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In-depth 'make money online' guide - Blog Carnival March 04, 2009 Edition


Welcome to the March 4, 2009 edition of 0 a in-depth 'make money online' guide. The volume of submissions for this edition was enormous (84 in total) and I went through some tough times deciding which will make the cut (They were all quite interesting presentations). Have to apologize for posting this edition late as I had to preview most sites before compiling this list. All in all, it was a great enlightening tour and I enjoyed every moment. (apart from the repeatitive HTML editing :-))... Thanks to all the contributors for these great collection of resourceful writings and links that made this edition's listings based on topic relevance. Enjoy and please show the blog/website owners we appreciate their hard work by commenting and socially bookmarking where applicable.

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Jim DeSantis presents Freelance Writing: A Career From Anywhere posted at Ghostwriting4You.
Admin presents Online Forex Trading: An Overview of What You Need To Know posted at britntex, saying "Online forex trading is the largest and most active trading market in existence. Any investor who is even slightly concerned about acquiring the tools necessary to make money in the financial markets should begin by looking into a forex platform."
Admin presents Building an effective business plan posted at Increase Website Traffic.
Clare Swindlehurst presents 2 Surefire Ways To Maximize Your Adsense Earnings Seven Somewhere posted at Seven Somewhere, saying "Most webmasters know that Adsense generates a sizeable source of additional advertising income. That is why most of them use it to go after high paying keywords. They have with them the lists that tells what the keywords are and have already used various methods of identifying them. And yet, after putting up these supposed-to-be high paying keywords into their pages, the money they expected to come rolling in is not really coming in."
Clare Swindlehurst presents Low Cost Internet Advertising Solution versus Conventional Advertising Seven Somewhere posted at Seven Somewhere, saying "Since the early 90’s, the internet has become known as a medium for advertising. It has also been preferred by consumers and businessmen in public shopping and business dealings. Unlike any other media, like television, radio and print, internet advertising solutions with its low cost has become widely used."
nickel presents How to Choose an Online Savings Account posted at
Derek Pryde presents Methods of Viral Marketing posted at Viral Internet Marketing, saying, "In the beginning, e-mail was the one way that viral marketing was started. Since then viral marketing has gone from a marketing strategy to an art form and there are many ways to accomplish the objective of creating a successful viral marketing campaign. Some of those ways are :"
Debbie Foster presents 7 Ways to Get Traffic posted at Internet Income - The Journey, saying, "One of the top search engine queries is “Work at Home”. If you are one of the many people trying to establish an internet business while working at home, there are a few basic things you can do to bring more traffic to your site. For a successful outcome, there is work involved. Here are a few things you can do to make your online business work for you."
Michael Sherriff presents First Page of Google in 60 Minutes or Less posted at The Midnight Marketer.
KCLau presents Money Tips Group Writing Project posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "Calling out for contributors to an e-book about personal finance."
juvy presents 4 Steps To Effective Forum Marketing posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.
Bill Johnson presents Make Money Fast posted at Make Money Fast.
John Tan presents Google Cash Detective 2 posted at Make Money Online.
Tushar Mathur presents How do we Cut Marketing Costs without hindering Business Growth posted at Small Business Resource, saying "As business owners and/or marketers, we’re all under pressure to cut costs. Unfortunately, many business owners get so intent on reducing costs, they lose sight of what it’s going to do to the business. It’s hard to grow - or even survive - if you don’t have any customers."
John Tan presents Instant Payday Formula Review posted at Make Money Fast Online.
Praveen presents Value of A Small Passive Income Stream posted at My Simple Trading System.
Derek Pryde presents Could your Domain Name Be Bad for Business ? posted at Making money on the internet ADVICE.
