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Texas Urges Court to Decide on CHNV Parole Program

My brave ones! Once again, I find myself here, bringing you the best summary of the topics that, in my opinion, are the most relevant of the week and of interest to our immigrant community.   

Let’s begin and don’t miss this important information!

New Biden Executive Order Could Transform the Lives of Immigrants in Key States 

The Biden Administration is considering a groundbreaking executive order that would allow 1.1 million undocumented immigrants, married to U.S. citizens, to apply for a Green Card. Additionally, this measure would significantly impact key states like Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia, with a high concentration of voters in mixed-status households. 

The campaign, backed by American Families United, has the support of the American Business Immigration Coalition. Similarly, over 1,400 CEOs and employers, along with 150 mayors and bipartisan legislators, have expressed their support. 

Consequently, this executive order would not only grant protection against deportation but also provide an Employment Authorization Document and the possibility of obtaining a Green Card. For this reason, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus strongly supports this measure, seeking to offer a legal and viable solution for millions of families. 

In summary, the implementation of this executive order would represent a significant change in immigration policy, benefiting both immigrant families and the economies of the states involved. 

Related topic: Biden Administration Issues New Rules for Asylum in the U.S. 

Texas Urges Court to Decide on CHNV Parole Program

This Monday, Texas requested the Fifth Circuit to expedite the review of the appeal on the Parole Program benefiting Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans. A coalition of 21 states, led by Texas, expressed concerns about potential additional financial strains if the appeal is not expedited and requested that oral arguments be scheduled before September. 

Additionally, Texas warned that if the normal process continues, “thousands more could obtain parole,” as the case adjudication could extend over a year. For example, between October 2022 and June 2023, DHS favorably adjudicated nearly 97% of the 195,000 applications, with 14,000 beneficiaries choosing Texas as their destination. 

In March, the federal judge dismissed the initial lawsuit, indicating that the states did not suffer financial harm and had no right to challenge the program. For this reason, the plaintiff states emphasize that a quick appeal would benefit all parties, allowing for a faster resolution of the litigation. 

Although the federal government opposes the motion, it has not yet formally responded to the court. Finally, if the Fifth Circuit rules in favor of the states, the parole program could be halted, affecting thousands of migrants who depend on it to reunite with their families and create economic opportunities in the United States. 

Continue reading: Importance of Advance Parole During the Green Card Process


ICE to Secure Resources for Immigration Law Enforcement 

ICE announced new financial measures to continue ensuring the fulfillment of its functions. Among them, repatriation flights to destinations in South America and the Eastern Hemisphere, including countries like Colombia, Peru, Egypt, among others, will continue. With this measure, the entity seeks to maintain the average of 29 weekly flights it has had so far. 

Additionally, these actions are aligned with the Presidential Proclamation of June 4, 2024, and the Border Security Interim Final Rule. To this end, charter flights will be optimized to maximize repatriations, expanding deportation destinations to new regions. 

ICE ensures that these actions are implemented in a fiscally responsible manner and in compliance with Congressional requirements. Likewise, ongoing diplomatic efforts have allowed for an expansion in the number of countries receiving deportees, thus accelerating the deportations of individuals without a legal basis to remain in the United States. 

On the other hand, the agency adapts to the changing operational needs of immigration control with these new flights. Finally, ICE will continue to evaluate and adjust resources to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of deportations, ensuring the fulfillment of its functions effectively and responsibly. 

More on this topic: USCIS is Unreasonably Delaying U Visas, Federal Judge Says 


States Sue Department of Labor Over New Protections for H-2A Workers 

A group of Republican attorneys general has sued the Department of Labor (DOL) in Georgia over the new rule on protections for H-2A workers. Kansas leads the lawsuit, with other states like Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, and Texas joining. 

The DOL rule, effective June 28, reinforces protections for H-2A workers, including the right to collective action. However, the DOL clarifies that the rule does not grant collective bargaining rights to these workers. 

Likewise, the states argue that the rule contradicts the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and claim that the DOL has no authority under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA). The plaintiffs are asking the court to delay the effective date of the rule and halt its implementation. 

The new protections include the right to collective action, allowing workers to organize and act jointly in defense of their labor rights. Additionally, they grant the option not to attend mandatory employer meetings on unionization, known as “captive audience meetings.” 

The impact on the immigrant community will be significant, improving their ability to defend their labor rights and demand fair conditions. However, it could create tensions with employers. 

Related article: New Asylum Policy: The Race Against Time to Find a Lawyer 


This week, in La Lupa Electoral, a space created to inform our immigrant community about politics and pedagogy, in the context of the 2024 presidential elections: 


La Lupa Electoral – Electoral Crossroads: Latinos Support Biden, but Young People Explore New Alternatives 

These presidential elections continue to be a topic of discussion. The swing states (Arizona, North Carolina, Nevada, Texas, and Pennsylvania), essential for securing votes in November, will determine the next president. In these states, Latinos have leaned towards supporting Biden (59%) over Trump (39%). 

Additionally, young Latinos have also made their voices heard. In this section of the electorate, there is a notable disenchantment with the bipartisan system. This is where Robert F. Kennedy Jr. emerges as a progressive alternative option, with 12% support among young Latino voters (18 to 39 years old). 

However, despite rumors of increasing Hispanic support for Trump, the real issue is the voter shift towards alternative options or abstention. On specific policy issues, Latinos support Trump over Biden in border management. 

On the other hand, third-party voters among Latinos tend to be younger, with women being more inclined to explore these options, at 62%. 

Latino opinion is divided: Trump leads in border security (55%) and keeping the country out of any war (51%). On the other hand, Biden has more support in reducing medical costs (59%) and reducing gun violence (63%). 

Remember, promises evaporate, actions do not. Adjust now. 

If you need advice to regularize your immigration status, contact us; we are here to help you. 


You might be interested in this video: U.S. Government Rolls Out a Key Policy to Protect Migrant Minors 


This was the most important immigration news of the week. See you next Friday. 

Stay informed of the latest immigration news, proposals, laws, changes, and benefits for our immigrant community. 

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The post Texas Urges Court to Decide on Chnv Parole Program appeared first on Quiroga Law Office, PLLC.

This post first appeared on Quiroga Law Office, please read the originial post: here

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Texas Urges Court to Decide on CHNV Parole Program
