Upholstery Shop Insurance Oklahoma Policy Information

Upholstery Shop Insurance Oklahoma. Upholsterers remove old fabric, padding, stuffing, and springs from furniture and replace them with new. The old finish may be removed, and the piece may be sanded, painted, varnished, or shellacked. The upholsterer may provide furniture repair services, such as gluing loose joints or replacing dowel rods. Operations are generally conducted on the premises. They may include picking up and delivering items to customers.

Being a store owner in the upholstery business you help customers with furniture that is broken, tore or stained, or otherwise damaged or just out of style. Some of your customers might just want to add a touch of modernity to their homes without sacrificing a good old quality sofa. Your services provide maintenance caused by wear and tear for customers' old furniture and give it a fresh out of the plastic new look.

With your type of business, you come across there is a lot of damaged furniture and it is a hard task to restore furniture back to its original state when first purchased. There are profits to be made in the upholstery business but not without the associated risks. Risks that might be catastrophic if not backed by a specialized upholstery shop insurance Oklahoma coverage.