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The Complete Guide to Social Media Marketing For a Small Business

In a world where more than half of the global population actively engages with Social Media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, these digital spaces have evolved into pervasive spaces that individuals, businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and government organizations leverage to reach out to their new and highly targeted potential customers.

These platforms also serve as a powerful means to establish connections – whether for the purpose of marketing products/services or advocating noble causes – to boost sales and secure increased funding, depending on the specific goals at hand. Beyond their impressive engagement levels, Social Media Marketing stands out for its cost efficiency, demanding much lesser costs than other marketing channels. Nonetheless, many small business owners struggle with developing a marketing strategy that helps them create compelling content and reach their target audience, which can be counterproductive to your entire social media marketing efforts.

In this comprehensive guide to social media marketing for small businesses, you will learn what social media marketing is, with benefits, statistics, and tips, how to build a social media marketing strategy, and the seven best social media marketing platforms for 2023.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is a form of online marketing that uses social media platforms and websites to promote products, services, or ideas. It involves creating and sharing content on social media networks, engaging with the audience, and running paid advertising campaigns to increase brand visibility, generate leads, and drive traffic to a website.

Social media marketing aims to build a brand’s online presence, interact with customers, and achieve marketing goals such as increasing sales, brand awareness, or community engagement.

Popular social media marketing platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. It’s a versatile and powerful tool for businesses and individuals to connect with their target audience more personally and interactively.

Benefits of Social Media For Small Business Marketing

Social media offers numerous benefits for small business owners looking to enhance their marketing efforts and get higher reach with their potential and existing customers:

1. Increased Brand Visibility:

Being active on social media platforms helps small businesses increase their brand’s visibility. Regularly posting content and engaging with followers on these platforms ensures that your brand remains in their feeds and on their minds.

2. Cost-Effective Marketing:

Social media marketing is often more cost-effective than traditional marketing channels like TV or print advertising. Many platforms offer free profiles, and even paid advertising options are budget-friendly compared to traditional advertising methods.

3. Audience Targeting:

Social media platforms enable marketers to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This means you can tailor your content and ads to reach the people most likely to be interested in your products or services.

4. Community Building:

Social media enables businesses to build a community around their brand. Engaging with your audience through comments, messages, and interactions fosters a sense of belonging and loyalty among customers.

5. Increased Website Traffic:

Sharing links to your website on social media drives traffic. When people find your content valuable, they’re more likely to click through to learn more about your offerings.

6. Customer Insights:

Social media platforms provide valuable data and insights about your audience. You can track metrics like engagement, demographics, and website traffic to understand your customers better.

7. Enhanced Customer Support:

Small businesses can use social media as a customer support channel. Responding to inquiries and addressing issues promptly builds trust and improves customer satisfaction.

8. Competitive Advantage:

Many of your competitors are likely on social media. You can gain a competitive edge by establishing a strong presence and delivering better content and engagement.

9. Increased Sales:

Ultimately, the goal of social media marketing is to drive sales. You can convert followers into customers by building relationships, increasing brand awareness, and engaging your audience.

Social media is a valuable tool for small businesses to reach their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive growth. When used effectively, it offers numerous advantages that can help businesses thrive in today’s digital landscape.

Social Media Marketing Statistics for 2023

Don’t just take our word for it when considering the effectiveness of social media marketing, here are some social media marketing statistics that prove the power of social media:

  1. The total number of social media users worldwide is projected to be 4.89 billion in 2023.

  2. The amount of time an average internet user spends using social media has reached its all-time high – 151 minutes per day.

  3. TikTok is now the fastest-growing platform, with a remarkable 100% user growth rate between 2020 and 2022.

  4. The total spend on social media advertising is estimated to reach $268 billion in 2023.

  5. Retargeting ads are now the most used among marketers, with 77% of B2B and B2C marketers confirming that they use retargeting as part of their Facebook and Instagram advertising strategies.

  6. Facebook is the most-used platform by marketers worldwide (90%), while Instagram comes second (79%).

  7. Instagram rules social selling as it offers marketers the highest ROI for selling products and consumers the best in-app shopping experience of any app.

  8. 51% of social media users are more likely to share videos with friends and family over any other content type.

