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Sean E. Reavie: A Multifaceted Journey of Resilience, Philanthropy, and Empowerment


A multifaceted individual, Sean E. Reavie is renowned as a best-selling author, award-winning philanthropist, and highly decorated police officer. As the CEO, President, and Founder of the unique charity “Put on the Cape A Foundation for Hope,” he has dedicated his career to making a positive impact. With a background as a veteran law enforcement professional, Sean spent six years investigating Crimes Against Children, handling over 1,000 cases involving victims ranging from a few days old to 17 years. 

Inducted into the Marquis “Who’s Who in America” in 2022, Sean received the esteemed title of “Humanitarian of the Year” in 2021 from the same organization, recognizing his unwavering passion and philanthropic efforts for his mission.

Sean’s journey to success involved various roles, including a journalist, diverse sales positions, and real estate. Despite facing adversity in 2006, losing his business, home, and cars, he transformed his life by pursuing his dream of becoming a police officer. At the age of 40, in November 2007, Sean became a rookie police officer for the fifth-largest city in America.

In 2013, Sean tested #1 overall to work as a detective in the Crimes Against Children Unit, which dealt with a challenging workload of 700 cases per month. A pivotal moment occurred in 2015 during an interview with a 9-year-old abuse victim who was too scared to speak until Sean asked about his favorite superhero. The two bonded over their shared love of Superheroes and the child identified their abuser.

This experience inspired Sean to initiate a donation drive for superhero-themed items, leading to the creation of “Superhero September.” Over four years, in the month of September, Sean raised more than $100,000 for the advocacy center. In 2019, upon discovering misuse of the funds raised, he founded “Put on the Cape: A Foundation for Hope” to ensure direct support for the children in need.

From Surviving to Thriving

Sean is dedicated to inspiring others to recognize their potential, particularly children, by serving as an example. Despite being a survivor of childhood abuse and enduring ongoing psychological abuse from a mentally ill parent as an adult, Sean acknowledges his internal struggles. Despite being extremely introverted, he courageously attends his own events, expending significant energy to engage with others. Sean believes in providing a roadmap for those grappling with internal self-loathing, aiming to make every encounter a positive experience for those who interact with him. His goal is to instill a sense of improvement and empowerment in everyone he encounters.

Defying Limits

Sean consistently sets a compelling example of success, defying the narrative of being told “you can’t do that” throughout his life. He is committed to being a transparent and visible charity, ensuring that every donation is publicized. Sean firmly believes in showcasing the grassroots nature of charity work and fostering relatability with the mission and its leader. His success is evident through earning the State of Arizona Police Officer of the Year twice, receiving numerous awards for his police work, and gaining recognition from state, national, and international organizations for his foundation. 

As a #1 bestselling author with multiple books and the recipient of various honors, Sean attributes his success to a deep desire for his life to matter and leave a positive impact. Despite facing criticism and negativity, he remains steadfast in his values of ethics, honesty, and doing the right thing. Sean emphasizes the importance of not allowing others’ jealousy or spite to hinder one’s pursuit of greatness, citing his own journey of starting a new career at 40, establishing his foundation at 52, and becoming a first-time author at 55 as evidence of his resilience and refusal to quit.

Empowering Change

As the President and Founder of Put on the Cape, Sean holds responsibilities that include establishing partnerships with local and national businesses. One of the notable achievements is gaining support from numerous Fortune 500 companies, which often surprises people in the charity sector. Sean is actively engaged in public speaking, event organization, and planning. The events he orchestrates range from car shows, 5ks, and golf tournaments to unique initiatives like Superhero Shopping Sprees and Giving Caravans during Christmas. The Christmas Caravan, sponsored by Arizona’s largest law firm, involves Sean presenting each supported center with a $2,000 check to adopt a family heavily impacted by abuse, spreading joy with Santa on a 150-mile journey. Sean emphasizes a grassroots approach to charity, eschewing boardrooms or virtual meetings for direct engagement, handshakes, and the tangible impact of changing lives.

