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How to Choose a Qualified Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer for Your Case


Truck Accident Lawyer – Los Angeles, CA

Accidents involving large commercial trucks often cause greater damages, greater injuries, and are a greater hassle to resolve, versus smaller car accidents. Working with an experienced truck accident attorney simplifies the process of filing an insurance claim and increases the amount of compensation that can be recovered. 

While many personal injury attorneys may possess great strengths, not all are qualified to handle truck accident claims. If you were injured in an accident with a big rig, 18-wheeler, or another large truck in Los Angeles, it is vital to work with the best truck accident attorney. However, finding the most qualified attorney can be a challenge. Here are some tips for selecting the top candidates. 

Family and Friends Are a Great Resource

Whether it’s trying out a new LA hotspot or where to vacation, personal recommendations from coworkers, close acquaintances, family members, or other people within your circle are extremely helpful. Recommendations for local personal injury law firms are no different.

In fact, feedback for a reputable Los Angeles truck accident attorney from those closest to you is particularly effective because their opinions are more candid and honest than some of the reviews found online.  

Although still highly encouraged to utilize when trying to find the right truck accident attorney, online reviews are not always the most reliable. Conversely, solid confirmation from those you trust will establish confidence in who to hire.

When asking around, also be sure to clarify that you are specifically looking for an attorney that handles truck accidents. Legal experience in this arena matters because regular car accidents are handled immensely differently than incidents involving a trucking company.

Additionally, inquire about how frequently that attorney touched base regarding the truck accident injury claim and if the final case outcome met or exceeded expectations. While an attorney may come highly recommended, if the responses to these questions do not align with your standards, then it may be best to explore other options.

Refer to Online Reviews…

With the regular use of computer use and easily accessible web browsers from the palm of your hand with smartphones, online research is the most commonly utilized method for looking things up–directions, where to eat, the nearest gas station, you name it. 

Internet accessibility has also made it easier to utilize online review sites when searching for reputable Los Angeles truck accident lawyers. Some of the best sites that provide client feedback include:

  • Avvo
  • Martindale-Hubbell
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB)
  • Google reviews

If you already have some truck accident lawyers in mind, simply input their names or the law firms where they practice into these review sites. This is a good place to start when feeling out what kind of information exists about a business online. 

If starting from scratch with no truck accident lawyer in particular in mind, type various search terms in a preferred web browser and see what kind of information populates. Common search phrases that yield the best results will be specific to trucking accidents. 

For example, phrasing like Truck accident lawyer in Los Angeles, Los Angeles truck accident attorney, and trucking accident attorneys will narrow down your search and provide the top candidates in Los Angeles County. 

But Be Cautious

Keep in mind that negative reviews are normal, but of course, should not make up the majority of feedback. A perfect rating should not be the determining factor in why truck accident victims select one attorney over another.

Instead, look for patterns. How regularly are reviews coming in? Is there a major influx of positive reviews within a short timeframe? Also, take note of the people leaving feedback, as some of these accounts may not be trustworthy.

Are there profile pictures associated with these accounts? How frequently are these accounts posting? Unfortunately, posting fake reviews from competing businesses is a common practice on some sites, like Yelp. Keep these considerations in mind before finalizing your decision.

Sometimes less-than-perfect feedback can hold more authenticity than a law firm with only raving reviews across the board.

Review Professional Legal Websites

The State Bar of California was established to license and regulate attorneys. Their work protects the public from entrusting cases to individuals who are unequipped or unqualified to provide professional legal services. On a yearly average, the State Bar investigates nearly 16,000 complaints of attorney misconduct and unauthorized practice of law. 

The official California State Bar lists all active and inactive attorneys, along with information on each attorney’s legal education and disciplinary actions (should any exist) on their website. Before hiring Los Angeles truck accident lawyers, search their names on this site to confirm whether or not there are any concerns surrounding them and their practice. 

Additionally, truck accident victims should peruse the websites of the law firms they are interested in. If a law firm has a positive track record of success, it should be highlighted on the site. Oftentimes, attorneys will share some background information on where they went to school, promote the practice areas they specialize in, and detail various case wins. 

