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Meet the globetrotters: These individuals have left their jobs to travel the world

Meet The Globetrotters: These Individuals Have Left Their Jobs To Travel The World

It's slightly common for people to quit their jobs to travel the world. And it takes a lot of efforts and guts to leave everything behind to follow one’s dreams — alone. We interacted with few travel enthusiasts who quit their jobs to travel the world. Three such individuals share their journey and introduce us to a new world.

Anshul Kumar Akhoury

Anshul Akhoury has been travelling alone for several years. He left engineering in 2010 and has subsequently worked for travel businesses, eateries, beach shacks in Goa, and as a travel manager in Delhi. In 2017, he quit his last job in search of his calling, and he hasn't looked back.

Wangala festival in Meghalaya

Choosing travel over a job: “I used to go on weekend trips to mountains. Whenever I went, I saw plastic pollution over there. I always wanted to help but I didn't know how I could contribute to it. There was a sudden urge that I should do something to reduce pollution. That’s how I decided to leave my job and volunteer with an NGO ‘Waste Warriors’ in Dharamshala. I helped them to clean the mountains in that area. The same year I went to Ladakh and helped Snow Leopard Conservancy India Trust with field work and content. And that’s how my journey began and it is still going on.”

For a living: “I am a content writer. I have been working remotely with my clients to help them with their content-related work. This gives me the freedom to work from anywhere as long as I have an internet connection and I love this lifestyle. I also run a podcast on responsible travel where I meet and talk to individuals or organisations that are working towards making travel a responsible affair.”

Fav destination and travel companion: "The destination that I can never say no to is Sri Lanka. It is a lovely country with so much to experience. I have been there twice and fell in love with the people, the food, and their heritage. I am praying that things get better over there soon so that I can plan again to visit. My laptop is my favorite travel companion because, without it, I won't be able to continue working and funding my future trips."

Sayali Goyal

She is a 31-year-old travel storyteller, and a visual artist. She graduated from the University of Arts, London, and worked full-time in the fashion and travel marketing industries.

Portugal- road trip in alentejo

Choosing travel over a job: “I was the head of communications at a creative production company. I didn't like, sitting in front of the computer doing the same thing daily and being monotonous. As a creative person, you're really intrigued by so many things, and curiosity kind of take over your, standard everyday kind of grinding in a company. It was just an intuition that I wanted to quit this job. I had money saved up. I started to travel mostly in India and then a few countries.”

For a living

“While travelling, I started blogging. But life had some other plans for me. While wandering, I was inspired by the scents of the cocoa fields of Coonoor and the jasmine fields in Madurai. Later, I launched my magazine called Cocoa and Jasmine. This venture allows me to travel and interact with the local community. After a few years of globe-tottering, travelling has given me this opportunity that a job could not have been."

Jaipur - the old city

Fav destination and travel companion: "London is my favorite city in the world because that's where I studied. My favourite travel companion is my journal and a camera."

Sankara Subramanian

Sankara feels like home when he is travelling to some new place. He left his eight-year-long corporate sales and marketing career in the IT industry to travel. Demystifying the travel industry is something he is passionate about.

Golestan palace, Tehran, Iran

Choosing travel over a job: “I wanted to do something of my own. I knew that I needed a break from my corporate career. From a young age, I have loved discovering new places, people, foods, and cultures. I had two dreams to fulfill. First, travel the world by the age of 45 and second, set up 100% green property in the Western Ghats of India. I took to travelling as it ticked all the interest boxes for me. That’s how I chose travelling over my corporate career.”

For a living: “I write travel blogs and run different businesses in fields like consulting, financial management, hospitality, organic farming, and photography.”

Natural rock formations of Cappadocia, Turkey

Fav destination and travel companion: "The Western Ghats of India is the destination. This biodiversity hotspot entices me every single time I visit and every time I end up learning new things and seeing it in a completely different light. When I started full-time travelling, my Royal Enfield motorcycle was my travel partner. Today, I explore places on my bicycle. I love train journeys. Traveling alone has allowed me to discover a whole new side of the world and each one of them has built my character in some way or the other way."

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This post first appeared on Business News, please read the originial post: here

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Meet the globetrotters: These individuals have left their jobs to travel the world
