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10 Popular Types of Logos and Examples to Inspire

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A Logo is the foundation of a successful brand identity. A good logo is the face of your brand and can positively trigger brand recall, increase brand awareness and recognition and create a connection between customers.

As a vital part of any forward-thinking business, brands must ensure that their logo does not only help you establish your brand recognition but, importantly, make your company stand out from the competition in a saturated market. But as you may already know, every good thing starts with a plan.

However, before starting the logo creation process, choosing the right type of logo is the first step to creating a logo that defines your brand, impresses your target audience, and helps you stand out from the competition.

This blog will explore the different types of Logos, popular examples, and tips on choosing the right logo style for your business.

Brief Introduction to Logo Design

Logo design is the process of creating a visual symbol or mark that represents a brand, company, organization, or product. It combines typography, imagery, colors, and other design elements to communicate a brand’s identity and values.

A well-designed logo should be distinctive, memorable, versatile, and appropriate for its intended audience. It plays a crucial role in brand recognition and is a foundation for all visual branding efforts.

10 Popular Types of Logos

Although there are different types of logos available for businesses to choose from. We have categorized them into ten categories of logo designs that you can use to create a wide variety of logo designs for your business. Remember that your logo type choice depends on the brand’s personality, target audience, industry, and overall branding strategy.

Let’s get right into the logo types.

1. Wordmark Logos

Wordmark logos are a type of logo design that focuses on typography to represent a brand or company name. They use unique, stylized lettering to create a distinctive visual identity. Wordmark logos typically do not include symbols or icons and rely solely on the arrangement, style, and font choice of the letters to create a memorable and recognizable logo.

By emphasizing typography, wordmark logos aim to convey the personality, values, and essence of a brand through the visual representation of its name. Examples of successful wordmark logos include Coca-Cola, Google, and Disney. Here are the pros and cons of wordmark logos and when to use them:

Pros of Wordmark Logos:

  1. Wordmark logos increase brand recognition
  2. Wordmark logos are straightforward and clear, as they rely solely on typography.
  3. They can be easily scaled up or down without losing legibility.
  4. A well-designed wordmark logo can convey a sense of professionalism, trustworthiness, and authority.

Cons of Wordmark Logos:

  1. Wordmark logos heavily rely on the brand or company name. If the name itself is not distinctive or memorable, the logo may not stand out.
  2. Unlike symbol or pictorial mark logos, wordmark logos do not include visual symbols or icons, which may limit their ability to communicate certain concepts or values visually.
  3. Wordmark logos may face challenges adapting to different languages and cultures when a brand operates globally.

When to Use Wordmark Logos:

Cult Method
  1. If the brand name itself is short, distinctive, and memorable, a wordmark logo can effectively showcase it and build brand recognition.
  2. If the brand has a unique or stylized typography that sets it apart, a wordmark logo can highlight and leverage that distinctive font.
  3. When a brand wants to convey a clear and straightforward message, a wordmark logo can eliminate visual distractions and deliver a clean, focused design.
  4. Wordmark logos are commonly used by well-established brands that have already built strong brand recognition.

2. Lettermark Logos

Lettermark logos are a type of logo design that uses initials or acronyms to represent a brand or company. However, instead of spelling out the full name, the logo is created by combining or stylizing the letters of the brand’s name into a unique, compact design.

Lettermark logos are particularly useful when a brand name is lengthy and difficult to pronounce or if the initials or acronyms are more recognizable and memorable than the full name. By focusing on the initials or acronyms, letter mark logos simplify the visual representation of the brand while still maintaining its identity.

Some well-known examples of letter mark logos include IBM (International Business Machines), HBO (Home Box Office), NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), and CNN (Cable News Network).

Pros of Lettermark Logos:

  1. Lettermark logos distill a brand’s name into a concise and memorable symbol, making it easier for audiences to recognize and recall.
  2. A Lettermark logo allows brands with long or complex names to have a more visually appealing and compact logo design.
  3. Well-designed letter mark logos can establish strong brand recognition, associating the initials or acronyms with the brand.
  4. Lettermark logos are often versatile and can be easily scaled or adapted for various marketing materials and platforms.

