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How to Make an Extra 1000 a Month

It Would Change Your Whole Life

If you knew How to Make an Extra 1000 a Month, would you do the extra work it took?

Would you give up the extra time that it takes? Is there a certain amount of time that you are

okay with it taking to complete? Making an extra 1000 a month would be life changing for most

people. They would instantly go from just trying to make ends meet, to having a little extra

every month. According to the 2020 Financial Planning Survey in February of this year, 49%

of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. An extra $1,000 a month would be a game-changer.

Is It A Lot Of Work To Make An Extra $1000 A Month?

Not if you choose the right methods.

How Do I Get Started?

Just pick one. It’s as easy as throwing a dart at a list.

How Do I Acquire IPAs?

The easiest way is to get online and create one.

Can I make More Than 1000 A Month?

Without question. There are plenty of bloggers that are making over $100,000 per month.

Money Isn’t Free

The problem is that money isn’t free.  You always have to give up something in order to receive

more money. This is usually in the form of time as most people exchange time for money. Yet

there are other ways to make money as well, such as selling your possessions, using your skills

to provide a service, or using money to buy assets which also produce more money. Either way,

the process is the same and a person has to give up something in order to turn it

into money. 

The Easiest Price To Pay

The seemingly easiest way to make money is to trade time for it. This is what people are

taught as children and usually do when they grow into adulthood. They get a job, usually a 9 to 5,

and continually trade time for money until they are able to retire. I say seemingly because if a

person is given the choice, they usually look at trading their time at a regular job as being

easier than any other alternative.  People are usually quite content giving up 8 hours a

day of their life to ensure that they can pay their bills. Unfortunately, this is the most popular

method that we were all taught to be able to take care of ourselves. The reason it is unfortunate

is because it is the least likely method to ensure you have a comfortable retirement. Far too

many people come to the end of their professional lives with either no savings at all or

not enough to live comfortably. They are finally free from working, but have to pinch

pennies to be able to live.

The Best Price To Pay 

On the other hand, there is another way and it would make sure that you have a very happy

and content retirement. You would most likely be able to do the majority of things on your

bucket list, and would not have to constantly worry about day-to-day necessities. This method

is not only better because it gives you more money in the long run, but it also gives you more free

time as well. I am speaking of course of establishing multiple streams of residual

income. This comes in the form of acquiring income producing assets, and/or creating products

and services that will continually produce residual income. 

Income Producing Assets (IPAs)

So what are these magical items I speak of? An Income Producing Asset, or IPA, is anything that a

person acquires that provides a return of some sort, preferably for an extended amount of time.

So if you were to buy a work of art and it continued to increase in value, it would certainly be

considered an IPA. If you bought a stock that paid regular dividends, that would be considered

an IPA. If you wrote a book and published it on Amazon, it would provide income for years to come.

If you created anything that provided a royalty, it would also be considered an Income

Producing Asset. 

So What Is The Big Deal?

The big deal is that these are the keys to financial freedom. Think about it, they are a way to

make money while you sleep! As we all know from Warren Buffet,

Building additional streams of income, especially ones that are mostly passive and provide

residual income are the way to go. Acquiring income producing assets is how to make an

extra 1000 a month the easiest way possible.

Some will produce more than others, and in the beginning they will start small. 

The idea here is that if you combine a bunch of these together, they will provide you with

plenty of income and security in the future

This Is How To Make An Extra 1000 a month

The truest and most honest answer to this question is to build. Start establishing additional

streams of income any way that you can. Start small, and acquire or create whatever assets you

can that will provide income in the future.

Concentrate on one at a time, and get each stream established and working well. Then go

on to add another one, and another one. It is important to think of the cumulative total as a

whole. Add revenue streams one by one and eventually they will give you financial freedom

and the ability to dictate your life on your own terms. Think about it, wouldn’t it be great to be

able to do whatever you wanted trauma at any time. you wouldn’t have to go to a job

anymore, or answer to a boss of any sort. You would have true freedom to do whatever you wanted.

A lot of times this is the main factor  that drives most entrepreneurs to work 80 hours a week

to avoid working 40 hours a week for someone else. 

My List

So even though it took a lot of background, the main point of this post was to provide

ways to make an extra 1000 a month. Even though I could easily list well over a hundred

different ways to make extra money, I wanted to filter it down for you and provide some

of the best ways to accomplish this. Therefore I have put together a list of easy opportunities that

require either very little or no investment, and will help you reach your goal the fastest.

Let’s Go

  1. Creating video courses and selling them on Udemy and others – It is easier than ever to create a video course on a topic that you are good at. Depending on the amount of time you put in, you can make one or two courses a month. Like everything else this starts small, but before you know it becomes very large and gives you residual income for years to come.
  1. Amazon has made it unbelievably simple to self publish your own eBook. You can make them in paperback or audio form. There is no investment unless you want there to be to go faster, but to this day is another fantastic way to easily create an alternate stream of income.
  1. Designing t-shirts on a platform like Teespring, enables you to establish another stream of income. There is no upfront investment, and the more t-shirts you design the bigger this stream becomes. 
  1. Etsy is another great platform to utilize to offer printables. These are things like calendars, budgeting sheets and planners. It is easier than ever to create digital media that provides residual income on autopilot.

Bigger But Longer

There are many other methods to utilize as well, such as Niche blogging or a YouTube channel. The

reason I did not put them in the list above, is because they require a lot more time before they

become profitable. The catch here is that they can end up being ten thousand times more

lucrative than the ones that will produce money quickly. Both YouTube and Blogs are making

people millionaires every single day. It is up to you to decide if you want to commit

to one of these foundational methods.

Now What?

So the question from here is how do I go about this? How do I get started and how do I continue

to pay my bills in the meantime? There is a quote that says your 9-to-5 pays the bills, and your

6-to-10 builds the empire. You do not have to worry about the initial time investment or how you

are going to pay the bills. Start building these income streams on the side until they are big

enough to take the place of your regular job. Before you know it, you will be financially free and

able to do whatever you desire. All you have to do is pick one method and build it in your spare

time until it is well established and profitable. Then go and pick the next one and do the same thing.

Build income stream after income stream and eventually you will have more money than you

know what to do with.

Make An Extra 1000 A Month

So that’s it in a nutshell.  If you want to make an extra $1,000 a month, all you have to do is build.

The first four methods that I have listed above are the top methods that anyone can use. They are

the best ways to start establishing additional streams of income and get you started making

money the fastest. They also have little to no upfront investment required. Once you

have got a baseline established, you very well may choose to start one of the big options like

YouTube or blogging that will eventually allow you to earn as much money as you could possibly

want. It has never been easier to ensure a secure financial future.The only requirement is your

willingness to take the first step. Do not let fear and uncertainty keep you from making one of

the best decisions of your life.

Decide that you want more out of life and start building today.

The post How to Make an Extra 1000 a Month appeared first on Everlasting Entrepreneur.

This post first appeared on Everlasting Entrepreneur, please read the originial post: here

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How to Make an Extra 1000 a Month


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