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Study: Monkeypox-like Immune Response from Smallpox Vaccine & Sinopharm’s mRNA Vaccines Show Effective Protection Against Monkeypox


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Monkeypox-like Immune Response Found in Smallpox Vaccine & New Study Shows Sinopharm’s mRNA Vaccines Effective Against Monkeypox

In a groundbreaking study, researchers have discovered that the immune response induced by smallpox vaccination is similar to that observed in individuals infected with monkeypox. This finding has significant implications for understanding the immune response to these related viruses and could potentially pave the way for the development of more effective vaccines. Additionally, a separate study has revealed promising results regarding the efficacy of mRNA vaccines developed by Sinopharm in providing protection against monkeypox. These findings come at a crucial time as monkeypox infections have been on the rise, particularly in China, where a total of 501 cases were reported in August alone.

Monkeypox, a viral disease caused by the monkeypox virus, was initially endemic to central and western African countries. However, recent cases in non-endemic countries have raised concerns about its potential global spread. Understanding the immune response to monkeypox is key to developing effective prevention and control strategies. The discovery that the antibody response induced by smallpox vaccination is similar to that seen in monkeypox infection is a significant step forward in this regard.

Smallpox, a highly contagious and often fatal disease, was eradicated through a successful global vaccination campaign. Antibodies induced by smallpox vaccines have been shown to remain detectable for up to 35 years post-vaccination, highlighting the long-lasting and robust nature of the immune response. The study found that both the IMVANEX and ACAM2000 smallpox vaccines elicited similar antibody responses against tested antigens, suggesting that these vaccines could potentially be repurposed for monkeypox prevention.

Furthermore, individuals with prior monkeypox infections exhibited similar antibody responses to poxvirus antigens as those who had received smallpox vaccination. This suggests that individuals previously infected with monkeypox may possess some level of immunity against future infections, similar to individuals who have been vaccinated against smallpox. Identifying specific markers for monkeypox infection and vaccination is crucial for accurate diagnosis and monitoring of immune responses. In this study, antigen A27 was identified as the most specific marker for monkeypox infection and ACAM2000 vaccination, while antigen M1 was identified as the most specific marker for IMVANEX vaccination.

To accurately measure immune responses to monkeypox infection or smallpox vaccination, the researchers developed a highly sensitive and specific pooled antigen ELISA. This assay allows for precise detection of antibodies and provides a valuable tool for future studies and surveillance efforts. The development of such a reliable diagnostic test will greatly aid in the identification and control of monkeypox outbreaks, particularly in non-endemic countries where the virus is less familiar.

In a separate study conducted by Sinopharm, three mRNA vaccines were found to provide effective protection against monkeypox in mouse models. mRNA vaccines have gained significant attention and acclaim in recent years due to their ability to elicit immune responses against a wide range of pathogens. These findings suggest that mRNA vaccines could be a promising avenue for the prevention and control of monkeypox, offering a potential alternative to traditional smallpox vaccines.

The rise in monkeypox infections in China is a cause for concern. With a reported total of 501 cases in August alone, the Chinese national health authority has classified monkeypox infections under Class-B-infection management, similar to the classification for COVID-19. This highlights the severity and potential impact of the disease, necessitating urgent measures to curb its spread.

The post Study: Monkeypox-like Immune Response from Smallpox Vaccine & Sinopharm’s mRNA Vaccines Show Effective Protection Against Monkeypox appeared first on Pinnacle Chronicles.

This post first appeared on India Business News, please read the originial post: here

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Study: Monkeypox-like Immune Response from Smallpox Vaccine & Sinopharm’s mRNA Vaccines Show Effective Protection Against Monkeypox