Cons of Lettermark Logos:

  1. Lettermark logos rely heavily on initials or acronyms, so if the brand name is not well-known or distinctive, the logo may not effectively communicate the brand identity.
  2. Unlike wordmark or symbol logos, letter mark logos may require more contextual understanding to associate the logo with the brand name.
  3. Lettermark logos may have a limited ability to convey specific concepts or symbolism compared to logos with more detailed imagery.

When to Use Lettermark Logos:

Graphic Mama
  1. If the brand has a long or complex name, using a letter mark logo can simplify the visual representation while still retaining the brand identity.
  2. When the brand’s initials or acronyms are more recognizable and memorable than the full name, a letter mark logo can effectively represent the brand.
  3. Lettermark logos are suitable for brands that have already established strong brand recognition using their initials or acronym.
  4. Lettermark logos are often versatile and work well across various applications and platforms, making them suitable for brands seeking a flexible visual identity.

3. Symbol or Pictorial Mark Logos

A Symbol or pictorial mark logo, otherwise called a brand mark, is a type of logo design that uses visual symbols or icons to represent a brand or company. Unlike wordmark logos that rely on typography or lettering, symbol or pictorial mark logos focus on creating a unique and recognizable image representing the brand’s identity, values, or products/services.

These logos often feature simplified or stylized illustrations, shapes, or graphic elements that convey meaning or evoke specific associations. Symbol or pictorial mark logos can effectively capture attention, create brand recognition, and convey a brand’s essence without relying on text.


Examples of well-known symbols or pictorial mark logos include the Apple logo for Apple Inc., the Twitter bird logo, and the Nike swoosh.

Pros of pictorial mark logos:

  1. Strong visual impact.
  2. Versatile and adaptable across various media.
  3. Global appeal and transcends language barriers.
  4. Simplified and universally understood communication.
  5. Memorable and distinctive visual identity.

Cons of pictorial mark logos:

  1. Pictorial marks require time and exposure for recognition.
  2. Potential for abstract interpretation.
  3. Limited ability to convey specific brand details.
  4. Brand name visibility may be reduced.
  5. Cultural sensitivity considerations.

When to Use Pictorial Mark Logos:

  1. When there is a visual element closely associated with the brand’s identity or products/services.
  2. When targeting diverse international markets with a visually understood identity.
  3. When aiming for a unique and attention-grabbing logo.
  4. When preferring a minimalist approach and conveying identity without relying on text.
  5. When seeking a simplified and recognizable brand image.

4. Abstract Logos

Abstract logos are designs that use non-representational or non-literal shapes, forms, colors, and patterns to create a unique and visually striking representation of a brand or company. Unlike symbol or pictorial mark logos that often depict recognizable objects or images, abstract logos focus on creating an artistic representation that may not directly correlate to the brand’s specific products, services, or industry.

Abstract logo marks rely on conceptual or artistic elements to convey meaning, evoke emotions, or capture the essence of a brand. They often use geometric shapes, fluid lines, gradients, and abstract compositions to create visually appealing and memorable logos.

The beauty of abstract logos lies in their interpretive nature, allowing viewers to form their own perceptions and associations with the design. They can convey a sense of creativity, innovation, and uniqueness or simply evoke a specific mood or aesthetic.

An abstract logo can be seen in various industries, representing brands that want to stand out and communicate a more artistic or conceptual identity. Examples include the logo for Nike, Pepsi, and Spotify.

Pros of Abstract Logos:

  1. Abstract logos stand out with unique and visually striking designs.
  2. They can be adapted to various mediums and sizes without losing their impact.
  3. Abstract logos can endure changing trends and remain relevant over time.
  4. They can evoke specific moods or emotions, creating a deeper connection with the audience.
  5. Abstract logos allow for personal and varied perceptions, engaging viewers on a subjective level.

Cons of Abstract Logos:

  1. Abstract designs may not immediately convey a brand’s products or services.
  2. Different individuals may interpret abstract logos in conflicting ways.
  3. Building strong brand recognition with abstract logos may require more effort and time.

