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Tips For Carpet Cleaning During End of Lease Cleaning in Reservoir

Bond Cleaning – An Introduction

Carpet Cleaning is an essential part of any kind of house cleaning service. Since end of lease cleaning is a more thorough and a deeper cleaning, your carpets require a proper ‘revamp’. Let’s quickly review what end of lease cleaning, also called move out cleaning or bond back cleaning is all about.

End of lease cleaning is the house cleaning done after a tenant vacates the rented space. It is often stated in the rent contract that the space has to be returned to the house owner in a certain condition. Cleanliness is one of these conditions and a dirty or damaged property can end up in the house owner deducting money from the security deposit given to the former in the beginning.

End of lease cleaning can be done on your own but professional help is recommended. Since it is a thorough and meticulous clean, experts can help you achieve that goal and help you get your security back easily. Carpets tend to get dirty all the time and a regular vacuum just pushes the dirt deeper into the fibres. Your end of lease cleaning MUST include a proper carpet treatment.

Fortunately, for people living in cities such as Melbourne, getting good house cleaners is easy. Carpet cleaning services in Melbourne and its suburbs such as Mornington and Reservoir can be done easily on short notice. Often, renters tend to outsource their carpet cleaning in Reservoir to professionals and then do the rest of the end of lease cleaning themselves. This is also an option for you.

Some carpet cleaning tips that’ll help you save money and execute your end of lease cleaning perfectly

At the end of the day, a successful end of lease cleaning is the one in which you get your bond back quickly. For that, your cleaning should be efficiently executed and completed as soon as possible. Carpet cleaning, as aforementioned, forms an important part of any cleaning and here we have some tips that you can follow to make sure that your carpet cleaning goes smoothly.

Carpet Vacuuming Tips

The first thing that a dirty carpet needs is a good vacuum clean. Generally, you should vacuum your carpet at least once a week. However, we are here to talk about your carpet cleaning during the end of lease cleaning. Any good house cleaning company in Reservoir would tell you to start off your carpet cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Follow the tips below to make sure that you vacuum the carpet correctly:

  • The vacuum should be set at the right height. If you set it too low, the vacuum cleaner may damage the fibres of the carpet. It could also cause some damage to the roller and the belt of the vacuum cleaner hence reducing its life. House cleaning companies recommend a moderate height to operate a vacuum cleaner – too high and it would not clean the carpet effectively.
  • Start your end of lease cleaning with a clean filter bag. Make sure that you empty the dirt bag and change the filter in your vacuum cleaner before starting your end of lease cleaning. You won’t be using the vacuum to clean just your carpets. Therefore, regularly changing the bags and the filter will make the entire end of lease cleaning more effective.
  • Vacuum at the right speed and use it in a W pattern. Make sure that you pull and push the vacuum cleaner slowly and gently while holding it down. Move in a W pattern and clean the carpet twice or thrice using this method.
  • To increase the life of your carpets, use doormats on the entrances so that less dust enters your house. Although, this has little to do with your end of lease cleaning but it is a general advice that can really lessen your effort when you do have to do your move out cleaning.
  • The good thing about steam cleaning companies in Reservoir is that they also vacuum your carpets. Well, mostly! Ask your cleaning company whether they provide this service or not.

Choosing the right carpet cleaning company in Reservoir

Instead of doing your own carpet cleaning, you can call in the experts to help you out. Professional carpet steam cleaning companies in Reservoir and other suburbs of Melbourne have all the heavy equipment to clean your carpet and make it squeaky clean. While looking for the right house cleaning company in Reservoir, make sure that:

  • You do your research and are aware of the standard pricing of Reservoir carpet cleaning companies. The average price is approximately $30 per hour. Go for a moderately priced cleaning company.
  • You receive multiple estimates and then compare them. Choose the one that falls inside your budget comfortably. Do not receive these estimates via phone though. The good house cleaning outfits in Reservoir will come to your house and inspect the size of the house and your exact requirements before sending in the estimate.
  • The house cleaners should be professional and efficient. Look for companies with good online reviews.
  • The house cleaning companies that offer a lot of discounts and ridiculously low prices should be avoided at all costs. The quality of service is usually very poor in these cases.
  • The carpet cleaners are equipped with the best equipment and are trained to pull off these jobs easily and quickly. End of lease cleaning depends a lot on the efficiency because your security deposit is at stake.

Cleaning the carpets with DIY solutions

Although carpet cleaning can be done using DIY cleaning solutions and supplies, it is recommended that you follow expert advice here. Research well online because if you use the wrong products, it may damage the carpet permanently. Stain removal solutions should be tried and tested as well. Ask around and call people who have experience in using DIY solutions to clean their carpets. Make sure that all the parameters are compatible before trying out the same solution. Sometimes, different carpets made from different materials can react differently to the same products.

