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Make Money Online: Introducing Wealth Leagues System


First off… You’ll need an ALERTPAY online payment account (PERSONAL PRO or BUSINESS) where direct or spillover members will be paying your money directly into. If you don’t have one, open a free ALERTPAY account here.

Happy New year 2011...Our year of possibilities!

Thanks for the audience, I'll go straight to the point...

I've been researching about making money online for quite a while and know a lot about it with respect to fraud and scams... Often, If money is realized, it either come in trickles (bits)... lousy surveys, paid to's and even adsense (patience is the watch-word here but you soon get frustrated)... Or you try out the mlm/hyip types, which often leaves you hanging somewhere on a "pyramid" with your money lost in the system while waiting to "cycle out" or reach the "minimum payout" point to get paid. It gets even worst with all the e-books and seminars being organized here and there on "how to make money online". One can't be too careful with the rate of fraudulent activities all over the internet.

However, this is not to say there is no way of making legitimate money online... In fact on the contrary, I enjoy a "refer a referrer and get paid directly by the referrer" system that works for me and the result is instant... Every referrer pays you directly to get an affiliate link from the system which they will in turn use to refer people that will pay them directly too.

I joined a new innovative online network that is generating a very good residual income for me and wish to share it with you and other interested individuals to create a financial network that will transform the fortunes of everybody involved instantly. I want us to lock into positions early to enjoy the guaranteed financial boom it portends... before it really starts making waves all over the world. (I am already reaping from it).

Just launched 7th of December 2010, the system's concept is made up of individuals in a network who give to one another and other teammates in an organized manner, level by level... culmulating in financial boom for everybody involved in the network. It is not a business, company or an investment, we are totally in charge of our own funds and give directly one to another and work for the betterment of the whole team. It is however necessary to have regular internet access via a personal gadget (like your laptop or the popular blackberry) to be effective as a member of this networked system.

The program is very simple and easy to use. It can generate huge sums of cash in a very short amount of time. You will make money... Insane amount of money! Simply by sending others to the site. I'll explain...

Introducing Wealth Leagues... Feel the Power of Networked Financial Freedom!!!

This program is innovative... Not like any other you've ever seen or used. You're not waiting to be "cycled out" or struggling to hit a "minimum payout" point as you're being paid directly every step of the way...

Here's a brief Summary...
  • First off, every member of the network will need a secure online payment processor where payments/transfers are made... "Alertpay" is the system's payment processor of choice.
  • To join the matrix, you pay your referrer (sponsor) DIRECTLY to his Alertpay account (Wealth Leagues is just a tool or online portal via which the system is organized, regulated and managed… They are not involved in the financial transactions between sponsor and referrals). This makes for transparency of the system. All that Wealth Leagues online portal does is acknowledge payments as confirmed by sponsors and unlock levels for referred members that paid their sponsors so they can in turn have their own payments from their referrals via their affiliate links.
  • It's a 6X4 forced matrix system (six referrals, four levels deep)
  • You pay your referrer $12 directly via his alertpay account and your referrer confirms payment and your referral link is activated and you are placed on level 1.
  • You use your referral link to refer as many people as possible... who will in turn pay $12 each into your alertpay account.
  • A total of six people you refer pays you $12 on level 1 (totaling $72)
  • When 6 people you referred have paid you directly, subsequent people you refer will be "spilled over" to those 6 people that already paid you. That way, you're helping them get referrals just thesame way your sponsor's referrals will be spilled over to you if you are not recruiting people... That is what is referred to as "forced matrix".
  • Once you've earned enough money, at your convenience, you can step to level 2 by again paying your referrer (sponsor) $30 to move to level 2.
  • In level 2, you have the advantage of being paid by 36 generated referrals under you... each paying you $30, totaling $1080 for level 2.
  • You can again pay your sponsor $80 (when ready) for level 3 where you get a greater number of people paying you $80 directly to get into level 3 too... and so on till you get to level 8.
The Pay Per level Design is as below...

