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2019 Featured Project




Supplier/ Project

Progressive Builders Pte Ltd Jan 19 Geylang C15
GIB Technology Pte Ltd Feb 19 SGX Project
Keppel Fels Ltd Feb 19 FS01/B0367: Super B Class- Big Foot Project
Boustead Salcon Water Solutions Pte Ltd Feb 19 Toshiba_TJB5&6_CPP
Electro-Acoustics Systems Pte Ltd Mar 19 Funan Shopping Centre Project
ED Zublin AG (Singapore Branch) May 19 DTSS Phase 2 Project, Contract T-07
Herrenknecht Asia Headquarters Pte Ltd May 19 Umbilical Cables For Tunnel Boring Machine (Korea)
Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd June 19 Circle Line 6 Project C882 – Initial Drive Cable For TBM
Anlima Energy Ltd June 19 Energy Ltd 126MW Power Plant (Bangladesh)
Sembcorp Marine Integrated Yard Pte Ltd Aug 19 SCM – Admiralty Yard (SP3)
Singapore Refining Company Pte Ltd Aug 19 PMMC-4678 – Vibration Project
Singapore Refining Company Pte Ltd Sept 19 PMMC-4674 – SRU 5 –Superclaus Project
Singapore Refining Company Pte Ltd Oct 19 PMMC 4706 –RCC SIL Upgrade
Keppel Fels Ltd Nov19 700-EIC. ELECT INDUST.CABLES- For plant FS01
Keppel Fels Ltd Dec 19 700-EIC. ELECT LIGHTS FITTINGS- For plant FS01

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2019 Featured Project
