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What is Emotional Advertising? The Complete Guide

What is your favorite brand? What struck your interest in the brand? Why are you still staying with the brand?

Every business starts with the ultimate goal of increasing sales of its products and services and boosting revenue. This explains why many companies and salespeople constantly develop marketing and sales strategies to gain more customers, engage existing customers, and connect with them deeper to close sales. This is where emotional advertising comes in.

Emotional advertising uses persuasive messages to connect clients and elicit their emotional responses through sales. When using emotional advertising, companies find ways to appeal to their existing and potential customers and persuade them to consider getting the products.

If you are just setting up your business or have an existing business and are considering using emotional advertising to reach your audience, there are different types of emotional advertising techniques that you can use.

This article will explore emotional advertising, how it can benefit your business, different emotional advertising techniques, and tips to close more deals with emotional advertising.

Let’s get started.

What is Emotional Advertising?

Emotional advertising is a marketing strategy that aims to elicit an emotional response from the audience to connect the consumer and the brand. This type of advertising focuses on feelings, such as happiness, sadness, fear, anger, or nostalgia, rather than simply presenting facts or features of a product or service.

Emotional advertising often creates a lasting impression and builds emotional connection and brand loyalty by appealing to consumers’ emotions. This approach can be particularly effective when the product or service being sold is associated with strong emotional experiences, such as holidays, life events, or personal relationships.

The research found that out of 1400 successful advertising campaigns, 31% of purely emotional content performed better than only rational content, which had a 16% success rate. Examples of emotional advertising include heartwarming stories, humorous commercials, or advertisements that tap into social or cultural issues.

Advertisers hope to create a lasting impression and build a relationship between the consumer and the brand by triggering an emotional response.

How Can Emotional Advertising Help Your Business?

Emotional advertising can help your business in several ways:

1. Build brand awareness

Emotional ads are more memorable and help your brand stand out in a crowded marketplace. When customers connect with your brand emotionally, they are more likely to remember and share it with others.

2. Creating a memorable message

Emotions help create a memorable message that stays with the audience long after the ad ends. People are more likely to remember an ad that makes them feel something, whether it’s happiness, excitement, or nostalgia.

3. Create customer loyalty

Emotional advertising can help create a strong emotional bond between your brand and customers. When customers feel an emotional connection with a brand, they are likelier to remain loyal and continue doing business with it.

4. Increase sales

Emotions can influence purchasing decisions by creating a desire or need for a product or service. Therefore, emotional ads can be more persuasive than factual or rational ads, leading to higher sales. By appealing to customers’ emotions, you can encourage them to act and purchase.

For example, a heartwarming ad about a family gathering around a table for dinner can create a sense of warmth and nostalgia that encourages viewers to purchase the featured product.

5. Differentiate your brand

Emotional advertising can help your brand stand out from competitors solely focused on product features or pricing. By focusing on emotions, you can create a unique and memorable brand identity that sets you apart from others in your industry.

6. Increase brand advocacy

Emotional advertising can also lead to increased word-of-mouth marketing, as customers who feel emotionally connected to your brand are more likely to share their positive experiences with others. This can help your brand gain new customers and increase overall brand advocacy.

How Does Emotional Advertising Work?

Emotion plays a significant role in advertising as it helps to create a more meaningful connection between the audience and the brand. Emotional advertising captures consumers’ attention more effectively and engages them with the brand message. By appealing to emotions, advertising can

Emotional advertising works by tapping into the basic emotions and feelings of the audience to create a strong connection between the consumer and the brand and develop a more memorable and impactful message that resonates with customers. This type of advertising can trigger various emotions, including happiness, sadness, fear, or nostalgia. When emotions are triggered, they can influence our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.

Below are the different emotional advertising tactics and emotional responses that marketers and businesses mostly leverage to connect with their clients, strengthen their marketing efforts, and increase sales.

Emotion #1: Sadness equals More Clicks

Pepper Content

Creating marketing or advertising campaigns that evoke sad feelings in audiences is generally known to generate more clicks.

Considering that sadness leads to connections and empathy. This empathy motivates people to help others/ take quick action. For example, NGOs mostly use sad images and music to encourage their target audience to donate (which, in a way, brings in more clicks).

Emotion #2: Happiness equals More Share

Kimberly Dye

that evokes positive emotions like happiness can encourage more content sharing. Following existing research that positive content and good news travel faster on social media, you can leverage this by creating more happy content to get more shares for your marketing and advertising campaigns.

Like the idea of a social smile, when someone feels happy on your page, they are likely to spread happiness to others.

Emotion #3: Anger/disgust equals viral content


Content that evokes anger or disgust in people tends to elicit immediate emotional responses from the audience. Incorporating anger or disgust and other related human emotions into your advertising can help your content go viral.

Emotions #4: Fear/surprises equal Loyalty

Adding fear or surprise emotion in advertising can encourage your audience to stick to your brand. However, many marketers are always very skeptical about eliciting a negative emotion in their advertising, so negative feelings are not associated with the brand. When people feel more familiar with your brand, they likely feel loyal to the brand.

