb antimicrobial resistance, recent research led by the University of Oxford suggests that the natural evolution of antibiotic resistance genes allows bacteria to maintain their resistance, even in the face of decreased antibiotic use. This finding underscores the importance of comprehending the regulatory evolution of resistance genes to effectively combat antimicrobial resistance.

In the study conducted by the University of Oxford, the focus was on the mcr-1 gene, which confers resistance to the antibiotic colistin. Despite a ban on the use of colistin in animal feed in China, the mcr-1 gene did not decrease as expected. This surprising phenomenon was attributed to certain variants of the regulatory region offsetting the fitness costs associated with the gene. Remarkably, DNA sequence analysis revealed that these regulatory mutations remained stable even after the ban on colistin use, allowing bacteria to maintain colistin resistance in agricultural settings.

These findings highlight the urgent need for innovative approaches to combat antimicrobial resistance and protect last-resort antibiotics. The reduction of antibiotic use alone is clearly ineffective in resolving this crisis, as bacteria are capable of evolving and maintaining resistance genes through regulatory mechanisms. By studying and understanding the evolutionary patterns of resistance genes, scientists can develop targeted interventions that address the root causes of antimicrobial resistance.

The recent breakthrough at the University of Oklahoma, combined with the lessons learned from the University of Oxford study, offers hope in the fight against antibiotic resistance. By inhibiting bacterial efflux pumps, researchers have found a way to circumvent the resistance mechanisms employed by bacteria, rendering antibiotics effective once again. This discovery opens up new possibilities for the development of more potent medications and treatments for antibiotic-resistant infections.

As the world grapples with the ongoing antimicrobial resistance crisis, it is crucial for governments, healthcare organizations, and researchers to collaborate and prioritize the preservation of the effectiveness of last-line antibiotics. Educating the public on the responsible use of antibiotics and implementing strict regulations on their use in agricultural settings are steps that must be taken to mitigate the spread of resistance genes.

The post Breakthrough Method Developed to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance as Reduction of Antibiotic Use Alone Proves Ineffective appeared first on Pinnacle Chronicles.

This post first appeared on India Business News, please read the originial post: here

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Breakthrough Method Developed to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance as Reduction of Antibiotic Use Alone Proves Ineffective