Membership level - Cost - Downline / payments - Total Earnings

S T A G E - 1
•Level 1 - $12 - 6 First Level referrals pay you $12 each - $72
•Level 2 - $30 - 36 Second Level referrals pay you $30 each - $1080
•Level 3 - $80 - 216 Third Level referrals pay you $80 each - $17280
•Level 4 - $200 - 1296 Fourth Level referrals pay you $200 each - $259200

S T A G E - 2
•Level 1 - $500 - 6 First Level referrals pay you $500 each - $3000
•Level 2 - $1250 - 36 Second Level referrals pay you $1250 each - $45000
•Level 3 - $3120 - 216 Third Level referrals pay you $3120 each - $673920
•Level 4 - $7800 - 1296 Fourth Level referrals pay you $7800 each - $10108800

Overall TOTAL EARNING = $ 11108352

*You can join the Wealth Leagues for free without paying your sponsor to familiarize yourself with the interface and workings of the system but your affiliate link will not be effective until you pay your sponsor $12 to start your financial bliss. If you don’t pay your sponsor within Six days of joining free… Your account will be deleted.

So, everyone keeps getting paid directly to their alertpay account. Hope this explains it all, in a nutshell... It's all in your hands.

How To Get Started:

*Get your free alertpay accout here (preferably Personal Pro Option):
(Verified or Unverified accounts can be used for transactions).

*Sign Up for Wealth Leagues here:

See some of my payment proofs here...

Note this: You only pay a one-time out-of-pocket sign-up fee of $12 directly to your (referrer) sponsor’s alertpay account and your affiliate link is activated for your referrals to pay directly into your alertpay account too. Thus, your very first referral pays you your total investment ($12) back from the unset. You however continue to get paid $12 by subsequent referrals you recruit on the starting level (level 1) till your sixth referral on that level pays you $12. You thus have a total of (6X$12) = $72 from an investment of $12 (This is obtainable to from your sponsor’s end as he recruit other referrals). This is just level 1 of 8.

You might be worried about getting referrals… The forced matrix takes care of that. As earlier mentioned, you only need a maximum of six (6) paid referrals to fill up your level 1 slots. If your sponsor/referrer has these slots filled up already… his next and subsequent referrals will be paying his immediate downlines (which includes you) and subsequently filling up your slots on your behalf. This does not however mean you have to fold your arms and let your sponsor do all the work for you while you smile to the bank. Your rate of being paid is accelerated when you are also involved in the recruitment… We’re all working for each other to move quickly to the next level where payments are higher toward financial freedom for all in the shortest possible period.

Wealth Leagues system is not a "Get-rich-quick scheme". They truly offer a 'Realistic Plan' to earn more than $11 Million in One Year! … Sign up here.

The interesting part of this is that you may not have to promote your link as your upline (or sponsor) can “spill-over” his referrals to you continuously as he only needs a total of six referrals for level 1. Others will be “spilled-over” to his immediate down-line (like you) and further down if that is also filled.

YOU get your $12 paid back fully with your very first referral. A total of six referrals pay you $12 each… Directly to your Alertpay account (get your alertpay account here), (Totaling $76). You may now move to level 2 where you pay your sponsor $30 again to be accepted to this level (You’ve banked $46 already). Your down-lines (referrals or spill-overs) will pay you likewise when they decide to move from level 1 to level 2. 36 of them will pay you $30 each (directly to your alertpay account), You get a total of $1080 (36X$30). You've made enough money to pay your sponsor ($80 banking $1000) again to be accepted into the next level (3). This continues (as explained below) till you get to level 8.

You can remain in a level if you choose to but that will be limiting your gains to the payment in that level and your entitlement will be shifted to other members of your upline that have upgraded to a higher level (Remember there is a maximum number of people that can pay you per level... After which, the rest of the paying referrals are spilled over to your downlines). IT IS ADVISABLE TO UPGRADE TO A HIGHER LEVEL AS SOON AS YOU CAN BY PAYING YOUR DESIGNATED UPLINE SPONSOR. It is not a huge Matrix System, but a Forced Matrix where you will get your referrals through spillovers very soon.