When to Use Abstract Logos:

  1. Abstract logos suit brands that want to convey creativity, innovation, or an artistic identity.
  2. Abstract logos can be effective when the focus is on evoking emotions or capturing a specific mood.
  3. Brands that prefer a more open-ended and conceptual representation can opt for abstract logos.
  4. Abstract logos are ideal when a brand aims to differentiate itself from competitors and create a memorable visual identity.

5. Emblem Logos


Emblem logos are a type of logo design that combines text and imagery within a unified, often enclosed shape or emblem. These logos typically feature a detailed and intricate design, with the brand name or initials placed inside or around the central emblem.

The emblem logo can be a badge, crest, seal, or shield-like shape, creating a sense of tradition, heritage, or authority. In addition, it often incorporates various design elements such as typography, icons, illustrations, or intricate patterns to convey the brand’s identity, values, or industry.

Emblem logos are commonly associated with organizations, institutions, government entities, and brands that want to establish a sense of prestige, authenticity, or professionalism. They often evoke a sense of tradition, history, or craftsmanship. Some well-known examples of emblem logos include the Harley-Davidson, Starbucks, and BMW logos.

Pros of Emblem Logos:

  1. Establishes a sense of tradition, heritage, or authority.
  2. Integrates text and imagery within a unified and visually appealing design.
  3. Evokes a prestigious or professional image.
  4. It can convey a sense of authenticity and craftsmanship.
  5. Often associated with organizations, institutions, or brands with a rich history or legacy.

Cons of Emblem Logos:

  1. Complex and detailed designs may not scale well or reproduce effectively in smaller sizes.
  2. Less adaptable and may not suit certain modern design trends.
  3. Legibility challenges, especially for intricate typography within the emblem.
  4. Limited flexibility in logo placement and integration due to the enclosed nature of the emblem.
  5. Potential difficulty in updating or evolving the logo without compromising its traditional or historical associations.

When to Use Emblem Logos:

Tailor Brands
  1. When seeking to establish a sense of tradition, heritage, or authority.
  2. For organizations or brands with a rich history or legacy.
  3. When aiming for a prestigious and professional image.
  4. In industries such as automotive, luxury, fashion, or sports.
  5. When integrating text and imagery within a unified design is desired.

6. Combination Logos

Combination logos, also known as combination mark logos, are a type of logo design that combines text and visual elements to create a unique and recognizable brand identity. These logos typically feature a combination of a wordmark or lettermark with a symbol, icon, or emblem.

In combination logos, the text and visual elements can be displayed together, side by side, or integrated to complement each other to form a cohesive and memorable logo. This allows for a versatile and flexible design that can be adapted to different marketing materials and branding applications.


A combination logo offers the benefits of both wordmark/lettermark and symbol/pictorial mark logos. The text component helps to establish the brand’s name or initials, while the visual element adds a distinct visual identity and can convey additional meaning or associations. Well-known examples of combination logos include the Adidas, McDonald’s, and Burger King logos.

Pros of Combination Logos:

  1. A combination mark logo is versatile and adaptable for various marketing materials.
  2. Creates a unique and memorable visual identity.
  3. Ensures clear identification of the brand name or initials.
  4. Enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the logo.
  5. Combines the benefits of both text and visual elements in one design.

Cons of Combination Logos:

  1. Legibility challenges at smaller sizes or in specific applications.
  2. Complexity in reproducing the logo accurately.
  3. Potential difficulty in maintaining a balanced and cohesive design.
  4. Combination marks may require careful integration of text and visual elements.
  5. Updating or evolving can be more challenging than simpler logotypes.

When To Use Combination Logos:

  1. When seeking a versatile logo that can be used across various marketing materials.
  2. For brands that want a unique and memorable visual identity.
  3. When clear identification of the brand name or initials is important.
  4. When looking to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the logo.
  5. Combining text and visual elements can add depth and meaning to the brand’s identity.

7. Mascot Logos

Mascot logos are a type of logo design that incorporates a character or mascot as the central element of the logo. These logos typically feature an illustrated or stylized character representing the brand or company, often with distinct personality traits or attributes.

Mascot logos are known for their playful, friendly, and approachable nature. The mascots can be human, animal, mythical creatures, or anthropomorphic objects. They are designed to resonate with the target audience, evoke emotions, and create a memorable brand identity.

