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Organizational Performance Blog Blog

Featuring news, articles and tips on all aspects of improving organizational performance through effective leadership, training and learning, driving organizational change and enhancing employee capabilities.
Poor communication in the workplace leaves in its wake low motivation, poor productivity and high employment costs. Why Communication Practices Are Important Good communication practices are… Read More
Many change initiatives fail for want of a clear and unambiguous set of objectives. Why Program Objectives Are Important Your desire to move your organization towards a new way of working wi… Read More
Assigning roles and responsibilities is a key step to energizing your people for action in achieving your change program goals. Types of Change Program Roles Your change program, no matter h… Read More
Improve the effectiveness of your training programs by writing clear learning objectives. Why Write Learning Objectives? Why go to the bother of writing learning objectives for your training… Read More
Get your learning and change programs off to the best start by defining and agreeing SMART objectives with stakeholders. Define SMART Objectives Whether your organization is about to embark… Read More
Design your training programs in a way that guarantees learners will behave differently back on the job. Learner Behavior On-The-Job Many trainers focus on what their program participants ne… Read More
There are critical actions that require your attention if your change initiative is to succeed. Essential Change Management Activities Managing Stakeholders Whatever your change program, on… Read More
Eight key practice areas are essential for effective project management. Why a Disciplined Approach Matters Along with a phased approach to delivering projects, the other important aspect of… Read More
Successful projects follow a disciplined process and path to prevent them from leading to oblivion. A Process Approach to Managing Projects In racing car driving, activities follow a tried a… Read More
Successful projects depend on individuals and groups of people working collaboratively. Managing a Project Team In managing a project team, a Project Manager needs to possess excellent analy… Read More

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Organizational Performance Blog