Concept of Forced Matrix

A Forced Matrix System is the quickest and most efficient way to prosper in the business field of Multi-Level programs. Forced Matrix System is one of the best ways to guarantee success. The reason a Forced Matrix System works better is because it allows spillover from your up-line to come into your matrix even if you did not personally recruit them. A Forced Matrix is a System that puts a limit to the number of referrals a person can make on First Level. Any more referrals one makes will be placed on the second level and so on. The more referrals you have, the more your down-line will grow and this will benefit the other people in your Matrix. The down-lines on Forced Matrix Systems fill up very quickly which means you make your money much faster than other programs.

Wealth Leagues forced matrix is 6x4 = Each member can only have 6 people under them 4 levels deep.

Spillover and Spillunder
  • Spillover is when you get people under you refer by the person on top of you (your sponsor) since your sponsor can only have a certain amount of people anyone (s)he refers goes under you this is called spillover.
  • Spillunder is when the people under you sponsor people making your business grow.
Levels and Stages

Every member starts from level 1 and pays directly to his up-line. There is no time limit when you decide to buy the next level. But the system itself will send you a message when your down-line members are willing to pay you a payment for a higher level. Members can only receive cash gifts up to their current level. It is important to understand the structure of payments in Wealth League program. It’s really unique and cool!

Stage 1
  1. For the First Level of membership you will get paid from your 1st tier referrals. (Earning $72)
  2. For the Second Level of membership you will get paid from your 2nd tier referrals. (Earning $1080)
  3. For the Third Level of membership you will get paid from your 3rd tier referrals. (Earning $17280)
  4. For the Fourth Level of membership you will get paid from your 4th tier referrals. (Earning $259200)
When your referral Level 1 decides to pay for the fifth level of membership, he pays you again!

Stage 2 (It works as the First, but here you get even more)
  1. For the Fifth Level of membership you will get paid from your 1st tier referrals. (Earning $3000)
  2. For the Sixth Level of membership you will get paid from your 2nd tier referrals. (Earning $45000)
  3. For the Seventh Level of membership you will get paid from your 3rd tier referrals. (Earning $673920)
  4. For the Eighth Level of membership you will get paid from your 4th tier referrals. (Earning $10108800)
TOTAL EARNING = $ 11,108,352



Our Program goes 8 Levels. The cost of Membership Level 1 is $12 in our program. You can buy a higher level from your upline members at any time. The cost of each level follows:

  • Level # 2- $30
  • Level # 3- $80
  • Level # 4- $200
  • Level # 5- $500
  • Level # 6- $1250
  • Level # 7- $3120
  • Level # 8- $7800

No. You can have only 1 account. There is no reason to have more than one account except to cheat the system.

No. You can not skip levels. The Low Cost Feeder System is giving you great things, which makes it easy to build your future. That is what the System is doing. It is allowing you to build an investment with no risk and a fantastic return.

No. Your site will appear on with your affiliate ID. You simply promote your affiliate link to refer new members.

You are paid directly from your DownLine members to your Alertpay account.
  • Your 1st tier (DIRECT) referrals pay you for MEMBERSHIP level 1 and MEMBERSHIP level 5.
  • Your 2nd tier referrals pay you for MEMBERSHIP level 2 and MEMBERSHIP level 6.
  • Your 3rd tier referrals pay you for MEMBERSHIP level 3 and MEMBERSHIP level 7.
  • Your 4th tier referrals pay you for MEMBERSHIP level 4 and MEMBERSHIP level 8.