  9. US video advertising will rise from $67.16 billion in 2022 to $78.45 in 2023.

  10. 56% of marketers use TikTok for influencer marketing, making it the most popular influencer marketing channel in 2023.

How To Develop a Small Business Marketing Strategy For Social Media

Creating an effective marketing strategy for social media involves several key steps:

Step 1: Set Clear Goals

In the initial step of developing a small business marketing strategy for social media, setting clear and specific goals is vital. These objectives should be well-defined, measurable, and aligned with your business’s overall mission.

Whether you aim to increase brand awareness, boost website traffic, generate leads, or enhance sales, having precise goals provides direction and helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your social media efforts. These objectives serve as benchmarks, guiding your strategy and ensuring it aligns with your business’s growth objectives.

Step 2: Know Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is the second step in crafting a successful small business marketing strategy for social media. It involves in-depth research to identify your potential customers’ demographics, interests, and pain points.

By knowing your audience, you can tailor your content, messaging, and advertising to resonate with their needs and preferences. This leads to more meaningful connections, higher engagement, and better conversion rates. You deliver content that directly addresses your audience’s interests and challenges, making your social media efforts more effective.

Step 3: Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis is the third crucial step in creating an effective social media marketing strategy for your small business. It involves researching and evaluating your competitors’ social media presence, content strategies, and audience engagement. You can fine-tune your strategy by understanding what works for them and identifying gaps or opportunities.

This analysis helps you differentiate your brand, set realistic benchmarks, and stay updated with industry trends. It’s a strategic compass that guides you to create unique and compelling social media content, positioning your business more competitively in the digital landscape.

Step 4: Content Planning

Content planning, the fourth step in crafting a successful social media marketing strategy, involves mapping out what and when you’ll post. Start by aligning your content with your audience’s interests and your business goals.

Develop a content calendar to ensure consistency and variety. Consider the format of your content, such as videos, images, or articles, and maintain a healthy mix. This step helps maintain engagement and keeps your brand relevant and relatable in your audience’s social media feeds, fostering stronger connections and trust.

Step 5: Platform Selection

The fifth step in crafting a social media marketing strategy is platform selection, which involves choosing the right social networks for your business. Evaluate where your target audience is most active and tailor your presence accordingly.

Each platform has unique features, demographics, and content formats, so align your strategy with these nuances. Focus on platforms that align with your goals, resources, and audience behavior to maximize your impact. This step ensures you’re investing your time and resources where they matter most, improving your chances of success in social media marketing.

Step 6: Content Creation

This is the stage where you begin to create content for your social media marketing strategy. Producing high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your target audience is crucial. This means crafting posts, images, videos, and other materials that align with your brand and marketing goals.

Consistency in tone, style, and messaging across all content is key. Be sure to include a content calendar to maintain a steady flow of posts. Furthermore, consider repurposing content across different platforms for maximum reach and impact. Effective content creation is the backbone of a successful social media strategy.

Step 7: Engagement Strategy

The focus in this step is engagement strategy. It’s crucial to actively interact with your audience through comments, likes, and shares. Develop a plan for responding to queries, addressing feedback, and fostering meaningful conversations.

Implement tactics like contests, polls, and user-generated content to boost engagement. Keep an eye on analytics to refine your strategy and discover what resonates most with your followers. Building a strong, interactive community is essential for social media success.

Step 8: Paid Advertising

This step involves using paid advertising to amplify your reach. Invest in targeted ads on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to reach specific demographics and interests. Create eye-catching ad visuals and compelling copy that align with your overall strategy.

Monitor ad performance, tweak campaigns based on data, and allocate your budget wisely. Paid advertising can significantly boost your small business’s visibility and engagement on social media platforms.

Step 9: Analytics and Tracking

After promoting your post using paid ads, the next step revolves around analytics and tracking. Use tools like Google Analytics and social media insights to monitor the performance of your social media marketing efforts. Analyze metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to gauge your strategy’s effectiveness.

Identify what’s working and needs improvement, and regularly adjust your content and approach to optimize your social media marketing. Remember that reviewing data regularly ensures that your strategy stays aligned with your goals and audience preferences.