Types of Emotional Advertising Techniques

Brands use several emotional advertising techniques to create an emotional connection with their audience. Here are some of the most common types of emotional advertising techniques:

1. Creating positive emotions

This Emotional advertising technique conveys persuasive messages that elicit positive emotional responses such as happiness, joy, love, relief, excitement, etc., from consumers. Creating and sharing content that elicits a positive emotional response can get the audience to respond positively and engage with your content.

Happy, exciting, or love-related content will likely influence how your audience perceives your brand and connects with your organization’s values.

2. Elicit negative emotions

Although most people tend to always associate with positive emotions, you can rule out the power of negative emotional advertising. However, depending on your brand’s message and offerings, you can create a negative emotional response in your audience can have lasting impacts on how they connect with your brand’s mission and values.

For example, a nonprofit organization can create marketing or advertising content focusing on worry, concern, or manager to convey an important brand message and persuade your audience to fight injustice or support a cause.

3. Telling a story that relates to the audience’s

Storytelling is a common part of advertising that marketers and businesses often use to create positive and negative emotional responses from the audience.

Using this technique, businesses can leverage customer data to create relevant, engaging, and meaningful content that tells a story. Depending on the story and the message, your story can elicit a positive or negative response from your audience.

4. Asking provocative questions

The context of emotional marketing refers to creating messaging that appeals to the emotions of the consumer rather than just promoting the features or benefits of a product.

This technique uses thought-provoking questions to influence customers to think about a product or service over a longer period, ultimately influencing how they perceive the brand and how likely it is to fulfill their needs, solve their problems or help them achieve their goals.

5. Presenting surprising information

Another way companies can incorporate emotional advertising in their marketing strategy is by using surprising facts, statistics, or other vital information to connect with audiences and persuade them to take action or decide quickly.

For example, a brand can present startling facts about a topical issue or cause to create emotional content in their advertising, gain more audience attention, connect with potential donors, and evoke strong emotional responses.

6. Using associative colors

Last on our list is the use of colors associated with various emotional and psychological responses. For example, emotional marketing uses associative colors, assuming that color psychology can elicit subconscious perceptions about products, services, and brands and create emotional responses.

Businesses using these methods create engaging graphics and visuals with persuasive messages to influence consumers to take the desired action or make purchasing decisions.

Tips For Using Emotional Advertising

Emotional advertising can be a powerful tool for connecting with your audience and driving engagement and sales. Here are some emotional marketing strategies or tips to help you effectively implement emotional advertising in your marketing efforts:

1. Define your goals

The first step in implementing emotional advertising is to define your goals. Determine what you want to achieve with your emotional advertising campaign. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or build brand loyalty?

2. Understand your audience

Emotional advertising works best when it resonates with the target audience. Take the time to understand your audience and what emotional triggers will most likely resonate with them. Conduct market research to learn more about their values, interests, and pain points.

3. Choose the right emotions

Different emotions can have different effects on consumers. Choose the emotions most likely to connect with your audience and align with your brand values. For example, a luxury brand might use ads that evoke feelings of exclusivity and sophistication.

4. Tell a story

Storytelling is an effective way to create emotional connections with your audience. Use a narrative to create a relatable scenario that elicits an emotional response. Consider using storytelling or visuals to create a relatable scenario that elicits an emotional response. Make sure the story is authentic and aligns with your brand values.

5. Use visuals

Visuals can be a powerful tool for creating emotional connections. Use images, videos, or graphics that evoke the desired emotions. Make sure the visuals are high-quality and align with your brand identity.

6. Be authentic

Consumers can sense when advertising is insincere or manipulative. Make sure your emotional advertising is authentic and aligns with your brand values. Avoid using emotions that are irrelevant to your brand or that may be seen as exploitative.’

7. Choose the right channels

Determine the best channels to reach your target audience. Use social media, television, print ads, or other digital channels to reach your audience.

8. Create the ad

Create the ad using your chosen creative concept and visuals. Make sure the ad aligns with your brand identity and values.

9. Test and refine

As with any marketing strategy, measuring the effectiveness of your emotional advertising campaigns is important. Test your emotional advertising campaign and refine it based on the results. Track engagement, brand awareness, and sales metrics to see how well your campaign performs.

10. Monitor and adjust

Monitor the performance of your emotional advertising campaign and adjust it as necessary. Make changes based on feedback from your target audience and other relevant data.

How To Measure Emotional Marketing

Measuring the effectiveness of emotional marketing can be challenging because emotions are subjective and difficult to quantify. However, there are several methods you can use to measure your audience’s emotional response. Here are some ways to measure emotional marketing:

1. Survey your audience

Conducting surveys or focus groups is a common method of measuring emotional marketing. Ask questions about how the emotional aspects of your campaign impacted the participants’ feelings and opinions of your brand.

