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Get Rid Of Neck Fat Double Chin

Get Rid Of Neck Fat Double Chin – Submental fullness, also known as a Double Chin, is a condition that many people suffer from throughout their lives. While excess fat under your chin doesn’t usually signal a health problem, it can hamper one’s confidence and self-esteem. In years past, only major cosmetic surgery could fix the problem, but now there’s an FDA-approved injection that can permanently remove unwanted fat cells, without the risks associated with surgery or significant downtime.

A Double chin, otherwise known as “submental fullness” is caused by a layer of fat that has built up under the chin, and over time becomes large enough to form a crease that gives the impression of one or more extra chins. A double chin is usually associated with weight gain, but you don’t always have to be overweight to have one: genetics or sagging skin from aging can also cause a double chin.

Get Rid Of Neck Fat Double Chin

Weight gain is the most common cause of a double chin. When you gain weight, fat is deposited all over your body, including your face and under your chin. Depending on your body type, weight gain on and around your face can sneak up on you. If you have a bigger build, a few extra pounds around your hips or stomach might go unnoticed, until one day you turn on your side in front of the mirror and get an unpleasant surprise. A little fat on the body can be easily hidden with loose clothing, but there aren’t many ways to hide fat on the face.

Double Chin Liposuction

Aging can also contribute to submental fullness because as we age, we lose collagen and consequently the elasticity of our skin. Skin aging is a natural part of aging, but there are certain factors that can speed up the process, such as poor diet, sun exposure, or smoking.

A person’s posture while using our smartphones, laptops and tablets, for example, can also change their profile. We tend to look down and crane our necks to see what we are doing while using them, which is one of the worst possible positions for our neck and chin.

Other factors beyond our control, such as facial structure and genetics, can also contribute to a double or triple chin.

There are various ways to reduce the appearance of submental fullness, such as neck and face exercises, lifestyle changes, and medical options. Physical exercises that work the muscles of the neck and face are good for you, but if done alone instead of in conjunction with other treatment options, they are unlikely to produce significant results.

You Can’t Gua Sha Away A Double Chin

Lifestyle changes, such as improving your diet and exercising regularly, can reduce fat all over your body, including your chin, while improving your overall health. Recent scientific breakthroughs now offer the possibility of fat cells under the chin melting away naturally, non-surgically, thanks to a new FDA-approved pharmaceutical injection that is administered in an office setting.

René Recinos, M.D. Ph.D. explains, “For those people who want to get rid of fat under the chin, there is a good option available, it’s called Kybella. It is a prescription drug that is injected, in an office setting, into the fat under the chin. It causes the fat cells under the chin to dissolve through natural processes.”

“Most people who undergo this treatment need between 2 and 6 monthly treatments, for the best effect. How many treatments are needed depends on how much fat is present and how much effect the person wants.” says Dr. Recinos, a plastic surgeon at the Mason City Clinic who is board-certified in the administration of Kybella.

The most common side effects of Kybella include swelling, pain, numbness, redness, and hardness of tissue in the treatment area. More serious side effects such as nerve injury, bleeding infection, swallowing problems, hair loss, and open sores from dead tissue at the injection site are rare but possible.

Plus Size Models Are Getting Double Chin Removal Procedures, According To Plastic Surgeons

The best way to find out if you are a candidate for Kybella is to consult with a trained physician. Mason City Clinic’s board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons are highly skilled and experienced. René Recinos, M.D. Ph.D. is certified in the use of Kybella and has used it with good success in his patients. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 641-494-5360. Are you tired of the fullness under your chin that makes you look chubby and uncomfortable when you go out? Whether it’s a new problem or one you’ve been struggling with for a while, you need a long-term solution to it. If you are interested in removing stubborn submental fat and improving the appearance of your neck, make an appointment with Dr. David Shokrian at Millennial Plastic Surgery. He determines whether you are a good candidate for cosmetic procedures, discusses surgical and non-surgical treatment options, and recommends the best procedure for removing excess fat, smoothing the skin, and shaping the submental area.

A double chin can be the result of genetics, loose skin or weight gain. Medically referred to as submental obesity, a double chin is not only unsightly, but also affects your overall appearance and personality. In order to effectively deal with a double chin and get rid of it for good, you must first understand what it is, where it comes from, and what it means to your body and health.

If you are overweight, the best initial treatment is diet and exercise, but sometimes chin and neck fat can be stubborn. In that case, you may need help to regain your slim and elegant profile.l

Submental fat or submental fat is a common problem that occurs when an excess layer of fat builds up between the chin. A double chin is often associated with weight gain, but you don’t necessarily have to be overweight or obese to have one. Sometimes genetics or sagging skin as a result of aging can also lead to a double chin, which often becomes extremely difficult to get rid of.

The Non Invasive Way To Dissolve A Double Chin

It affects young and old, men and women alike, and can happen for several reasons. Many people try to lose an impressive amount of weight by improving their lifestyle and eating habits, but are still plagued by submental fat. The good news is that you don’t have to live with a double chin and feel bad every time you look in the mirror because there are so many ways to get rid of it.

Here are some options that can effectively remove the double chin and give a slimmer neck and face.

Kybella is a unique FDA-approved agent called deoxycholic acid that improves satiety associated with submental fat. It is a bile acid, which is normally produced by the body, and which helps in the absorption of fat during the digestive process. When injected into the submental fat tissue, Kybella causes a reaction in the fat cells, permanently destroying them and preventing the body from storing fat in the chin area.

It is a non-surgical, safe and effective option that has revolutionized the way double chins are removed. It works well for patients whose double chin is caused by excess fat and who have mild to moderate excess skin and gives amazing, natural results after just one session. It also helps in tightening the skin and sharpening the chin profile.

Top 3 Double Chin Reduction Methods

The specialist gives several small injections under the chin. This process takes about 15 to 20 minutes. The exact number of injections depends on the fatty tissue under the chin and the profile you want. If more than one Kybella session is required, treatments are usually spaced approximately 6 weeks apart. Most patients report immediate results after one Kybella treatment.

Kybella is injected after a topical numbing medicine is applied to the chin. A sticker with a diagram template is placed on the area to determine the amount of chemical needed to be injected. As of now, Kybella is only intended for injection into the submental region. There is a good chance that it will be used on other parts of the body, but currently its use on any area other than the chin is prohibited.

The most common side effects of Kybella include swelling, pain, numbness, redness, and hardness in the treatment area. If you experience any other symptoms, call your doctor for advice.

CoolSculpting is another non-surgical option that helps remove stubborn fat under the chin safely and effectively. This method uses a process known as cryolipolysis, where a device freezes and destroys fat cells, just below the surface of the skin, by exposing them to freezing temperatures.

Reduce Double Chin. Get Rid Of Face And Neck Fat Concept. 3716532 Vector Art At Vecteezy

Although the term CoolSculpting often refers to the cryolipolysis process, it is actually a brand name for a specific medical device used to achieve cryolipolysis.

CoolSculpting is the only FDA-approved procedure that uses controlled cooling to safely target and remove fat that won’t go away with diet and exercise. Its results are proven, visible and permanent, which ensures you a great look.

During the procedure, the specialist applies gel pads to the targeted areas and then goes over them with the device. He may also use an applicator cup with a vacuum to draw the tissue into the cup. IN

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This post first appeared on Changing Your Business, please read the originial post: here

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Get Rid Of Neck Fat Double Chin


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