Derek Pryde presents What Is Search Engine Optimization posted at How to get top search engine listings SEO blog.
Derek Pryde presents Paid URL Inclusion posted at How to get top search engine listings SEO blog.
Alex presents Niche Blogging - Blogomator Way posted at Make Money Blogging, saying, "Continuing with my previously started mini series on Niche Blogging I wanted to share another way to simplify your life through automation: Blogomator - a free to join blogging serviceIt’s not perfect and has some minuses but for what it does and the price it offers - its a no-brainer solution if you are running more then one blog! In this post I want to discuss all the of the pluses and minuses as well as talk about WHY you might want to consider upgrade, and believe me - its not only because I get my affiliate cut!"
Derek Pryde presents How To Use A Tell A Friend Script To Drive Traffic posted at Making money on the internet ADVICE, saying, "More and more webmasters have the recurring dilemma on how to increase the flow of traffic in the websites. During the past few years many methods that been developed to solve this predicament. While most of them would work there are those that would not make even a small impact."
Simon Stapleton presents How To Find Work in Your Dream Organization Using Facebook And LinkedIn posted at Career & Personal Development for CIOs, Technical Professionals and Self-Professed Geeks, saying, "By combining your LinkedIn profile with Facebook ads, you’ll discover an effective way of getting yourself in front of potential employers who use Facebook (and let’s face it, who doesn’t?) It’s a guerrilla job-hunting tactic that enables you to search the hidden job market and find or even create the best jobs before they hit the job sites."
Michael Sherriff presents How To Make Your Website Sticky posted at The Midnight Marketer.
Jack Keifer presents What's Your Wall? posted at Jack S. Keifer.
Jonathan presents Blog Carnival - Submit an Article to a Carnival posted at IM Buzz Creators' Blog.
ListBuilderLee presents List Building - 3 Breakthrough Steps To A Responsive Subscriber List posted at Build Your List For Free!, saying, "List Building - 3 Breakthrough Steps To A Responsive Subscriber List
I've always been impressed with those people who could build a list of 5,000 subscribers then give up their day job. All because their list was so responsive to any offer they made them.
Then I figured out their secret and boiled it down into 3 easy to follow breakthrough steps."
Dave presents Make Money Uploading Photos posted at Cheapo Groovo.
Jonathan presents Blog Carnival - Submit an Article to a Carnival posted at IM Buzz Creators' Blog.
Martin Russell presents Marketing Bad Luck posted at Word of Mouth Marketing, saying, "I have just come back from Melbourne, Victoria. Great to be there for the live event, and to meet everyone (including a few of my subscribers too whom I had never met before.) But the whole event had a slightly different atmosphere, because Victoria has just gone through Australia’s worst ever natural disaster."
KCLau presents How to Refinance your Home Loans Smartly posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "Lists several reasons why home owners would benefit from switching their loans to a new loan with lower interest rates"
Shaun Connell presents How to Pick a Niche posted at Make Money Online, saying, "Before you get a website, you have to find your niche. A “niche” is a specific topic that you’ll base your entire website on. The topic might be “financial planning” or “baseball” or “knitting.” Regardless of the topic you choose (it can be anything) it needs to meet a few common criteria."
Simon Stapleton presents How To Become a Highly Paid IT Professional (And Be Rich) posted at Career & Personal Development for CIOs, Technical Professionals and Self-Professed Geeks, saying, "Most of us want to be rich. At least rich enough so that we can make our own choices of who we work with, when we work and how we work. How about you?"
Brian McKay presents Savings Account posted at, saying, "Finding a decent rate on a savings account isn’t an easy thing to do these days. Savings account rates have been decreasing for over a year now, falling as fast as the economy"
Viraj Sawant presents Office time for your internet business posted at, saying, "Using Office time for your internet business"
Robert Phillips presents How to Overcome Writer's Block posted at CYBERCA$HOLOGY.
KCLau presents Learn Money Tips playing iMafia posted at KCLau's Money Tips.