  • Cleaning the carpet regularly even before you have plans to move out and do a bond cleaning will help you a lot. It keeps the carpet in shape and reduces the effort that you have to make during the end of lease cleaning.
  • Stain removal should be done only if you are confident about what you are doing. Pre-treat the stains with cleaning solutions before cleaning the carpet. Let it rest for some time before you scrub or vacuum it.
  • If the carpet is under heavy furniture, make sure that you remove the furniture while vacuuming or washing the carpet. Heavy furniture especially the ones that have metal bases can stain the carpets. If your carpet is damp, the problem may worsen.
  • Do not clean the carpet with lots of water because drying becomes an issue later. Also, it can stain the carpet and push the dirt further inside. A gentle treatment with some soap and water will suffice for most cases. If you are not able to wash it properly, call in the professional steam carpet cleaning company to help you out. Steam is more effective in cleaning carpets and does not overwet the carpets.
  • Give the carpet time to dry. End of lease carpet cleaning should be done in advance for this reason only. Carpets take time to dry properly. If you are in a hurry, make sure that your carpets are dried before they are moved.

Cleaning stains on carpets

Dirt and regular wear and tear are usually fixable when it comes to carpets. Professional carpet cleaning companies treat the carpet through a standard process to ‘renew’ them and to get rid of all the dirt. However, stained carpets require a different treatment altogether. These tips will help you deal with pesky stains on carpets:

  • Do not dig or scrub fresh food stains on the carpet. It will push it further inside the fibres making it hard to deal with later.
  • Act as soon as possible when something lands on the carpet. Timely treatment can solve most of the stain issues that carpets face from time to time.
  • Spot stains such as food and drinks can be treated with water if you do it quickly enough. If water does not work, you can move onto other measures. First use a clean and dry tissue paper or a piece of towel to absorb the fluids. Then, use a damp white towel to dab the stain slowly. Keep doing it until the stain is gone. For old stains, this trick won’t work. Steam carpet treatments work best for old stains especially pet urine stains.
  • Try using vinegar or baking soda solutions on especially tough stains. Make sure that solution is not too strong though because it may damage the carpet.
  • If the above method does not work, go online and look for a commercial product that is strong enough to remove the stain. In these cases, again, it is better to ask a professional to help you out.

General end of lease cleaning advice

When you decide that you have to move out and vacate the rented premises, there are certain things that you can do to make the move and the end of lease cleaning easy on you. The earlier you start with the process, the better it is.

  • Make sure that you make a plan ahead of time. As soon as you decide that you will be relocating to a new house, grab a notebook and start writing down the things that you have to do. Moving requires a lot of small things that can be missed out in the heat of the moment. If you have a written plan, you can always go back to it to check if things are on track or not.
  • Mark down the dates on your calendar on which you have to do certain things such as going out to buy moving and cleaning supplies or meeting with your carpet cleaning company. The best thing about Reservoir and other suburbs is that they are close to Melbourne and therefore good services are available easily.
  • Speak with your family and friends about your plans and ask them if they can help you with your end of lease cleaning. A little bit of help goes a long way because there is just so much to do during a relocation.
  • Ensure that you have your initial condition report that contains the details of the rented house when you first moved in. Your house owner will inspect the property after you get it cleaned. If the initial report does not match with the current condition of the house, some money will definitely be deducted from your bond.
  • As you clean the house and your carpets, compare the end result with the initial condition report to make sure that you are on the right track.
  • Do not take a lot of stress and take regular breaks during the end of lease cleaning.

End of lease cleaning in Reservoir

As aforementioned, due to its close proximity with Melbourne, Reservoir house cleaning companies have the edge over their competitors. Located just 12 kms from the main district, Reservoir has plenty of options for you to compare and choose a good company from.

Carpet cleaning is one of the toughest jobs during a thorough and deep clean of the house. Next to greasy kitchen appliances and messy backyards, carpet cleaning might as well be the trickiest to deal with. This is more true when you are dealing with pet urine stains and juice stains. Moving with kids and pets can be extra painful. During the move out cleaning, make sure that your kids and your pets are in a safe spot away from the clutter and the mess. You can request your relatives or your friends to keep them at their house while you deal with the end of lease cleaning at your rented space.

The post Tips For Carpet Cleaning During End of Lease Cleaning in Reservoir appeared first on 365cleaners.

This post first appeared on Cleaning Services, please read the originial post: here

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Tips For Carpet Cleaning During End of Lease Cleaning in Reservoir


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