These logos are commonly used in sports teams, schools, consumer products, and brands targeting a younger or more casual audience. A Mascot logo can help establish a personal connection with customers, evoke a sense of fun or nostalgia, and differentiate a brand from its competitors.

Some well-known examples of mascot logos include the KFC Colonel, Michelin Man, and the Pillsbury Doughboy.

Pros of Mascot Logos:

  1. Personify the brand with a relatable and memorable character.
  2. Create emotional connections and engagement with the target audience.
  3. Versatile for use across various marketing materials and platforms.
  4. Help differentiate the brand from competitors.
  5. Enhance brand recognition and recall with a distinctive mascot.

Cons of Mascot Logos:

  1. The need for consistent character representation and management.
  2. Risk of being perceived as childish or irrelevant in certain industries.
  3. Potential for the character to overshadow the brand itself.
  4. It can be challenging to update or evolve the mascot without losing brand recognition.
  5. It may require additional investment in character development and ongoing brand storytelling.

When To Use Mascot Logos:

  1. When aiming to personify the brand and create a relatable character.
  2. For brands targeting a younger or more casual audience.
  3. In industries where a sense of fun, approachability, or connection is essential.
  4. When seeking to establish a distinct and memorable brand identity.
  5. When looking to engage and create emotional connections with the target audience.

8. Monogram Logos

Monogram logos are a type of logo design that combines or stylizes two or more letters, usually initials, to create a distinctive and recognizable symbol representing a brand, company, or individual. Monograms are often created by combining the first letters of a company or individual’s name or other significant words.


Monogram logos are known for their simplicity and elegance. They can be designed in various styles, such as overlapping letters, interlocking shapes, or customized typographic treatments. As a result, Monogram logos are widely used in personal branding, luxury, and fashion industries, as well as for professional organizations and institutions. Famous monogram logos include Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Gucci.

Pros of Monogram Logos:

  1. Simplicity and memorability.
  2. A monogram logo establishes a strong and distinct brand identity.
  3. Versatile for various branding materials and applications.
  4. Timeless and able to withstand changing design trends.

Cons of Monogram Logos:

  1. Potential legibility challenges, especially with complex or stylized monograms.
  2. Limited ability to convey specific brand messages or associations.
  3. Possible confusion if the initials are not widely recognized or associated with the brand.
  4. Less effective for brands without recognizable initials or relevant word associations.

When To Use Monogram Logos:

  1. When seeking a clean and minimalist logo design.
  2. For brands or individuals with recognizable initials or relevant word associations.
  3. In industries where a sophisticated and elegant visual identity is desired.
  4. When aiming to establish a strong and distinct brand identity.
  5. When versatility and adaptability across various branding materials are essential.

9. Dynamic Logos

Dynamic logos, also known as adaptive or responsive logos, are a type of design designed to be flexible and adaptable to different contexts, mediums, and platforms. Unlike a traditional static logo, a dynamic logo includes one primary logo that can change or adapt its appearance based on certain conditions or variables.

Dynamic logos often have multiple variations or elements that can be rearranged, resized, or modified to fit different formats, such as digital screens, social media profiles, or responsive websites. These variations allow the logo to maintain its recognizability and legibility across different sizes and orientations.

Examples include MTV, where the logo adapts to suit different music genres, and Google, with its ever-changing Doodles.

Pros of Dynamic Logos:

  1. Adaptability to different sizes, resolutions, and contexts.
  2. Consistency in branding across various platforms and devices.
  3. Enhanced user experience and engagement potential.
  4. Future-proofing through easy updates and modifications.
  5. Ability to optimize for specific contexts and improve legibility.

Cons of Dynamic Logos:

  1. Increased design complexity and potential for technical challenges.
  2. Additional time and resources are required for development and implementation.
  3. Need for ongoing maintenance to ensure consistency and functionality.
  4. Risk of losing brand recognition if variations deviate too much from the core logo.
  5. Limited compatibility with traditional print or static mediums.