Taking the time to research these areas fosters confidence in the decision of which attorney to hire and handle your trucking accident.

Assets the Ideal Truck Accident Lawyer Should Possess

There are many experienced personal injury attorneys throughout Los Angeles, but not all of them possess experience in truck accidents. This is an important component that many do not know to take into consideration. Here are three non-negotiables the ideal Los Angeles truck accident lawyer should possess.

1. Experience Winning Truck Accident Cases

A truck accident case will involve similar elements to a car accident case. However, damages are significantly more severe. An experienced truck accident lawyer will be equipped to handle the following matters and obtain maximum compensation on a client’s behalf.

  • Size and weight of involved vehicles: Commercial trucks are larger and heavier than the average passenger vehicle. Therefore, they can be much more destructive in a collision. This can lead to serious injuries or even permanent injuries and create life-changing circumstances.
  • Number of potential defendants: In most car accident cases, there is typically only one at-fault party. However, in a truck accident case, multiple parties can be at fault, including the truck driver, the trucking company, the cargo loaders, or the truck manufacturer. The more parties involved, the more complicated the case will be. 
  • Case complexities: Truck accident cases can be more complex than car accident cases because multiple factors can cause the accident. These factors may include a lack of training and experience from the truck driver. Or, truck accidents can result from insufficient vehicle maintenance, improperly secured cargo, and weather conditions.
  • Overall damages: Truck accidents can result in lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and an overwhelming amount of medical expenses. All forms of damages can be compensated by insurance companies after filing a successful truck accident lawsuit against the trucking company.

2. Knowledgeable in California’s Truck Accident Laws

Laws surrounding personal injury will vary from state to state, and sometimes, county regulations will also vary. Typically, the amount of time to file a truck accident claim is 2 years, but this is not always the case. 

For instance, if the involved truck is a government vehicle, the victim would only have 6 months to file a claim. Unfortunately, it does not matter whether or not the victim is unaware of this information. Once the deadline passes, they lose the right to pursue compensation.  

Available evidence from trucking accidents is another important element. Not only will it differ from a regular car accident, but it will be pivotal in putting the truck driver and/or trucking company at fault. Evidence may include:

  • Truck maintenance reports
  • Hours-of-service logs
  • Cargo loading manifests
  • Driving history of the truck driver
  • Police reports
  • Video surveillance
  • Eyewitness accounts

Evidence may also include the truck’s “black box” data, which is a device that records the vehicle’s driving time to ensure the truck driver and trucking company are in compliance with California’s hours-of-service (HOS). Because truck driver fatigue is a common cause of accidents, HOS regulations were created to mandate rest periods.

However, a trucking company may pressure truck drivers into skipping breaks in order to meet pickup and delivery windows. When this occurs, both parties could be found liable for damages. An attorney who has worked on similar cases will know that this is the type of evidence needed in order to win a truck accident case.

3. Trial Experience, Just In Case

If a settlement is not reached with the trucking companies and their insurance company, the case goes to court. An attorney must possess trial experience and be skilled in persuading an argument, as the case will be presented in front of a judge and jury. And, the final verdict will be strictly based on the presented evidence. 

Not only is this a complex process, but it will require ample resources. In addition to evidence, a Los Angeles truck accident attorney can obtain witness statements, as well as expert witness testimonies from accident reconstructionists.

These witnesses can solidify that the claims being stated against the trucking companies and truck drivers are factual. Truck accident attorneys who have presented similar cases in court will have established relationships with expert witnesses they can retain for the trial.

Contact Angeleno Accident Lawyers in Los Angeles, CA

The stress and turmoil following a car accident is an unfair experience victims are forced to undergo–let alone an accident involving a large truck. While there are many Los Angeles personal injury attorneys who can take on a truck accident case, not all of them will be capable of delivering optimal results. 

At Angeleno Accident Lawyers, we specialize in motor vehicle accidents, including accidents involving truck drivers and trucking companies. If you would like to learn more about our personal injury law firm, please schedule a free consultation today.

Our skilled Los Angeles truck accident lawyers can evaluate your case at absolutely zero cost to you. 

Call AAL Today

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How to Choose a Qualified Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer for Your Case
