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How Can Farmers Reduce Their Power Usage and Costs?


In light of how expensive power has become in Kenya, let us take a look at some of the ways farmers can reduce their power usage and costs to improve their profit margins and ensure their farming operations run as smoothly as possible. These include: diversifying crops, storing energy at night, and making efficient use of water and fertilizer.

It is a no-brainer that agriculture is the backbone of any economy, but the traditional farming methods have become obsolete in the recent agribusiness paradigm. 

Wondering what exactly are the available counter options? 

Let us tell you in the next 5 minutes. 

Here are some ways farmers can reduce their power usage and costs while maintaining high-quality yields in Kenya and other parts of the world.

What are these new options we are talking about?

The surge in population across the globe has put immense pressure on farmers to produce more and better crops without compromising the environment or the quality of the produce. 

In addition, the farming industry has had to find ways to reduce its power usage and costs while using more energy-efficient farming methods. 

And, what is the method?

Switching to Solar Energy!

Solar energy is one of those natural resources that are abundant. Sun provides more than enough power to feed Africa’s energy needs. Solar panels are a popular choice because they do not rely on fossil fuels—you can power lights, electronics, and even water pumps with solar energy for free. 

If you have a large property or live in an area where power outages are frequent (like Kenya), solar panels can save you significant amounts of money over time.

We at SunCulture work day in and day out to create cost and energy-efficient ways to harness the limitless power from the SUN for farmers all around Kenya. 

SunCulture solar pumps, rechargeable batteries, and other energy-efficient accessories help smallholder farmers cut costs on multiple levels. Furthermore, the products are powered by solar power, which reduces power consumption and costs.

And who doesn’t love a few extra KES, right?

Why do we need to switch to solar?

The first thing that pops into your head must be, Why do we need to change the traditional farming methods? 

We live in a world where stagnant progress is as bad as failing. The population is growing at alarming rates, but the conventional farming model cannot keep up with the growing demand of the populous.

We believe that economically and commercially viable agricultural methods are the need of the hour. 

Large power consumption and inefficient power producers have saturated the growth of the agricultural market—which needs to be dealt with at the earliest. 

Kenya, for instance, has suffered from water shortage at the farms and electricity cut-offs for far too long. It hinders smallholder farmers in their ability to grow their crops and businesses. 

As with many developing regions, Kenya is plagued with resource-related problems for years. Luckily, thanks to an abundance of sunlight (approximately 8 hours per day), the country is starting to consider solar energy more seriously.

Our product combos, such as RainMaker2 with ClimateSmart Battery, take advantage of solar energy to pump water out of underground reservoirs and store electricity for later use. 

SunCulture products support farmers in every way.

What can you do at the individual level to tackle this issue?

You will be surprised to know that you can adopt certain practices at the individual level to help reduce Power Costs by huge percentages. We will now discuss some of them:

  • Power Vampires Exist 

No, we are not kidding! These vampires stay with us, and we never notice them. Appliances like computers or televisions at your home, irrigation pumps at your farm, thermostats for silos, and other electric equipment continue to suck power even when they are not in use. 

You can either plug them out or connect them to smart power strips that disconnect them when they are not in use.

  • Buy Smart

Purchasing appliances for your agribusiness differ from household purchase. 

Buying energy-efficient technology can reduce your electricity consumption by as much as 50%, which translates to a huge reduction in cost. However, when choosing devices for your operation, you need to consider more than just the price. Energy-saving products work differently from conventional ones. Therefore, make sure they are compatible with your operation before you purchase them.

You will see the results in your bills, trust us.

  • LEDs are your Best Friends

When it comes to agriculture, you need to be equally active at night. Using the ancestral incandescent lamps is a waste of power and money. 

An easy way to cut back on power usage is by installing LED lights (although incandescent bulbs are very cheap, they use significantly more electricity). Switching from incandescent lights to CFLs saves about one-quarter of the energy used by each bulb—while costing less than $1 per year for electricity.

LEDs survive longer and are almost 35% more energy-efficient. Besides, they have a huge variety according to your business’s needs.

  • Don’t be Afraid of Audits

We know inspections and audits seem terrifying. But you know what’s even more frightening? 

Spending your hard-earned money on unnecessary bills. 

There’s no point in going green if you aren’t saving energy. 

All you need to do is hire a technical expert to check your business premises and let you know if there are any hidden reasons for your unexpectedly high bills. In some cases, you may need to replace certain appliances or equipment. Other times, a quick fix can do wonders—may be as simple as replacing your incandescent bulbs with LEDs!

What are the long-term remedies that can help Kenyan Farmers?

Although the methods we just discussed are effective, are they the go-to solutions? The answer is, a big NO! 

These methods may help you overcome your short-term goals—in the long run, you need more!

So, do we have any solution or are we done?

SunCulture has the answers to all your ailments. We are a group of innovative individuals working together to revolutionize the lives of smallholder farmers in Kenya.

What does SunCulture do?

In simple terms, we use the Sun to light up your world. We use off-grid solar technology to help you reduce your bills and solve all your power-related queries. 

We help you with irrigation, water supply, lighting, and mobile charging.   

We have created various products keeping in mind the abundance of Solar Power in Kenya. For instance, our RainMaker2C Kubwa, an optimized irrigation solution for up to a 2-acre farm, or the ClimateSmart Battery + TV—a combo that gives you a real-time weather-based recommendation for Irrigation Via SMS and comes with a 32” TV that you get as a bonus. 

We can provide you with solar-based drip irrigation methods that help you with water supplies and power cutting. The list of our revolutionary products goes on.

Go Solar with SunCulture

Need to reduce power usage and costs?

SunCulture can help you get started. Our team will visit and consult you, help you learn the mechanics of products, and 24 X 7 customer support to listen to all your questions.

What are you waiting for then? 

Grow your crop yields by 300% with SunCulture. 

Feel free to reach out to us at toll-free number 080 0721042 and join the revolution.

The post How Can Farmers Reduce Their Power Usage and Costs? appeared first on SunCulture.

This post first appeared on Sunculture Blogs, please read the originial post: here

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How Can Farmers Reduce Their Power Usage and Costs?