When To Use Dynamic Logos

  1. When operating in digital or interactive spaces.
  2. Brands with a strong online presence and focus on user experience.
  3. Seeking to provide consistent and engaging branding across platforms.
  4. Embracing innovation and staying aligned with evolving design trends.
  5. Targeting younger, tech-savvy audiences who expect dynamic and interactive brand experiences.

10. Letterform Logos

Zillion Designs

Letterform logos, also known as typographic logos, are a type of logo design that focuses on creatively arranging and modifying letters or typography to form a unique and visually appealing mark representing a brand or company. In letterform logos, the letters become the logo’s primary visual element.

Rather than using symbols, icons, or illustrations, letterform logos rely on the artistic manipulation of letterforms, such as custom typography, letter interplay, or creative arrangements, to create a distinctive and memorable visual identity.

Letterform logos can showcase various typographic styles, including serif, sans-serif, script, or custom lettering. They often prioritize legibility and clarity while incorporating artistic or stylized elements to add uniqueness. Popular examples of letterform logos include NASA, HBO, Sony, Volkswagen, CNN, etc.

Pros of Letterform Logos:

  1. Unique and memorable representation of the brand.
  2. Clarity and legibility ensure easy recognition of the brand name or initials.
  3. Versatility across various marketing materials and formats.
  4. Reflect the brand’s personality and style through custom typography and letter arrangements.
  5. Timelessness, as well-designed letterforms, can withstand changing design trends.

Cons of Letterform Logos:

  1. Limited symbolism or associative meaning compared to symbol-based logos.
  2. Potential challenges in creating visually distinct letterforms.
  3. Risk of legibility issues with intricate or stylized letter arrangements.
  4. Reliance on typography skills and design expertise for effective execution.
  5. Potential difficulty in conveying complex brand messages or concepts.

When to Use Letterform Logos

  1. When the brand name or initials have strong recognition or significance.
  2. Seeking a visually striking and typographically focused logo design.
  3. Aim to create a unique and memorable representation of the brand.
  4. Prioritize clarity and legibility in logo recognition.
  5. Desire a versatile logo that can adapt well to various marketing materials and formats.

5 Popular Examples of Business Logos To Inspire You

These five popular business logo examples demonstrate the power of effective logo design in conveying a brand’s identity, values, and aspirations. Through simplicity, symbolism, color choice, and typography, these logos have become deeply ingrained in popular culture and continue to resonate with audiences worldwide. They Include the following:

1. Nike

The Nike logo, known as the “swoosh,” is one of the world’s most recognizable and iconic logos. Designed in 1971 by Carolyn Davidson, it embodies motion, speed, and athleticism.

The simple and fluid swoosh symbolizes energy and represents the company’s mission to inspire and empower athletes. The logo’s minimalistic design and association with renowned athletes have contributed to its enduring appeal and recognition.

2. Apple

The Apple logo is a prime example of a logo that epitomizes simplicity and elegance. Created in 1977 by Rob Janoff, the logo features a bitten apple silhouette. The logo has evolved over time, with the current version being a sleek monochromatic design.

It represents innovation, creativity, and user-friendly technology. The bitten apple adds a touch of playfulness, while the clean and minimalistic design reflects the company’s focus on sleek and intuitive products.

3. McDonald’s

The McDonald’s logo is an iconic symbol recognized globally. The golden arches, designed by Jim Schindler in 1962, resemble an “M” and are associated with the brand’s golden age and enduring success.

The logo signifies speed, convenience, and the joy of fast food. The bold and vibrant colors, predominantly red and yellow, evoke appetite and excitement, contributing to the brand’s recognition and appeal.

4. Coca-Cola

The Coca-Cola logo is a classic example of effective branding and timeless design. The logo features a scripted typography known as the “Spencerian script” and the brand name in its signature red color. Created in the late 19th century, the logo represents the company’s heritage, tradition, and refreshment.

The script style exudes a sense of elegance and nostalgia, while the red color symbolizes energy and passion. The logo’s consistent use and association with Coca-Cola’s values have made it globally recognizable and synonymous with the brand.

5. Google

This post first appeared on Graphics Unlimited | On Demand Graphic Design | Graphic Design Subscription, please read the originial post: here

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10 Popular Types of Logos and Examples to Inspire


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