Step 10: Adapt and Evolve

This final step is all about staying flexible and evolving with the ever-changing social media landscape. Keep an eye on trends, algorithm updates, and emerging platforms. Listen to your audience’s feedback and adapt accordingly.

Experiment with new content ideas and engagement strategies. Being open to change and continuously refining your approach based on data and market shifts ensures your small business remains effective and in tune with your audience’s needs on social media.

By following these steps, small businesses can develop a comprehensive social media marketing strategy that connects with their target audience and drives business growth.

10 Social Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses in 2023

Here are ten social marketing strategies that small businesses can leverage to increase reach and growth in 2023:

1. Leverage Video Content

Videos grab attention and convey your message effectively, making them a powerful tool for engagement and storytelling in your social marketing strategy. For this reason, consider leveraging informative, entertaining, or behind-the-scenes video content to captivate your audience.

2. Storytelling

Storytelling is the art of connecting with your audience on a personal level. Share your brand’s journey, values, and customer stories. Stories evoke emotions, helping people relate to your small business. Use this powerful tool to build trust, engagement, and a loyal community of customers in your social marketing strategy.

3. User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content (UGC) involves your customers creating content about your products or services. Encourage customers to share their experiences, reviews, and photos on social media. UGC builds trust and authenticity and boosts engagement by showcasing real people enjoying your offerings. It’s a valuable part of your social marketing strategy.

4. Live Streaming

Live streaming is a powerful way to connect with your audience in real time. It allows you to share live events, product launches, Q&A sessions, and more. Live streaming fosters engagement and provides an authentic and immediate interaction with your audience, strengthening your social marketing efforts.

5. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing involves partnering with individuals who have a significant following and credibility in your industry. By collaborating with influencers, small businesses can tap into their audience, gain trust, and extend their reach. This strategy leverages the influence and authenticity of these individuals to promote products or services effectively.

6. Paid Advertising

Paid advertising on social media platforms allows small businesses to reach a highly targeted audience. Investing in ads can increase visibility, drive website traffic, and generate leads. These paid campaigns can be tailored to fit your budget and marketing goals, making them a cost-effective way to boost your online presence.

7. Community Building

Community building involves fostering a loyal and engaged audience on social media. Small businesses can create groups or forums where customers and fans can connect, share experiences, and provide feedback. This helps build brand loyalty, gain valuable insights, and turn customers into advocates who spread the word about your products or services.

8. Interactive Content

Interactive content invites users to actively engage with your social media posts, such as polls, quizzes, contests, or interactive stories. Small businesses use this strategy to increase user participation, gather valuable data, and create a more memorable and engaging brand experience, ultimately driving higher conversion rates and customer loyalty.

9. Social Commerce

Social commerce involves selling products directly through social media platforms. Small businesses leverage this strategy to tap into the large user bases of platforms like Instagram and Facebook, enabling customers to browse, purchase, and even check out without leaving the app. This streamlines the buying process, enhances convenience, and boosts sales.

10. Data-Driven Strategy

Data-driven strategies involve analyzing social media metrics and customer insights to make informed marketing decisions. Small businesses use tools to track engagement, reach, and conversion rates. This data helps refine content, target specific demographics, and optimize ad spending, resulting in more effective and efficient social media marketing.

Bonus Strategy: SEO in Social Media

Search engine optimization (SEO) in social media involves optimizing profiles, posts, and content for search engines within social platforms. It includes using relevant keywords, creating shareable content, and engaging with your audience. Effective social SEO can improve your visibility, reach, and discoverability on social media, enhancing your overall online presence.

Remember that social media trends evolve rapidly, so staying updated and adapting your strategy accordingly is critical to success.

7 Best Social Media Marketing Platforms for 2023 & Guidelines for Using Them

Choosing the right social media marketing platforms is essential for effective digital marketing strategies in 2023. Here are seven top platforms and guidelines for making the most of them:

1. Facebook

Facebook is a leading social media platform offering a robust social media marketing environment. With billions of active users, it provides a vast audience pool. Businesses can create branded pages, engage with their audience through various content types, and use targeted advertising. Features like Facebook Groups, Live Video, and Insights help tailor strategies.