Mike G presents Blog Ad Revenue Case Study Money TLD posted at Blog Ad Revenue Case Study.

TwoGun and Ozone presents The Resiliance of Poker posted at The Resiliance Of Poker.
Amit Shanker presents Internet Slumdog Millionaire posted at
Niche presents Make Money With Adsense Traffic Question posted at Niche, Traffic, Sale, saying, "Adsense is an increasingly popular method of making money online Especially among internet marketing beginners But the sad truth of the matter is many of them report success as making a couple of dollars a day."
The Smarter Wallet presents How To Earn Money Online, Get Free Stuff On The Internet! posted at The Smarter Wallet, saying, "just double checking you got this! Thanks!"
Gem-Publishing presents Get 15,625 New Twitter Followers in 30 days posted at Home Business Ideas, saying, "What If You Could Press Just One Button & Automatically Start Getting 1000’s Of Legitimate New Twitter Followers On Autopilot… Even If Nobody Knows Who You Are Now?"
Locke Dauch presents Ways to Make Money Online posted at Your Blog Is Money, saying, "So let me guess, you found this article while looking for ways to make money online right? I’m going to list a few different methods and if I am successful in my efforts, you will be sure to find one that works!"
Leanie Belle presents 1 Simple Reason Why Nobody Wants To Buy Your Product posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.
Mert Erkal presents How To Increase Your Direct Ad Sales? posted at, saying, "Direct ad sales is one of the most effective ways to monetize a blog. All you need is to post some conversions statistics for potential advertisers. However, there will still be inconsistency in monthly revenues unless your blog is a popular one."
Viraj Sawant presents Young Make Money Online Blogger Interview - Rajaie Alkorani posted at, saying, "Young Make Money Online Blogger Interview - Rajaie Alkorani"
The Dough Roller presents Everything You Need to Know About Backlinks You Can Learn from Warren Buffett posted at The Dough Blogger, saying, "See what famed investor Warren Buffett can teach us about the value of backlinks."
Isaac Yassar presents Keywords In File Names posted at Isaac Yassar's Overture, saying, "Search Engines are great sources of traffic, that’s why we need search engine optimization (SEO). Keywords are very important parts of it, and they determine the visibility of a website in search results. However, most people do not understand the importance of putting keywords on their posts / page file names, though it is very useful in building search engine traffic. Here is why:"
Sigrid Landau presents How To Get Your Website Making Money Now posted at A1 How To, saying, "Here’s a question for you…are your websites making money? If you are like a lot of newbie internet marketers out there who want their site to be a cash generating site, but aren’t getting anywhere, read on."

Domain/Online Real Estate

Mark Smith presents Close Your Home Sale Without Trouble - Vox posted at how to sell your own home’s blog.
Joe Manausa presents First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit Tallahassee Real Estate Blog posted at Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, "In case you did not hear the good news, the American Recovery And Reinvestment Act of 2009 (which President Obama signed into law last week) included significant improvements to the temporary First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit. While many might view this as a great benefit aimed only at the first-time homebuyer, the reality is that it will help stabilize the housing market by bringing more buyers into an inventory-laden problem in need of more demand."


MyMaria presents From Hourly Wages to Wealth-Building Residual Income, part 1 posted at Residual Income Web, saying, "As a freelance writer, I am turning toward long-term income streams to build a large residual income through online writing."


Terry presents Articles Make Money With Kontera posted at TerryG on Hubpages, saying, "By writing and promoting articles on Searchwarp an author receives a rating. Once the rating is greater then 5k then they are entitled to place their Kontera id for additional revenue."
Robert Hazlewood presents How To Get Started Finding Legit Survey For Money Websites posted at Ways to Survive Life, saying, "Guide to legit work at home jobs making money taking surveys"
PaniSphere presents Sponsored Reviews - Get paid to write reviews posted at PaniSphere.

Selling/Affiliate Marketing

Jimmy Adames presents Affiliate Marketing Tips - 5 Product Recommendation Mistakes Affiliate Marketers Make posted at Jimmy Adames, Internet Business Building Specialist.

