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The Power of Excel’s Lookup & Reference Functions

The Power of Excel’s Lookup & Reference Functions

The Power of Excel’s Lookup & Reference Functions: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents

  3. INDEX
  4. MATCH



VLOOKUP, which stands for “Vertical Lookup”, is one of the most widely-used functions in Excel. It allows users to search for a value in the first column of a table range and then return a value in the same row from a specified column. This function is especially useful for data retrieval from large datasets.

Function Syntax:

=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])


  • lookup_value: The value to search for in the first column of the table_array.
  • table_array: The range of cells that contains the data. This is where VLOOKUP will search for the lookup_value and retrieve the related data.
  • col_index_num: The column index number from which the matching value should be returned. The first column in the table_array is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.
  • [range_lookup]: (Optional) A logical value that specifies whether you want VLOOKUP to find an exact match or an approximate match. If TRUE (or omitted), an approximate match is returned. If FALSE, VLOOKUP will search for an exact match.

Detailed Example:

Let’s assume you have a product inventory table as follows:

Product ID Product Name Price
101 Apple $1
102 Banana $0.5
103 Cherry $2
104 Date $3

To retrieve the price of a Banana using its Product ID:

  1. You’ll place this table in Excel, let’s say from A1 to C5.
  2. In another cell, say E1, you input the Product ID 102.
  3. In F1, you’ll input the VLOOKUP formula: =VLOOKUP(E1, A1:C5, 3, FALSE)

Upon entering the formula, the cell F1 will display $0.5, which is the price of a Banana.

Suppose you have a product sales table:

Product ID Product Name Price
101 Shoes $50
102 Hat $20
103 Shirt $30
104 Jacket $100

You’re given a Product ID, and you want to find out the price of that product.

Task: Find the price of the product with Product ID “103”.


  1. In an empty cell, you can use the following formula:
    =VLOOKUP(103, A2:C5, 3, FALSE)
  2. Breakdown:
    • lookup_value is 103 – the Product ID you want to search for.
    • table_array is A2:C5 – the range of your table.
    • col_index_num is 3 – because the Price is in the third column of your table.
    • range_lookup is FALSE – because you want an exact match.
  3. Result: The formula will return $30 as the product with Product ID “103” is a Shirt and it costs $30.

Points to Remember:

  • If the VLOOKUP function cannot find the lookup_value, it will return an #N/A error.
  • Always ensure the lookup_value is in the first column of the table_array.
  • When using the approximate match option (range_lookup is TRUE), make sure the first column in your table array is sorted in ascending order.
  • VLOOKUP is case-insensitive.
  • VLOOKUP only looks from left to right. It will always search the first column of the table_array.


VLOOKUP is particularly useful in scenarios such as:

  • Database retrieval: Extracting specific data points from a large dataset.
  • Data Validation: Checking if a particular value exists in a list.
  • Grade assignment: Assigning grades to students based on score brackets.
  • Currency conversion: Finding the conversion rate for currencies from a lookup table and applying it.

The function’s versatility and ease-of-use make it a staple in many Excel users’ toolkit. However, it’s worth noting that VLOOKUP always searches in the first column of the table_array. For more flexibility, users might consider functions like INDEX-MATCH or XLOOKUP (in newer Excel versions).



HLOOKUP, which stands for “Horizontal Lookup”, is a function in Excel used for searching for a value in the top row of a table or array and returning a value in the same column from a specified row. It is similar to VLOOKUP, but works horizontally instead of vertically.

Function Syntax:

=HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num, [range_lookup])


  • lookup_value: The value to be searched for in the top row of the table_array.
  • table_array: The range of cells containing the data. This is where HLOOKUP will search for the lookup_value and retrieve the corresponding data.
  • row_index_num: The row index number from which the matching value should be returned. The top row in the table_array is 1, the next row is 2, and so on.
  • [range_lookup]: (Optional) A logical value that specifies if you want HLOOKUP to find an exact match or an approximate match. If TRUE (or omitted), an approximate match is returned. If FALSE, HLOOKUP will search for an exact match.

Detailed Example:

Imagine you have a dataset like this:

Month January February March
Revenue $5000 $5500 $5300
Expenses $4000 $4200 $4100

To find out the expenses for the month of February:

  1. Place this table in Excel, starting from A1 to D3.
  2. In another cell, say F1, you input the month February.
  3. In G1, you’ll use the HLOOKUP formula: =HLOOKUP(F1, A1:D3, 3, FALSE)

Upon execution, the cell G1 will display $4200, which is the expenses for February.


HLOOKUP is beneficial in scenarios such as:

  • Financial Reports: When data like monthly revenues, expenses, or profits are listed horizontally.
  • Employee Schedules: If employee names are listed vertically and their shift timings are spread out horizontally for each day.
  • Product Comparisons: When comparing features of different products listed horizontally.

Although HLOOKUP is a powerful tool, it is less commonly used than VLOOKUP because datasets are typically structured with vertical columns. If a dataset is organized horizontally, HLOOKUP is the perfect tool for extracting the needed information. However, for more flexibility, users can consider using a combination of INDEX-MATCH, which can work both vertically and horizontally.