Effective use of this platform involves creating a compelling presence, engaging with the audience, and leveraging Facebook’s advertising capabilities to reach specific demographics.

Guidelines for Using Facebook

  1. Firstly, create a dedicated business page with complete, accurate information.

  2. Regularly post high-quality content, engage with comments, and use Facebook Ads for targeted marketing.

  3. Join or create relevant groups, analyze Insights for performance insights, and promote user-generated content.

  4. Keep up-to-date with Facebook’s algorithm changes and community standards.

  5. Experiment with content types and strategies to find what resonates best with your audience, ultimately building authentic connections for successful marketing.

2. Instagram

Instagram is a popular social media platform known for its focus on visual content. It’s an ideal platform for businesses looking to engage with a predominantly younger, visually-oriented audience. Instagram allows companies to share photos and short videos, making it a powerful platform for showcasing products, services, and brand personality. It also offers features like Stories, IGTV, and shoppable posts, enhancing marketing possibilities.

Guidelines for Using Instagram

Here are some critical guidelines for effectively using Instagram for social media marketing:

  1. Optimize Your Profile: Ensure your profile is complete, with a clear profile picture and a compelling bio.

  2. Content Strategy: Plan and curate visually appealing and relevant content that resonates with your audience.

  3. Use Hashtags: Include relevant hashtags in your posts to increase discoverability.

  4. Engage Actively: Respond to comments and messages and engage with your followers regularly.

  5. Collaborate Partner with influencers or complementary businesses to expand your reach.

  6. Paid Advertising: Consider using Instagram Ads for more targeted marketing.

  7. Analytics: Track your performance using Instagram Insights to refine your strategy.

3. Twitter

Twitter is a prominent social media platform characterized by its microblogging format, allowing users to share short messages called tweets. Twitter is ideal for real-time engagement and for sharing concise information. It’s widely used for brand promotion, customer support, and sharing updates or news. Features like hashtags, retweets, and Twitter Chats enable broader reach and audience engagement.

Guidelines For Using Twitter

  1. Concise Messaging: Tweets have a 280-character limit, so be concise and clear.

  2. Use Hashtags: Incorporate relevant hashtags to increase discoverability.

  3. Engage Actively: Respond promptly to mentions, retweets, and messages.

  4. Visual Content: Include images, GIFs, and videos for more engagement.

  5. Tweet Regularly: Maintain an active presence to keep followers informed.

  6. Promote Trends: Utilize Promoted Tweets and Trends for wider reach.

  7. Analytics: Use Twitter Analytics to measure and refine your strategy.

With its fast-paced nature, Twitter is suitable for businesses aiming to engage with a diverse audience, join conversations on trending topics, and quickly share updates and promotions.

4. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform designed for businesses and individuals to connect and interact in a more formal context. LinkedIn is primarily used for B2B marketing, networking, and job searches. It’s ideal for businesses looking to establish authority in their industry, recruit talent, and connect with other professionals.

Guidelines For Using LinkedIn

  1. Professional Branding: Maintain a polished profile with a professional photo and detailed bio.

  2. Content Sharing: Share industry insights, thought leadership articles, and company updates.

  3. Networking: Connect with professionals and join relevant groups and discussions.

  4. Recruitment: Utilize LinkedIn’s job posting and recruitment features.

  5. LinkedIn Pages: Create a dedicated company page to showcase your business.

  6. Advertising: Use LinkedIn Ads for targeted B2B marketing.

  7. Analytics: Monitor your page and content performance using LinkedIn Analytics.

LinkedIn’s focus on professionalism and networking makes it a valuable platform for businesses seeking to establish authority, connect with other industry leaders, and find opportunities for growth and recruitment.

5. TikTok

TikTok is a rapidly growing social media platform known for its short-form video content. It is popular among younger audiences and is ideal for businesses targeting Gen Z and Millennials. It’s characterized by creative, engaging, and often humorous video content.

