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Mat Bennett - Web Nerd Blog

Personal and business blog of self-confess web nerd and founder Mat Bennett. Covers business, web, leadership and general nerdiness.
I think everyone should do more things that DON’T have an immediate and measurable ROI. It’s sometimes tempting to look at everything as a line in a P&L – a cost in tim… Read More
Recent years have seen a rise in the personal productivity approach of building a “second-brain”; The idea of capturing thoughts, notes and ideas in one central software reposito… Read More
Close It, Sell It Or Die
All good things come to an end and your involvement with your agency will be no exception. It’s no more avoidable than death or taxes (and will possibly involve at least one of those t… Read More
Velocity Not Speed
It’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of speed in our businesses. We all want to enjoy the fruits of our success sooner  and it seems logical that moving more quickly will get… Read More
At BrightonSEO October 2022 I delivered a talk titled “Can you trust AI with your content?”.  This looked at text generation systems like GPT-3 / OpenAI, user perceptions to… Read More
The State Of AI Use In Agencies
Interest in, and experimentation with, AI text generation systems has exploded in the last 2 years. The catalyst for this was undoubtedly OpenAI adding GPT-3 to their open beta. GPT-3 is 117… Read More
The Easy Way To Curate News
Publishing a curated newsletter is a tried and tested way to build authority in your niche. For B2B businesses, a regular “news roundup” offers the chance to build a relationship… Read More
Learning To Love Imposter Syndrome
People love to talk about imposter syndrome. From sharing strategies on how to combat it to the “humble brag” LinkedIn post that may as well say “I’m really great&hel… Read More

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Mat Bennett - Web Nerd