INDEX Function in MS Excel


The INDEX function in Excel returns the value of a cell within a specific row and column of a range. It is often used on its own to retrieve a value at a given position, but it’s most powerful when combined with other functions, especially MATCH, to perform flexible and complex lookups.

Function Syntax:

=INDEX(array, row_num, [col_num], [area_num])


  • array: This is the range of cells or table array from which the function will retrieve a value.
  • row_num: The row position in the array from which the function should return a value.
  • col_num: (Optional) The column position in the array from which the function should return a value. If omitted, the function will assume you are referencing a one-column array.
  • area_num: (Optional) If the array contains multiple ranges, you can use the area_num to specify which range to use.

Detailed Example:

Imagine you have the following dataset in Excel:

1 Apple
2 Banana
3 Cherry

To retrieve the fruit name associated with the number 2:

  1. Place the table in Excel, starting from A1 to B3.
  2. In another cell, say D1, you could use the formula: =INDEX(B1:B3, 2)

This formula will return Banana because it’s asking Excel to get the value from the second row of the range B1:B3.


The INDEX function is versatile and can be applied in a variety of scenarios:

  • Two-dimensional Lookup: When combined with MATCH, the INDEX function can perform a lookup based on both rows and columns, making it more flexible than VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP.
  • Dynamic Range Selection: INDEX can be used to define dynamic ranges which adjust based on criteria.
  • Return a Cell Reference: Unlike other lookup functions, INDEX can return a cell reference which can be used in conjunction with other functions.
  • Return Entire Row or Column: When you use 0 or omit the row_num or col_num, INDEX returns the entire row or column. This can be useful when combined with other functions like SUM or AVERAGE.
  • Array Formulas: Advanced users can leverage the array form of INDEX to perform operations on arrays, allowing for complex calculations without the need for helper columns.

To further illustrate its power, consider combining INDEX with MATCH:

=INDEX(B1:B3, MATCH("Cherry", A1:A3, 0))

This formula will search for “Cherry” in the range A1:A3 using MATCH and return its relative position (3 in this case). INDEX then uses that position to retrieve the corresponding value from the range B1:B3, returning 3.


The INDEX function is a cornerstone of advanced Excel functionalities. When understood and utilized correctly, it allows users to perform a range of tasks from simple retrievals to intricate calculations, making it an invaluable tool in an Excel user’s toolkit.

MATCH Function in MS Excel


The MATCH function in Excel is used to find the relative position of a value within a range or array. It is particularly powerful when combined with other Excel functions like INDEX to conduct advanced lookups. Unlike VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP that return a specific value, MATCH returns the position of the value.

Function Syntax:

=MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])


  • lookup_value: The value you want to search for.
  • lookup_array: The range of cells or array in which you want to find the position of the lookup_value.
  • match_type: (Optional) The type of match to use. It can be:
    • 1 (Default): Finds the largest value that is less than or equal to the lookup_value (Array must be sorted in ascending order).
    • 0: Finds the first value that is exactly equal to the lookup_value.
    • -1: Finds the smallest value that is greater than or equal to the lookup_value (Array must be sorted in descending order).

Detailed Example:

Consider you have a list of students and their scores:

Student Score
Alice 85
Bob 92
Charlie 88
David 76

You want to find out the position of Bob’s score in the score list:

  1. Place the table in Excel, starting from A1 to B4.
  2. In another cell, say D1, you could use the formula: =MATCH(92, B1:B4, 0)

This formula will return 2 because Bob’s score is the second item in the range B1:B4.


The MATCH function is versatile and can be applied in a variety of scenarios:

  • Finding Position: MATCH can be used to find the position of specific data in a list. This can be useful when you’re not interested in the actual data, but rather where it is located.
  • Combined with INDEX: When MATCH is paired with the INDEX function, it allows you to perform a two-dimensional lookup. For instance, INDEX can return a value in a specific row and column based on the position found by MATCH.
  • Dynamic Range Lookups: You can use MATCH in combination with other functions to define dynamic ranges, creating flexible data validation lists or drop-down lists that adjust based on input.
  • Replaces VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP: In scenarios where you only need the position (not the value itself), MATCH provides a simpler alternative to the more complex lookup functions.


The MATCH function is a robust tool in Excel, enabling users to find the relative position of data within a range. While it’s powerful on its own, its true strength emerges when combined with functions like INDEX. By understanding and harnessing the capabilities of MATCH, users can create more dynamic, flexible, and efficient Excel sheets.

CHOOSE Function in MS Excel


The CHOOSE function in Excel is a lookup function that allows you to return a value from a list of values, based on a given index number. Essentially, it lets you select one of up to 254 values based on the index number. It can be thought of as a simpler, more direct way of selecting from a list than using the more complex lookup functions.

Function Syntax:

=CHOOSE(index_num, value1, [value2], …)


  • index_num: The index number which represents the position of the value to be returned. It must be a number between 1 and 254.
  • value1, value2, …: These are the values or references from which the function will choose. Up to 254 values can be provided.

