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Benchmark effect on the road of industrial exploration: The digital transformation trend is still strong


The booming digital economy has become a new economic form in the contemporary world. The development of the digital economy has been repeatedly mentioned.

The digital economy is the opportunity for a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, which can vigorously promote the development of digital transformation and accelerate the construction of manufacturing power, network power, and digital China; it is an urgent need to seize the historical opportunity of economic globalization and information technology revolution and accelerate the transformation of old and new drivers of economic construction.

The trend is inevitable for digital transformation

In the face of a new wave of the global digital economy, thousands of industries are promoting digital transformation, and digital technology has also brought greater space for imagination. As the name suggests, digital transformation is using technology to change the way enterprises or organizations operate. It means using many technologies, such as the Internet of Things, 5G, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence.

The ability of the new information infrastructure to support the digital transformation has been further enhanced by 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, and other new-generation information and communication technologies are accelerating iteration upgrading, and integrating. They are providing a new technology framework for enterprises in various industries with wider coverage, lower cost, more convenient use, and more expansibility to carry out digital transformation, and helping enterprises in the industry to deepen the digital transformation and reform further.

At present, digitalization is the trend of The Times, and the digital transformation of enterprises is not a multiple-choice question, but a required answer. Driven by digital technology, the business environment changes rapidly. Digital innovation is reshaping the business model and operation mode of traditional industries. Enterprises should take the initiative to embrace digitalization and make corporate culture, management concepts, and organizational behavior meet the needs of digital development.

WiMi Hologram Cloud is accelerating its digital transformation

The era of digital transformation has come. It is understood that in the digital wave, WiMi Hologram Cloud (NASDAQ: WIMI), as an enterprising enterprise facing the future of science and technology, grasps new opportunities, shapes unique advantages, leads the development of the industry with its comprehensive digital transformation, and releases the “benchmarking effect”. At the same time, WiMi Hologram Cloud works together with well-known industry partners to discuss hot topics such as the Internet of Things, AI, cloud computing, big data, IoT, 5G, digital advertising, smart home, intelligent driving and digital solutions of the new technology industry, to “build” a better technology life in the future.

Due to faster and faster innovation and change, the digital transformation of enterprises has higher and higher requirements for the agility of digital platforms, especially for large enterprises. So far, WiMi Hologram Cloud has accumulated a large number of practical cases in exploring and promoting the digital transformation of enabling enterprises,

Upgrade the corresponding technical architecture and technical base platform to a digital platform, and become the “new infrastructure” for the digital transformation of its enterprises.

WiMi Hologram Cloud The positive utility of digital transformation is omnidirectional. As digital technology and the real economy are increasingly deeply integrated, industrial digitalization is also one of the main battlefields of the digital transformation of enterprises. Combined with practical experience, WiMi Hologram Cloud increases investment in research and development, is to “5G + AI” to enable enterprise full business digital transformation, in the industrial Internet, 5G new infrastructure formed the professional talent, technology, and industry, in addition, also for the universe, humanoid robot, brain-computer interface, general artificial intelligence “number turn wisdom change” will inject new momentum.

The digital transformation of enterprises has become an important force driving future development, all walks of life are “fighting” in this digital wave, WiMi Hologram Cloud resolutely walks at the forefront of industry development, with the necessary ability of digital transformation and considerable advantages, bravely stand the tide of The Times! From the perspective of the industry, in the future, WiMi Hologram Cloud will continue to strengthen its scientific and technological innovation, build itself into a world-class enterprise, accelerate the implementation of the high-end software technology industry, consolidate the foundation for the development of the digital economy, and comprehensively contribute to the modernization and the construction of digital China.

To sum up

It is worth mentioning that digital transformation is in line with the global wave of informatization that has occurred in the past decades. It is a paradigm change driven by information and communication technology, but it also presents new features such as comprehensive interconnection, data-driven, software definition, platform support, and global intelligence.

If enterprises want to take the road of digital transformation and development, they need to borrow external forces, but also give play to their initiative.

Digital transformation is not only the adjustment and optimization of technological transformation, business model, and business model but also the development of intelligent and digital thinking. In other words, to embrace the digital economy, companies need to innovate themselves from the depths of their souls. In short, it can be expected that in the next few years, the mode and value of digital transformation will be clearer, and the production mode, business form, and technical architecture of digital transformation will be transformed.

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Benchmark effect on the road of industrial exploration: The digital transformation trend is still strong
