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STM32 Microcontroller Embedded Database Library Receives ‘MadeForSTM32’ Label for Top Integration & Quality


Direct Insight, the UK-based technical systems integrator and reseller of system-on-module (SoM) and other embedded systems, has announced the immediate availability of ITTIA’s DB IoT, an embedded database library for STM32 microcontrollers. ITTIA is a leading provider of secure high-performance embedded data management software for microcontrollers and microprocessors. It is also an STMicroelectronics (ST)  Authorized …

STM32 Microcontroller Embedded Database Library Receives ‘MadeForSTM32’ Label for Top Integration & Quality Read More »

Der Beitrag STM32 Microcontroller Embedded Database Library Receives ‘MadeForSTM32’ Label for Top Integration & Quality erschien zuerst auf Electronics Update.

This post first appeared on Electronics Update, please read the originial post: here

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STM32 Microcontroller Embedded Database Library Receives ‘MadeForSTM32’ Label for Top Integration & Quality