Guidelines For Using TikTok

  1. Short Videos: Create concise, attention-grabbing videos, usually under a minute.

  2. Hashtags: Utilize trending and relevant hashtags to increase discoverability.

  3. Challenges: Participate in or create challenges to engage with users.

  4. Authenticity: Showcase behind-the-scenes content and authentic moments.

  5. Music: Incorporate popular or trending music tracks into your videos.

  6. Influencers: Partner with TikTok influencers for wider reach.

  7. Engagement: Interact with comments and engage with your audience.

  8. Consistency: Post regularly to maintain a presence on the platform.

TikTok’s unique format and youthful user base make it suitable for brands aiming to showcase their creativity, connect with a younger audience, and build brand awareness through engaging, entertaining videos.

6. YouTube

YouTube is the largest video-sharing platform globally, offering diverse content. It’s suitable for businesses aiming to share informative, educational, or entertaining videos.

Guidelines for Using YouTube

  1. Content Quality: Produce high-quality videos with clear visuals and audio.

  2. Keyword Optimization: Use relevant keywords in video titles, descriptions, and tags for SEO.

  3. Consistent Branding: Maintain a consistent visual style and branding across videos.

  4. Engagement: Encourage likes, comments, and subscriptions to boost visibility.

  5. Monetization: Explore monetization options such as ads, memberships, or merchandise.

  6. Analytics: Analyze video performance and audience demographics.

  7. Collaborations: Collaborate with influencers or creators for wider reach.

  8. Community: Engage with your audience through comments and social media.

YouTube allows businesses to share long-form content, build a loyal subscriber base, and benefit from Google’s search engine capabilities. It’s especially valuable for tutorials, reviews, and storytelling videos to establish authority and reach a broad audience.

7. Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual discovery platform where users find and save ideas through images, making it ideal for businesses with visually appealing products or services.


  1. Visually Appealing Pins: Create eye-catching, high-quality images and infographics.

  2. Keyword Optimization: Use relevant keywords in pin descriptions.

  3. Pin Regularly: Consistently pin fresh content to your boards.

  4. Link to Website: Link pins to your website to drive traffic.

  5. Engagement: Interact with followers and engage with others’ content.

  6. Rich Pins: Enable rich pins for enhanced product information.

  7. Group Boards: Collaborate with group boards to expand reach.

  8. Analytics: Use Pinterest Analytics to measure performance.

Pinterest is excellent for fashion, food, home decor, and DIY industries, allowing businesses to showcase products or services creatively and drive traffic to their websites.

Remember to tailor your strategy to each platform, analyze performance metrics, and adapt your approach accordingly. Consistency, audience engagement, and value-driven content are key to success on any social media platform in 2023.

Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Marketing For A Small Business

Effective social media marketing can be a game-changer for small businesses. However, to make the most of it, you need to follow certain do’s and avoid common pitfalls. Here are some do’s and don’ts for successful social media marketing:


1. Set Clear Goals: Define specific, measurable objectives for your social media efforts, such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving website traffic.

2. Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience’s demographics, interests, and pain points. Tailor your content to resonate with them.

3. Create Quality Content: Invest in creating high-quality, engaging content to capture the attention of your existing and new customers. Use visuals, videos, and well-crafted captions to capture attention.

4. Maintain Consistency: Stick to a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and informed.

5. Engage Actively: Respond promptly to comments, messages, and mentions. Engage in conversations and show that you value your followers’ input.

6. Use Paid Advertising: Consider using paid advertising on social media platforms to reach a broader and more targeted audience.

7. Collaborate and Partner: Partner with influencers or complementary businesses for cross-promotion. Collaborative efforts can expose your brand to new audiences.

8. Analyze and Adjust: Regularly review your social media analytics. Identify what’s working and what’s not, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

9. Educate and Provide Value: Share informative and educational content that adds value to your audience’s lives. Establish your authority in your niche.

10. Leverage SEO for social media promotion: Integrate SEO techniques into your social media strategy by using relevant keywords, optimizing profiles, and creating shareable, search-friendly content. This helps boost your visibility on both search engines and increase your online visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) and social platforms.


1. Don’t Ignore Negative Feedback: Address negative comments or reviews professionally and constructively. Ignoring them can harm your brand’s reputation.

2. Don’t Be Overly Promotional: Avoid a constant sales pitch. Instead, focus on building relationships and providing value.