Online Business

Liz presents What's the Best Online Business? posted at All About Web Business.
Willb presents 10 (+1) Ways to spot an online money scam posted at William Bakhos's Blog.
rcbutler presents Setting The Right Goals! posted at Have Infinite Income!.
Andrew Edgington presents Earn Money By Selling Your Photos (Tips From A Professional) posted at Turn Your Photos Into Cash.
Leanie Belle presents How To Stand Out From The Crowd posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia
Jeff presents Automation Software Vs Outsourcing posted at JbodeInternet Marketing Expert.
Leanie Belle presents 2 Proven Ways To Build Your List Fast posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.
Katie Bricks presents How to Get Money-Making Clicks through Online Marketing posted at Make Money Easy Online.
Helen Trump presents Crowd Mountain: What You Need To Know posted at Social Marketing by Michelle MacPhearson.
Cody Butler presents Student Loans Consolidation posted at Investment-For-Beginners Blog.
Gem-Publishing presents SQIP - Your Company, Web 2.0 and Beyond posted at Home Business Ideas.
Raily Arena presents Finding Online Work That Pays posted at Make Money Easy Online.
Liz presents Want to Get Rich Quick Online? posted at All About Web Business.
Leanie Belle presents 4 Steps To Effective Forum Marketing posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.
Helen Trump presents Social Media Optimization Interview posted at Social Marketing by Michelle MacPhearson, saying, "Interesting blog about the Interview with Michelle MacPhearson on Social Media Myth"
Andrew Edgington presents The Secrets to Making Money with your Digital Photos posted at Turn Your Photos Into Cash, saying, "Discover this FREE REPORT on this Photography Internet Business and Learn how to make money with just a digital camera, computer and internet connection."
Raily Arena presents Make Money Online with a Scrapbooking Business posted at Make Money Easy Online.
sujanti djuanda presents PPC Classroom Review: What are Super Affiliate doing that I’m not doing? posted at 1st My Review, saying, "If you are an internet marketer that have spent much money in several years and get nothing, or you are a newbie in internet marketing that have bought several eBooks but you are still struggling to understand, this article is for you."
Raily Arena presents Make Money Online with Blogging posted at Make Money Easy Online.
Helen Trump presents Win a Lifetime Membership posted at Social Marketing by Michelle MacPhearson, saying, "Cool blog about the upcoming"
Leanie Belle presents 2 Proven Ways To Build Your List Fast posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.
Andrew Edgington presents The Best Way To Sell More Digital Photos posted at Turn Your Photos Into Cash, saying, "Discover this FREE REPORT on this Photography Internet Business and Learn how to make money with just a digital camera, computer and internet connection."
Raily Arena presents Cash Those Words: Making Money Online with Your Blog posted at Make Money Easy Online.
Liz presents An Internet Business Plan From Frankenstein? posted at All About Web Business.
Raily Arena presents It Pays to Inspire: How to Be Everyone’s Favorite Legitimate Online Coach « Make Money Easy Online posted at Make Money Easy Online.
Josef Benjamin presents 3 Steps To Being A Highly Effective Attraction Marketing Star Player posted at Josef Benjamin Online, saying, "How would you like to claim your stake in the grounds of the highly profitable attraction marketing oil wells? Would it excite you to know that if you followed a few simple a-b-c steps you could make a 5 figure monthly income online promoting yourself and a proven system?"
Joe Manausa presents A Small But Significant Shift In The Housing Market posted at Really Better Real Estate, saying, "One key trend to pay attention to in any local real estate market is the movement of the sales success trend. What this measures is the total number of home sold divided by the total of homes listed (put on the market) during the same period of time."

Other Creative Ideas

Brian McKay presents What's in the Stimulus Bill for You? posted at, saying, "President Obama’s stimulus package is making it’s way through the House, through the Senate, back through the House and through the Senate for a final vote"
Silicon Valley Blogger presents Zecco vs TradeKing: Which Online Stock Brokerage Account To Choose? posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "Thank you!"
Brian McKay presents Discover Bank $50 CD Promotion posted at, saying, "Discover Bank is offering $50 for opening a new CD account online. Between now and February 28, 2009, open a new CD account at with a minimum of $10,000 and Discover Bank will credit your account with $50"
Noel Roberts presents An investment in knowledge, is the BEST investment? posted at The Official Blog of RKOTB.
Silicon Valley Blogger presents Discover More Card Offers $50 Cash Back Bonus posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "Thanks!"
The Smarter Wallet presents A Stock Trading System For Shorting Stocks: How To Short Estee Lauder posted at The Smarter Wallet, saying, "Thanks!"

Product Creation/Sale

James Finway presents Free Private Resale Rights posted at Free Private Label Rights, saying, "Are You Interested In Getting Free Private Label eBooks, Software, and Articles Delivered To Your Inbox Every Week
…for Free?"
Rob presents 3 Quick And Easy Steps To Content Research posted at Quickfire Blogging, saying, "Given below are a three easy steps which will enable you to offer better content to your website visitors."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of 0 a in-depth 'make money online' guide using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags: 0 a in-depth 'make money online' guide, blog carnival.

This post first appeared on Making Money Online... A Beginner's Business Resou, please read the originial post: here

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In-depth 'make money online' guide - Blog Carnival March 04, 2009 Edition
