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Digital Customer Care Company Blog

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Blog about customer service
10 Best Practices for Technical Support Competition is a powerful driver in business, and top-notch technical support is a pivotal factor in competing successfully and in retaining customer… Read More
What do you think of when you hear the word “chatbot”? If you’re like most people, you probably think of clunky AI programs from the early days of the internet. But chatbot… Read More
Inbound customer service is all about the experience a client has when they reach out to you for help. Whether it’s via phone, email, or live chat, your goal should be to resolve their… Read More
A customer health score (CHS) is a numerical value that represents the overall health of a customer. The CHS can be used to help prioritize customers for engagement and intervention, and to… Read More
A good live chat function is an important part of ensuring your customers receive the great CX they’re entitled to. There are impressive stats supporting the benefits live chat can hol… Read More
Customer complaints are something every business will have to deal with – and most of them are pretty genuine and fairly run-of-the-mill. Sometimes though, customer complaints can be d… Read More
On average, it costs a brand five times more to recruit a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. In addition, highly engaged customers buy 90% more often, and are willing to pa… Read More
Building a mutually rewarding relationship with your customers is one of the best ways of getting some free publicity! Here we take a look at the power of conversational marketing – wh… Read More

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Digital Customer Care Company