2. Track engagement metrics

Engagement metrics such as likes, shares, and comments can provide insights into how your emotional marketing campaign resonates with your audience. Monitor these metrics on your social media channels, website, or other digital platforms to gauge your engagement with your campaign.

3. Analyze website traffic

Analyze website traffic to determine whether your emotional marketing campaign has led to increased traffic or changes in user behavior. Look at metrics such as bounce rates, time on site, and conversion rates to assess the impact of your campaign.

4. Monitor brand sentiment

Monitor brand sentiment on social media and other online platforms to determine whether your emotional marketing campaign has positively impacted your brand’s reputation. Use tools such as social listening software to track mentions of your brand and analyze the sentiment of those mentions.

5. Measure sales

One of the most significant metrics to measure the success of emotional marketing is sales. Analyze sales data to determine whether your campaign has led to an increase in sales or a change in consumer behavior.

6. Compare results to benchmarks

To accurately measure the effectiveness of your emotional marketing campaign, you need to have benchmarks to compare your results to. Analyze the results of your campaign against previous campaigns or industry benchmarks to determine how successful it has been.

5 Examples of Brands Using Emotional Advertising

Emotional advertising can be an effective way for brands to connect with their audience and inspire action. By tapping into the emotions of their audience, these brands have created memorable ad campaigns that inspire, challenge, and connect with viewers.

Here are five examples of brands that use emotional advertising to emotionally connect with clients.

1. Nike

The Guardian

Nike has a long history of using emotional advertising to connect with its audience. For example, in 2018, Nike released an emotional ad campaign featuring former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

The ad, which featured the tagline “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything,” was designed to inspire viewers to stand up for their beliefs and take action.

2. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola UNITED

Coca-Cola is another brand that effectively uses emotional advertising to connect with its audience.

The brand’s “Share a Coke” campaign, which launched in 2011, allowed consumers to customize Coke bottles with the names of friends and family members. The campaign was designed to evoke happiness and nostalgia, and it was incredibly successful.

3. Google


In 2020, Google released an emotional ad campaign called “Find Your Scene.” The campaign featured a series of short videos highlighting the importance of finding community and connection.

The ads were designed to resonate with viewers feeling isolated and disconnected due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

4. Always

Beloved Brands

Always is a feminine hygiene brand that has used emotional advertising to challenge gender stereotypes and promote empowerment.

In 2014, the brand released an ad campaign called “Like a Girl,” featuring young girls and women discussing what it means to do things “like a girl.” The campaign was designed to inspire confidence and challenge gender norms.

5. Airbnb


Airbnb is another brand that has used emotional advertising to connect with its audience. The brand’s “Belong Anywhere” campaign, launched in 2014, was designed to evoke feelings of belonging and connection.

The ads featured people worldwide sharing their stories about how Airbnb had helped them feel at home when traveling.

Bottom Line

Emotional advertising is a powerful tool for brands to connect with their audience, build brand loyalty, and inspire action. By tapping into the emotions of their audience, brands can create memorable, impactful, and compelling ads.

Emotional advertising can take many forms, from heartwarming stories to provocative campaigns that challenge societal norms. When implementing emotional advertising, it’s essential to consider the target audience and choose the right emotions to resonate with them. Brands must also ensure that their emotional advertising aligns with their brand identity and values.

Finally, measuring the effectiveness of emotional advertising can be challenging, but there are several methods that brands can use to evaluate the impact of their campaigns. With the right approach, emotional advertising can help brands stand out in a crowded marketplace and build lasting relationships with their audience.

Emotional Advertising FAQs

1. What is emotional advertising?

Emotional advertising is a type of advertising that seeks to evoke an emotional response from the audience. It often relies on storytelling and tapping into the audience’s emotions to create a memorable and impactful ad.

2. Why is emotional advertising effective?

Emotional advertising is effective because it connects with the audience beyond the advertised product or service. By tapping into the audience’s emotions, brands can build brand loyalty and inspire action.

3. What are some common emotions used in emotional advertising?

Some common emotions used in emotional advertising include happiness, sadness, fear, anger, and surprise. The specific emotions used will depend on the target audience and the message the brand is trying to convey.

4. How do you measure the effectiveness of emotional advertising?

Measuring the effectiveness of emotional advertising can be challenging, but there are several methods that brands can use.

These include surveys, focus groups, social media analytics, and sales data. Establishing clear goals and metrics before launching an emotional advertising campaign is essential to ensure its effectiveness can be accurately evaluated.

5. Can emotional advertising be used for any product or service?

Yes, emotional advertising can be used for any product or service. However, it’s essential to consider the target audience and choose the right emotions to resonate with them.

Additionally, not all products or services may lend themselves to emotional advertising, and brands should carefully consider whether this approach is appropriate for their specific offering.

The post What is Emotional Advertising? The Complete Guide appeared first on All Time Design.

This post first appeared on Graphics Unlimited | On Demand Graphic Design | Graphic Design Subscription, please read the originial post: here

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What is Emotional Advertising? The Complete Guide


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