3. Don’t Neglect Social Listening: Monitor social media for mentions of your brand or relevant keywords. It helps you understand sentiment and trends.

4. Don’t Buy Followers: Organic growth is more valuable than a large number of fake or irrelevant followers. Don’t be tempted by shortcuts.

5. Don’t Neglect Mobile Optimization: Ensure your content is mobile-friendly, as many social media users access platforms via mobile devices.

6. Don’t Overwhelm with Hashtags: While hashtags can increase discoverability, don’t overdo it. Use relevant and concise hashtags.

7. Don’t Post Without a Strategy: Each post should have a purpose within your overall strategy. Avoid random or unplanned content.

8. Don’t Delete Negative Comments: Deleting negative comments can create backlash. Address concerns instead.

9. Don’t Forget About Analytics: Regularly review your social media analytics to track your performance and adjust your strategy.

10. Don’t Engage in Controversy: Avoid sensitive or controversial topics that can alienate your audience or harm your brand image.

By following these do’s and avoiding these don’ts, your small business can navigate the world of social media marketing more effectively, building a stronger online presence and engaging with your target audience in a meaningful way.

How to Analyze Your Social Media Marketing Performance and Results

Analyzing your social media marketing performance and results is essential for refining your strategies and achieving better outcomes. Here are five comprehensive steps to guide you through this process:

1. Define Clear Objectives

Start by setting specific, measurable, and realistic goals for your social media campaigns. Common objectives of social media campaigns include increasing brand awareness, and website traffic, generating leads, and boosting engagement and sales. Clearly defined goals provide a foundation for your analysis.

2. Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Determine the KPIs that align with your objectives. Different goals require different metrics. Examples of these include:

  • Brand Awareness: Focus on reach, impressions, and follower growth metrics.

  • Engagement: Look at likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates.

  • Website Traffic: Monitor click-through rates and referral traffic.

  • Lead Generation: Track form submissions and conversion rates.

  • Sales: Analyze revenue generated through social media.

3. Utilize Analytics Tools

Each social media platform offers built-in analytics tools that provide valuable insights. Consider using social media analytics tools such as:

  • Facebook Insights: Offers audience demographics, engagement data, and post-performance metrics.

  • Twitter Analytics: Provides information on tweet engagement, follower demographics, and follower growth.

  • Instagram Insights: Includes follower demographics, post reach, and engagement data.

  • LinkedIn Analytics: Offers insights into post engagement, follower demographics, and website visits.

4. Regular Monitoring and Data Collection

Consistently monitor your selected KPIs and record data over time. Create a data collection system using spreadsheets or social media management tools. Collect data at regular intervals to identify trends and patterns.

5. In-Depth Analysis and Actionable Insights

The final step is to dive deep into your data to extract actionable insights. Here are the steps to achieving this:

  • Look for trends: Identify patterns in your data, such as peak engagement times, popular content types, or seasonal trends.

  • Compare performance: Analyze how different campaigns or content variations perform against each other.

  • Audience analysis: Understand your audience demographics and tailor content accordingly.

  • ROI calculation: Calculate the return on investment for your social media campaigns by comparing the costs incurred to the revenue generated.

  • Benchmarking: Compare your performance to industry standards or competitors.

Once you’ve conducted a thorough analysis, use your findings to adjust your social media strategies. Experiment with new approaches, content types, posting schedules, and audience targeting to optimize your results continually. Regularly revisit and refine your analysis to ensure your social media efforts align with your business goals.


Social media marketing is a game-changer for small businesses. It’s a cost-effective way to connect with your audience, boost brand visibility, and drive growth. You can make the most of these platforms by understanding your goals, knowing your audience, and delivering valuable content. Don’t forget to measure your efforts and adjust your strategy as needed.

Social media is a dynamic landscape, and staying adaptable is the key to long-term success for small businesses in the digital age. So, embrace the power of social media and watch your small business flourish.

The post The Complete Guide to Social Media Marketing For a Small Business appeared first on All Time Design.

This post first appeared on Graphics Unlimited | On Demand Graphic Design | Graphic Design Subscription, please read the originial post: here

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The Complete Guide to Social Media Marketing For a Small Business


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