Members can only receive payments up to their current membership levels. For example if you have purchased a package #1 and # 2 only, and someone from your 3 tier referrals decided to buy a pack #3 (membership level 3) then YOU WILL PASS UP THIS PAYMENT. And they may pay to their direct or indirect UpLine member that has already purchased this package. Other words, the system automatically chooses the very first member from this member's UpLine with a membership level 3 or higher.

We accept payments through Alertpay and Alertpay accepts credit cards. Follow these steps to send money if you have already added a Credit Card to your AlertPay account:
  1. Login to your AlertPay account.
  2. Click on “Send Money”.
  3. Enter payment details, including the receiver’s email address, amount and purchase type and click on “Next”.
  4. Verify information and select shipping address, if applicable.
  5. Choose method of payment. Check the “Use my Credit Card” box and select your Credit Card.
  6. Enter your Transaction PIN and click on “Send”.
Your payment has been sent successfully.

B. If you have not already added a Credit Card to your AlertPay account, follow these steps:
  1. Login to your AlertPay account.
  2. Click on “Profile”.
  3. Under “Financial”, click on “Credit Cards”.
  4. Enter Credit Card details and click on “Next”.
  5. Verify details and check box to agree to “Terms and Conditions”.
  6. Click on “Finish”.
Yes! You could invite any number of people and they will be placed in your matrix.

A Reference Number is a unique number that is generated upon successful completion of a transaction. It can be found in your transaction activity box when you are logged into your AlertPay account. It is always in the following format and consists of alphanumeric characters: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX


Some Payment Proof from my Matrix (Upline, Mine and Downline)...

Date: 12/8/2010 12:59:25 AM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Payment Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxxxxx
[email protected]
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $12.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Details: xxxxxxxxxx
Baltimore, MD
United States, 21229
Details (optional): +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 1

Date: 12/8/2010 2:55:44 AM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Payment Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxxxx
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $12.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 1

Date: 12/8/2010 3:29:14 AM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Payment Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxxx
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $12.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Detail
Details (optional): +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 1

Date: December 08, 2010 3:48:25 AM
Amount Paid: $12.00 USD
Reference Number: 64917-98B2F-XXXXX
Buyer Name: XXXXX
Buyer Email: XXXXX
Item Details
Item Description: steleo68: +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 1

Date: 12/8/2010 4:09:37 AM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Payment Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxxx
[email protected]
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $12.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 1

Date: 12/8/2010 3:11:39 AM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Payment Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxxxxx
[email protected]
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $30.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Details:
United States
Details (optional): +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 2

Date: 12/8/2010 5:25:11 AM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Transfer Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxx
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $30.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional):

Date: 12/8/2010 9:30:34 AM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Payment Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxx
[email protected]
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $30.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Details:
Details (optional): +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 2

Date: 12/8/2010 11:43:02 AM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Payment Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxx
[email protected]
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $30.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Details:
Details (optional): +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 2

Date: 12/8/2010 12:40:16 PM
Reference Number: xxxxxxx
Transaction type: Payment Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxxx
[email protected]
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $30.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 2

Date: 12/8/2010 4:49:21 PM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Payment Received From
Name/Email: Bobby Watts
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $30.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Details: xxxxxxxxx
United States
Details (optional): +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 2

Date: 12/8/2010 6:34:14 PM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Payment Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxxxxxx
[email protected]
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $30.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 2

Date: 12/9/2010 6:15:35 PM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Payment Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxx
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $30.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 2

Date: 12/9/2010 7:02:39 PM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Credit Card Transfer Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxxxxx
[email protected]
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $30.00 USD
Purchase type: Goods
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): wealthleagues level 2

Date: 12/10/2010 1:16:53 AM
Reference Number: xxxxxxxxxxx
Transaction type: Payment Received From
Name/Email: xxxxxxxxxxx
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $80.00 USD
Purchase type: Other
Shipping Details:
United States
Details (optional): +WealthLeaguesPayment For Level 3

Wealth Leagues System
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This post first appeared on Making Money Online... A Beginner's Business Resou, please read the originial post: here

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Make Money Online: Introducing Wealth Leagues System
