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Preventive Measures: Why You Should Duplicate Your Home Key

A crucial security measure homeowners often forget to take is duplicating their home key. While it may seem like a minor detail, having a duplicate key can offer numerous benefits that can save you time, money, and stress. According to a survey by the locksmith service provider IFAM, around 28% of Americans have reported losing their keys at least once a week. This shows how having a duplicate key can be a lifesaver in many situations, preventing the inconvenience and costs associated with losing your keys. 

This blog explains why duplicating your home key is a preventive measure you should consider.

Benefits Of Duplicating Keys

Key duplication has several different benefits, including convenience, internal security, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness:


Imagine this scenario: You’re rushing out the door for an important meeting, and in the hustle, you forget your keys inside. Now, you’re locked out, and the clock is ticking. With a duplicate key, such situations can be easily avoided. Having a spare key ensures that you always have access to your home, even if you misplace or lose the original. It provides peace of mind, knowing that you have a backup plan in place.

Moreover, duplicate keys can be shared with trusted family members or friends, allowing them to access your home in case of emergencies or when you’re away. This can be especially useful if you’re on vacation and need someone to water your plants or feed your pets.

Internal Security

While it may seem counterintuitive, having duplicate keys can enhance your home’s internal security. For instance, if you have multiple family members or roommates, distributing duplicate keys ensures that everyone has access without the need to hide a key outside, which can be a potential security risk. Hidden keys can be easily found by burglars, giving them easy access to your home.

Additionally, in the case of a lost key, having a duplicate allows you to change the locks promptly without being locked out, ensuring that your home remains secure.


Accessibility is another significant benefit of key duplication. For homeowners with mobility issues or disabilities, having multiple keys strategically placed can make it easier to access different parts of the home. Furthermore, if you frequently have guests or service providers visiting, having a spare key can ensure they can enter and exit without any hassles.


While there’s a small upfront cost associated with duplicating keys, it’s a worthy investment when you consider the potential savings in the long run. Getting locked out often means hiring emergency locksmith services, which can be expensive, especially during odd hours. With a duplicate key, you can avoid these unexpected costs. Not to mention the stress and time saved from avoiding lockouts or waiting for a locksmith to arrive.

Professional Locksmith Services

Locksmiths are professionals trained to work with locks and keys, providing a range of services from key duplication to advanced security installations. As the security landscape evolves, so does the role of locksmiths, making them indispensable in today’s world.

Types Of Keys And Their Uses

Keys have evolved over the years, and today, there are various types designed for different purposes:

  • Traditional Keys: These are the most common types of keys used for residential locks.

  • Transponder Key: Used in modern cars, these keys have a chip inside that communicates with the vehicle to start the engine.

  • Smart Car Key: Allows drivers to keep the key fob pocketed when starting the vehicle.

  • Tubular Key: Often referred to as “barrel keys,” they are used for tubular pin tumbler locks, commonly found in bike locks.

  • Paracentric Key: Known for its unique design, it’s used in high-security applications to deter lock picking.

Each key type serves a specific purpose and offers varying levels of security. It’s essential to choose the right key for your needs, and a professional locksmith can guide you in making the right decision.

Finding A Reliable Professional Locksmith

When you’re locked out or need to enhance your property’s security, finding a trustworthy locksmith is crucial. Here are some tips:

  • Recommendations: Word of mouth is powerful. Ask friends, family, or neighbors for their recommendations.

  • Check Online Reviews: Websites like Google and Yelp can provide insights into a locksmith’s reputation.

  • Local Locksmiths: Opt for local businesses rather than national call centers. Local locksmiths have a reputation to maintain and are often more reliable.

  • Licensing: Ensure the locksmith is licensed. This indicates they have undergone necessary training and adhere to industry standards.

  • Response Speed: A good locksmith should be able to respond quickly, especially in emergency situations.

What To Look For In A Professional Locksmith

When hiring a locksmith, it’s essential to ensure they are not only qualified but also trustworthy and reliable. Here’s what to look for:

  • Certification: A certified locksmith has undergone rigorous training and testing to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest tools and techniques.

  • Experience: An experienced locksmith can handle a wide range of situations and offer solutions that a less experienced locksmith might not consider.

  • Insurance And Bond: Ensure the locksmith is insured and bonded. This protects you in case of any damage during the service.

  • Transparent Pricing: A professional locksmith should provide a clear estimate before starting the work, ensuring there are no hidden charges.

  • Reputation: Check for online reviews and testimonials and ask for references to gauge the locksmith’s reputation.

  • Tools And Equipment: A well-equipped locksmith indicates they are up-to-date with the latest technologies and can handle various lock-related issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve addressed some of the most common queries to help you better understand why you should duplicate your house key.

Why is it essential to hire a certified locksmith?

A certified locksmith has undergone rigorous training and testing, ensuring they are proficient in the latest tools and techniques. Their certification is a testament to their expertise, ensuring that they can handle complex lock-related challenges and adhere to industry standards, providing peace of mind to clients.

Can I duplicate any key I have?

While a majority of keys can be duplicated, there are high-security or proprietary keys that come with restrictions. These keys might require special permissions or specific equipment to be duplicated. Always consult with a professional locksmith to understand the duplicability of a particular key.

How can I determine if a locksmith is trustworthy?

Establishing the trustworthiness of a locksmith can be achieved by seeking recommendations from acquaintances, checking online reviews, and verifying their professional certifications. Additionally, a transparent pricing structure and clear communication from the locksmith can also be indicative of their reliability and professionalism.

What should I do if I’m locked out of my house in the middle of the night?

In the event of a lockout, it’s crucial to remain calm and prioritize safety. Many professional locksmiths offer 24/7 emergency services. Reach out to a reputable local locksmith known for prompt response times. It’s also advisable to have the contact of a trusted locksmith saved in your phone for such emergencies.

Are digital or smart locks more secure than traditional locks?

Digital or smart locks come with advanced security features, such as biometric access and remote monitoring. However, their security efficacy also hinges on the quality of the lock, proper installation, and the user’s security practices. Often, combining traditional locks with smart locks can offer a layered security approach.

How often should I consider updating or changing my locks?

It’s recommended to update or change locks when certain situations arise, such as moving to a new residence, after a loss of keys or following a break-in attempt. Additionally, if your locks show signs of wear or malfunction, it’s a cue to consider an update. Regular assessments by a locksmith can also guide timely replacements.

Taking Preventive Measures With Home Key Duplication

Security remains a paramount concern for homeowners, and ensuring you have reliable locks backed by the expertise of a professional locksmith can make all the difference in safeguarding your home and loved ones. Whether you’re considering duplicating your key for convenience or exploring advanced locking systems, it’s essential to be informed and make choices that align with your security needs. Remember, a key not only grants access to your home but also to the peace of mind of knowing that your sanctuary is secure. Choose wisely, stay informed, and prioritize your safety.

Discover more about how to secure your home with the right locks by reading our comprehensive guide to the best outdoor padlocks. Explore our resources and guides by visiting Security Forward.

The post Preventive Measures: Why You Should Duplicate Your Home Key appeared first on Security Forward.

This post first appeared on Security Forward, please read the originial post: here

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Preventive Measures: Why You Should Duplicate Your Home Key


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