Leading to Win

In Sean’s perspective, he strongly believes that while there may not be an “I” in team, there is in Win. Acknowledging the absence of a team without a dedicated, passionate leader, he emphasizes the crucial role of leadership in empowering individuals to follow and contribute. Sean underscores the importance of being receptive to diverse ideas and perspectives, as fostering an environment where every team member feels valued is essential. Given that Put on the Cape operates entirely with volunteers, Sean emphasizes the significance of making those who generously dedicate their time feel essential to the mission, highlighting the idea that without this sense of importance, the collective effort wouldn’t succeed.

Empowering Communities with Purpose

Sean points out that at Put on the Cape, the organization doesn’t engage in hiring; instead, it relies on volunteers who adhere to a stringent code of ethics and conduct. The work undertaken by the superhero team is considered serious, demanding individuals with a strong sense of purpose. Team members comprehend the sensitivity of their mission, maintaining professionalism in all public interactions, especially when collaborating with Special Victims Units from 10 police departments. Sean highlights the dedication of his two most loyal team members, Jamie Mullins (currently Executive VP) and Scott Snover (Director of POTC CAUSE PLAY), who joined in 2016 and deeply understand the mission. When in their superhero personas, such as Captain America and Supergirl, Scott and Jamie immerse themselves in their characters, effectively creating a suspension of disbelief that resonates with both children and adults. Sean emphasizes the organization’s transparency, underscoring the absence of offices or buildings and the fact that no one takes a salary. The community’s contributions, from donating a van to covering its wrap expenses, further reinforce trust and transparency in the organization’s operations.

Transforming Child Advocacy

In Arizona, police departments employ a multi-disciplinary approach to address children disclosing abuse by incorporating various disciplines within its advocacy centers. Sean highlights the comprehensive setup that includes the Detective Bureau, a county attorney, forensic pediatricians, nurse practitioners, forensic interviewers, victim advocates, mental health specialists, and the Department of Child Safety, all housed in a single building. This innovative approach ensures that a child undergoes a single interview, observed by all relevant professionals in a designated viewing room. Sean emphasizes that this approach represents a significant departure from past methods of handling such cases.

Building Trust Amidst Challenges

According to Sean, the greatest risk was establishing Put on the Cape in the first place. He faced ostracism from leadership within his department, with objections raised about him raising money and purportedly “blurring the lines of trust with the community.” Despite having engaged in similar activities for his department previously, creating his own charity led to a shift in perception, and he was accused of creating distrust within the community he served. Sean noted that the same people who accused him of such distrust, continually run events using his ideas to raise money for their causes.

Sean emphasizes the grassroots aspect that he refuses to relinquish. Being recognized by his community as the leader of a small charity that contributes significantly is a source of immense pride. When people seek recommendations for a worthwhile charity to support, his name and POTC immediately come to mind, a result of intentional branding. Sean acknowledges his humanity and flaws but remains steadfast in his belief in the mission, inspiring others to do the same and promoting it relentlessly. Looking ahead five years, his goal is to secure grants that cover all events and expenses, allowing the focus to shift entirely to healing and empowering children who need a hero, relieving the constant pressure of fundraising.

Leadership Wisdom

Sean’s advice for someone entering a leadership position for the first time is to let their will be stronger than the barriers placed in front of them. He emphasizes the importance of preparation for the challenges ahead, highlighting that being successful is more challenging than being average. Sean encourages individuals to dare great things and underscores that the focus should never be on oneself; rather, it must be on making someone else better through one’s actions. He shares that life improved for him when he realized this principle.

According to Sean, nothing bad happens when you take the shot. Even if you fall, getting up puts you ahead of where you were. He acknowledges experiencing relentless failure for years but learned to persist with what worked and discard what didn’t. Through laughter, tears, and losses, he also impacted thousands of children he never met. Sean advises being willing to lose so that one understands what it looks like and can learn from those experiences.

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Sean E. Reavie: A Multifaceted Journey of Resilience, Philanthropy, and Empowerment