Detailed Example:

Suppose you’re managing a small cafe and you have different beverages with corresponding prices. You want to create a simple mechanism to return the price of a beverage based on an index:

Index Beverage Price
1 Coffee $3
2 Tea $2.5
3 Hot Chocolate $4
4 Water $1

Using the CHOOSE function, you can quickly determine the price of a beverage:

  1. Place the table in Excel, starting from A1 to C4.
  2. In a cell, say E1, input an index number, for example 2.
  3. In another cell, say F1, you can use the formula: =CHOOSE(E1, 3, 2.5, 4, 1)

When the index number 2 is placed in E1, the formula in F1 will return $2.5, the price of Tea.


  • Simplifying Lookups: Instead of creating a large table and using VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP, you can use CHOOSE for simpler lists.
  • Dynamic Function Selection: CHOOSE can be used to switch between different functions based on an index. For instance, you could calculate either the sum, average, or count of a range based on a user-selected index.
  • Creating Custom Lists: It’s useful when you want to generate custom lists or arrays without referencing a table.
  • Nested with Other Functions: CHOOSE can be nested with other Excel functions to extend its applicability, like combining it with MATCH to create a dynamic lookup.


The CHOOSE function in Excel provides a straightforward way to select from a list of values based on a given index. Its simplicity and versatility make it an excellent tool for both basic lookups and advanced Excel applications. When combined with other functions or used in creative ways, CHOOSE offers dynamic solutions for various data scenarios.

OFFSET Function in MS Excel


The OFFSET function in Excel is a versatile lookup and reference function that returns a reference to a range, which is a set number of rows and columns from a specific reference point.

Function Syntax:

=OFFSET(reference, rows, cols, [height], [width])


  • reference: The starting point or the initial reference.
  • rows: The number of rows from the starting point.
  • cols: The number of columns from the starting point.
  • height: (Optional) The height of the returned reference range.
  • width: (Optional) The width of the returned reference range.

Detailed Example:

Imagine a dataset of sales data for various products:

Product January February March
Shoes 100 110 105
Hats 50 55 53
Shirts 75 78 80

If you want to dynamically retrieve the sales figure for “Hats” in “February”, you could use the following formula, assuming the table starts at A1:

=OFFSET(A1, 2, 2)

This will move 2 rows down from A1 and 2 columns to the right, landing on the value 55, which is the sales figure for “Hats” in “February”.


  • Dynamic Ranges: The OFFSET function is widely used in creating dynamic named ranges which can automatically adjust in size.
  • Data Validation Lists: It can be used to create dynamic drop-down lists that change based on another input or selection.
  • Summarizing Data: Combined with other functions, like SUM or AVERAGE, OFFSET can help in summarizing data based on dynamic criteria.
  • Charts: For creating dynamic charts that automatically adjust to the data.


The OFFSET function in Excel is an incredibly powerful tool for creating dynamic references and can greatly enhance the flexibility of your worksheets. When combined with other functions, it allows for advanced data manipulation and dynamic range selections, making it an indispensable function for advanced Excel users.

The INDIRECT Function in MS Excel


The INDIRECT function in Excel returns the value of a cell specified by a text string. Essentially, it allows you to indirectly reference cells, ranges, other sheets, or even other workbooks, turning text into actual references.

Function Syntax:

=INDIRECT(ref_text, [a1])


  • ref_text: A text string that describes the cell reference.
  • a1: (Optional) A logical value that specifies the type of reference contained in the cell ref_text. If TRUE or omitted, ref_text is interpreted as an A1-style reference. If FALSE, ref_text is interpreted as an R1C1-style reference.

Detailed Example:

Imagine a dataset with the sales data of different products over various months:

Product January February March
Shoes 100 110 105
Hats 50 55 53
Shirts 75 78 80

If you place “B2” in cell E1 and want to fetch the value from B2 using INDIRECT:


This will return the value 100, which is the sales figure for “Shoes” in “January”.


  • Dynamic Cell References: If you have a cell reference in text format, you can convert it into an actual reference using INDIRECT.
  • Data Validation: Combined with other functions, it can be used to create dependent drop-down lists where the selection of one list determines the values in another.
  • Dynamic Sheet References: It can reference other sheets dynamically. For example, if you have sheet names in a cell, you can retrieve data from those sheets using INDIRECT.
  • Combined with Other Functions: INDIRECT can enhance the functionality of many other Excel functions by allowing them to work off dynamic or text-based references.


The INDIRECT function in Excel is a powerful tool when dealing with dynamic references. It turns text into live references, offering a level of flexibility that’s hard to achieve with standard referencing. However, it’s essential to note that overusing INDIRECT can make your workbook slower, especially in large files, because it’s a volatile function that recalculates whenever any cell changes.

Closing: Excel’s Lookup & Reference functions are some of the most versatile tools at your disposal. By mastering their usage, you can enhance your data analysis capabilities, create dynamic models, and solve complex problems with ease. As always, practice is the key to mastery. Dive into these functions, play around with them, and see how they can elevate your Excel game!

This post first appeared on Income Tax Consultant Online| Call Us At: +91 9496 353 692, please read the originial post: here

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The Power of Excel’s Lookup & Reference Functions


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